User | Rank | Reason |
Cecil_Hardboner | 5 | |
jjjoebox | 6 | |
owlalwaysloveyew | 8 | |
bakonydraco | 9 | 77.35 |
BallSoHerd | 9 | |
DisraeliEers | 9 | |
malowry0124 | 10 | |
Rakarei | 10 | |
dan4223 | 11 | |
Darth_Ra | 11 | |
DataDrivenPirate | 11 | |
practicallybert | 11 | |
RegionalBias | 11 | |
spsellers | 11 | |
Longvols | 12 | |
orbania | 12 | |
djowen68 | 13 | |
King-Clover | 13 | |
placid_salad | 13 | |
PumpSmash | 13 | |
RiffRamBahZoo | 13 | |
seaotter2 | 13 | |
thexraptor | 13 | |
ya111101 | 13 | |
BlueSCar | 14 | |
Charlemagne42 | 14 | Computer ranking: 6 |
dogwoodmaple | 14 | |
Hobbes_121 | 14 | |
MoneyManeVick | 14 | |
Polarbear1914 | 14 | |
srs_house | 14 | |
52hoova | 15 | |
deadtofall12 | 15 | |
Meany_Vizzini | 15 | 13.5, +0.8, +3 |
Nathanael-Greene | 15 | |
not_folie | 15 | |
NyquillusDillwad20 | 15 | |
RavenclawWiz816 | 15 | |
ScarletFever333 | 15 | |
TheReformedBadger | 15 | |
A_Rolling_Baneling | 16 | |
CommodoreN7 | 16 | |
coogs35 | 16 | |
DrKennethJNoisewater | 16 | |
GeauxTri | 16 | |
Red261 | 16 | |
Techwid | 16 | |
thomasosu | 16 | |
vanburen1845 | 16 | |
12panther | 17 | |
Branzilla91 | 17 | |
bwburke94 | 17 | |
Cassiyus | 17 | |
chweris | 17 | |
cornholesurfer | 17 | |
e8odie | 17 | |
EpicSchwinn | 17 | |
Johnnycockseed | 17 | |
NotSoSuperNerd | 17 | 23.63 |
typicaliconoclast | 17 | |
_fastball | 18 | |
Arteza147 | 18 | No movement |
Bank_Gothic | 18 | |
bties | 18 | |
CambodianDrywall | 18 | |
Casaiir | 18 | |
CptCheese | 18 | |
dicky_________seamus | 18 | |
grjohnst | 18 | |
jmt85 | 18 | |
joebob431 | 18 | |
MahjongDaily | 18 | |
molodyets | 18 | |
noahthearc | 18 | |
nw____ | 18 | Meh performance. What’s going on with Rodriguez? Would he have made that game look any better? |
olmsted | 18 | |
Omegaus492 | 18 | |
plannedsickdays | 18 | |
SportingMoose | 18 | |
stesser | 18 | |
TaylorLeprechaun | 18 | +3 |
teddythe3rd | 18 | |
Acm0028 | 19 | |
badgers4194 | 19 | |
BUSean | 19 | |
cinciforthewin | 19 | |
CockADoodleBOOM | 19 | |
Conglossian | 19 | |
DarthYoda2594 | 19 | |
fourpinz8 | 19 | |
GoBlueScrewOSU7 | 19 | |
ikindalikelemons | 19 | |
JeromesNiece | 19 | |
jmac_21 | 19 | |
monkeymatt1836 | 19 | |
nemoran | 19 | |
peachios | 19 | beat blaine gabbert at miami, great game for the offense |
PrimalCookie | 19 | -1 |
realclean | 19 | |
ReallyCreative | 19 | |
T-nawtical | 19 | |
Thorteris | 19 | |
wesman212 | 19 | |
Blooblod | 20 | |
boxman151515 | 20 | |
Buckeyes2010 | 20 | |
Chucky1539 | 20 | |
CollegeGolf69 | 20 | |
crimsonlaw | 20 | |
cyclonepsycho | 20 | |
DarkLegend64 | 20 | |
darkra01 | 20 | |
Drexlore | 20 | |
Hackasizlak | 20 | |
I_am_bot_beep_boop | 20 | |
IAmAChemicalEngineer | 20 | |
NoMorning6152 | 20 | |
physedka | 20 | |
Pollaski | 20 | |
RheagarTargaryen | 20 | After a too close for comfort first half, they took care of Bowling Green with was in the second half. |
RollWarTideEagle | 20 | |
scronko | 20 | |
Staind075 | 20 | |
SteemieRayVaughn | 20 | |
tallg8tor | 20 | |
TrojanMan35T | 20 | |
VerySeriousBanana | 20 | |
WarEagle9 | 20 | |
woakley | 20 | |
Xtremeloco | 20 | |
ALStark69 | 21 | -3 Biggest riser: Florida (UR->15) |
BamaPride95 | 21 | |
Blazeth | 21 | |
Ch-i-ef | 21 | Ok but nobody reads these anyway so who caaares if I do 'rationalize' my rankings |
corundum9 | 21 | |
Feral_Squirrel | 21 | |
Helifino | 21 | |
IceColdDrPepper_Here | 21 | No movement or any real comments. Offense looks worse without Rodriguez at RB |
kamiller2020 | 21 | |
lillipup03 | 21 | |
ndbroski | 21 | |
one98d | 21 | |
Pikachu1989 | 21 | |
PromEmperorHarbaugh | 21 | |
sasmith2015 | 21 | |
ShamusJohnson13 | 21 | That first half was uuuuuuuuggggggglllllyyyyy. |
tdeff19 | 21 | |
TDenverFan | 21 | |
TheJeemTeam | 21 | |
tmothy07 | 21 | |
Zloggt | 21 | |
aggiebruin27 | 22 | |
fo13 | 22 | |
icklebush | 22 | |
MWiatrak2077 | 22 | Grimy win against the Redhawks. 22 seems fair. |
StevvieV | 22 | |
ThaCarter | 22 | |
ucieaters33 | 22 | |
AllHawkeyesGoToHell | 23 | |
COLU_BUS | 23 | |
Corporal_Hicks | 23 | |
galacticdude7 | 23 | |
Jakesnake42 | 23 | 58.48 (Preseason #18) |
JCiLee | 23 | |
Mr_Brews | 23 | |
Our-Gardian-Angel | 23 | Week 1: Kentucky 37, Miami (OH) 13 Record: 1-0 The 13-10 halftime lead was concerning, but the Wildcats put any upset bid dreams to bed with a dominating second half. Mark Stoops tied Bear Bryant for the all-time UK lead with his 60th win. He's turned Kentucky into a consistent winner that occasionally features ugly victories, so a sluggish start in Week 1 is nothing to worry about. |
SlaminSammons | 23 | |
thegreendalegelf | 23 | |
Ticklebump | 23 | |
TopGoose | 23 | |
buckeyegold | 24 | |
CFBHurts | 24 | |
HelioOne | 24 | |
mellolizard | 24 | |
Striker743 | 24 | |
BigBoutros | 25 | |
bretticus33 | 25 | Kentucky took care of business against Miami (OH) but now with the Wildcats going to Florida, can Will Levis shoulder the offense against the Gators since it seems like Chris Rodriguez won't be playing? And how does the UK defense do against Richardson? |
cfbguy | 25 | |
falconlover79 | 25 | |
relax_on_the_mat | 25 | |
SpadeRyker | 25 | |
UNC_Samurai | 25 |