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2019 Week 12 Penn State Nittany Lions Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Fmeson 4
I_am_bot_beep_boop 4
Sproded 4
The-Gothic-Castle 4
theb52 4 56.889
Blazeth 5 I know "quality loss" is a meme, but it really wasn't a bad loss, and they still have better wins than who I have directly below them for the most part.
CertifiedSheep 5
confirmd_am_engineer 5
Conglossian 5
DoveFood 5
frumious88 5 -2
Greflingorax 5 -2
Hey_Its_Roomie 5
malowry0124 5
MoneyManeVick 5
owl-bears 5
twosheepforanore 5
_Brazenhead_ 6 A good team with some good wins, once thought to be a playoff caliber team. Loss to Minnesota is not as bad as some might think, since I've ranked Minnesota 5th now. It wasn't a blow out loss and was competitive. Given the attached-at-the-hip sense I have of Georgia, Florida, Auburn, and Oregon, it really came down to comparing them head-to-head with Georgia, the head of that series. And Georgia's loss is bad where as Penn State's is to a now-top-5 team.
ArtificialBadger 6
BlueSCar 6
boonamobile 6
Charlemagne42 6 [1831] (-3)
Colton3690 6
dan4223 6
DarkLegend64 6 -1
dicky_________seamus 6
DisraeliEers 6
fo13 6
GenialGiant 6 Penn State's loss was a rough one, but they still have a shot to bounce back and make the playoffs.
halldaylong 6
hokies220 6 (Computer #6: Auburn) PSU is still a fantastic team and shouldn't fall for losing a close game on the road to another fantastic team. But I bet Bama will still laughably be ranked ahead.
hypercube42342 6 -1
hythloday1 6
Jakesnake42 6 I think Penn St has the best resume of the 1 loss teams.Last Week: 3
jrichardh 6
laminak 6
ndhuskerpower 6
noahthearc 6
qacha 6
Red261 6
ruwisc 6
ryseing 6
SCsprinter13 6
SearonTrejorek 6 0.70255
soonerfreak 6
studio_sally 6
T-nawtical 6
tabelz 6
TheJeemTeam 6
tmothy07 6
bread_buddy 7
bwburke94 7
ChickenTaco 7
cmdrcaboose2 7
dabul-master 7
DafoeFoSho 7
ExternalTangents 7 22.8
GoBlueScrewOSU7 7
huskerfan4life520 7
joebob431 7
kflinderman 7
LeinadSpoon 7
lk6 7
Mario_Speedwagon 7
MarlinsGuy 7
moistats_ 7 I will not punish Penn State too much of the close loss against Minnesota. I do think the win streak from Iowa to Michigan State was impressive, all games score an A-grade by ESPN FPI standards. This team is all-around remarkable and has potential to make some noise against Ohio State. The thing holding them back is simply conference affiliation due to less opportunities (Georgia has more peak wins).
njm1314 7
OskeewowwowIL 7
Our-Gardian-Angel 7
r0sco 7
RagingWombats 7
SantiagoRamon 7
Saxasaurus 7
ScarletFever333 7
ShogunAshoka 7
soonersthebetter 7
spasm01 7
Spiral-Pilot 7
T-Thugs 7 Penn State is 8-1 with a loss to Minnesota. They have wins over Michigan (7-2), Iowa (6-3), and Pittsburgh (6-3). 
THECrew42 7
TossedRightOut 7
VerySeriousBanana 7
Wurst_Law 7
ya111101 7
ACCBiggz 8
andrewthestudent 8
Arsenal7X 8
BabyBladder 8
brobroma 8
buckeyegold 8
BugsSuck 8
Cassiyus 8
coreyfra 8
Daigotsu 8
DavoinShower-handle 8
DonnieNarco 8
DrKennethJNoisewater 8
emueagles 8
Ghost_of_Dude 8
Hackasizlak 8
hascogrande 8
Helifino 8
IAmAChemicalEngineer 8
JaxofAllTrades13 8
JeromesNiece 8
Johnnycockseed 8
luckroy 8
mnmmatt 8
myghtymouse 8
nbingham196 8
Pollaski 8
puffadda 8
PureCFR 8
retnuh101 8
RiffRamBahZoo 8
seaotter2 8
Striker743 8 Down 3 - close loss on the road to top 10 team
stripes361 8
tallg8tor 8
TanzaniaMagic 8
theReluctantHipster 8 win vs. Michigan (No. 26), loss vs. Minnesota.
