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2023 Final Ole Miss Rebels Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
_n8n8_ 5
GeauxTri 6
plannedsickdays 6
srs_house 6
Acm0028 7
arrowfan624 7
BamaPride95 7
conchobor 7
cyberchaox 7
ewolfy13 7 They looked great and should be returning a lot. Losing their RB will hurt but their offense looked great. Will definitely be a top 10 preseason team
JustAManAndHisLaptop 7
Keener1899 7
Maladroit44 7
NotSoSuperNerd 7 6.21 (11-2)
Pablo49 7 +6
Red261 7
ruwisc 7
Staind075 7
tallg8tor 7
TopGoose 7
aggiebruin27 8
Archaic_1 8
bannista7 8
Blazeth 8
BorisNumber1 8
boxbeat 8
Cars-and-Coffee 8
Cassiyus 8
Cecil_Hardboner 8
Charlemagne42 8 389
ChaseTheFalcon 8 +4
corundum9 8
dabul-master 8
DarkLegend64 8
DarthYoda2594 8
djowen68 8
Dropbackandpunt 8
Due_Connection179 8 Another team scared to see any ESPN breaking news for the new Bama coach. If he and Dart stay, they should be in the 12-team CFP next season.
fadingthought 8
Foxmcbowser42 8
GenialGiant 8
Hackasizlak 8
Hey_Its_Roomie 8
I_am_bot_beep_boop 8
IceColdDrPepper_Here 8
ikindalikelemons 8
kdcoltred 8
Knightro2011 8
luckroy 8 Pot 5
Mr_Brews 8
nburt13 8
nw____ 8
one98d 8
practicallybert 8
PrimalCookie 8
PumpSmash 8
RiffRamBahZoo 8
Ruhrgebietheld 8
shadowwingnut 8
sirgippy 8
SwissArmyScythe 8 +2
T-nawtical 8
ttsci 8
typicaliconoclast 8
VerySeriousBanana 8
w8w8 8
washington_jefferson 8
ya111101 8
12panther 9
_fastball 9
ALStark69 9 +3
AudiieVerbum 9
BallSoHerd 9
Bank_Gothic 9
BearsAreGreat1 9
bernkastel87 9
BigBoutros 9
Bill3ffinMurray 9
boxman151515 9
bties 9
BUSean 9
CambodianDrywall 9
Casaiir 9
cfbguy 9
Ch-i-ef 9
ChemicalOle 9
Chris-P-Creme 9
chweris 9
cornholesurfer 9
CptCheese 