Ticklebump 8
ttsci 8
typicaliconoclast 8
WarEagle9 8
WeenisWrinkle 8
113milesprower 9
A-Stu-Ute 9
Acm0028 9
admiraltarkin 9
AGSattack 9
Andtheyrustledsoftly 9
bgr308 9
Bill3ffinMurray 9
Blooblod 9
BlueFalcon89 9
BorisNumber1 9
BosskOnASegway 9 Playoff: 12% (gross they are over Minnesota, but can't change the numbers)
boxbeat 9
boxman151515 9
Branzilla91 9
buckeyes75 9
CambodianDrywall 9
captain_sasquatch 9
chrisb19 9
cinciforthewin 9
conchobor 9
corundum9 9
crownebeach 9 Lost a road game to a good team, whatever. The games aren't played on paper, and Minnie is deservedly higher in the AP Poll, but I still think Penn State is the bigger threat to Ohio State.
DarthYoda2594 9
DeceptiveSpeed 9
Dropbackandpunt 9
e8odie 9
eclectic_tastes 9
G-manP 9
GeauxAllDay 9
HelioOne 9
Hobbes_121 9
jlh2b 9
jnoobs13 9
jputna 9
jshokie1 9
JustAManAndHisLaptop 9
kelctex 9
LEGEN--wait_for_it 9
Lex_Ludorum 9
mango_lion 9
Miami_da_U 9
Nathanael-Greene 9
Omegaus492 9
orbania 9
Papalew32 9
peachios 9 decent/big win against michigan is holding them up pretty well, and a loss to an undefeated team as well, seem like they shouldn't drop far either.
pileatedloon 9
Rakarei 9
ReallyCreative 9
RegulatorRWF 9
RMathis13 9 486
SometimesY 9
steelcitygator 9
strikersteve60 9
TDenverFan 9
Texasagsman 9
tjstanley 9
ToeInDigDeep 9
TopGoose 9
topher3003 9
ucieaters33 9
Wescat 9
Xtremeloco 9
Zerosa 9
Zloggt 9
311polo 10
Apep86 10
bakonydraco 10
BallSoHerd 10
bernkastel87 10
BigBoutros 10 ya dun goophed
Brostradamus_ 10
Buckeyes2010 10
Cars-and-Coffee 10
Chris-P-Creme 10
chweris 10
CockADoodleBOOM 10
CoopertheFluffy 10
CountryRoads8 10
crimsonlaw 10 What a disappointing loss for the Nittany Lions. I really thought this would be their year to maybe win the conference. Maybe next year.
d_mcc_x 10
dasani3x 10
deadtofall12 10
DEP61 10
djowen68 10
esoterik 10
Extra_Excrement 10
fadingthought 10
grjohnst 10
JCiLee 10
JonesUCF34 10
justsaynotoreddit 10
kdcoltred 10
Knightro2011 10
KobeOrNotKobe 10
mellolizard 10
No11223456 10
noodlethebear 10
Pieisgood186 10
PumpSmash 10
RatherBeYachting 10
royrules22 10
ryumast3r 10
scotsworth 10
scronko 10
ShamusJohnson13 10
SPRX97 10
spsellers 10
tdeff19 10
Techwid 10
thexraptor 10
toocleverbyhalf 10
UNC_Samurai 10
W_Is_For_Will 10
zacheiny 10
52hoova 11
alextoyalex 11
BamaPride95 11
blahblehblahwhoru 11
bobsled_time 11
bties 11
BUSean 11
cajunaggie08 11
cfbguy 11
CFSparta92 11
ChemicalOle 11
cms186 11
diastereomer 11
Feral_Squirrel 11
funtubs 11
G-Aardvark 11
GatorAndrew 11
gbuntin 11
GilBrandt 11
goblue10 11
Harmbert_ 11
icklebush 11
igloo27 11
jmac_21 11
kelling928 11
keytide22 11
LiptonCB 11
lkeg56demn 11
Longvols 11
MammothMan34 11
monkeymatt1836 11
MrTheSpork 11
nburt13 11
nejaahalcyon 11
nemoran 11
orboth 11
owl_man 11
PalmettoFace 11
pascha 11
PHubbs 11
plannedsickdays 11
relax_on_the_mat 11
roaddogg 11
sasmith2015 11
Sophocles5 11
surreptitioussloth 11
TaylorLeprechaun 11 -6
teddythe3rd 11
thegreendalegelf 11
ThePUNisher96 11
ToLongDR 11
Trogdor42069 11
wesman212 11
woakley 11
BobDeLaSponge 12
buttforaface 12
darkra01 12
digdat0 12
FellKnight 12
HarbingerOfFun 12
Hoflax24 12
jeedf 12
Pikachu1989 12
tks231 12
vanburen1845 12
Frognosticator 13
galacticdude7 13
Keener1899 13
SSJRoshi 13
TheFlyingBoat 13 I was down on their QB for a long time and boy am I vindicated.
TheZachster 13
Laschoni 14
polydorr 14
RobertNeyland 14
ThaCarter 14
taloncarde 15
fshi 17

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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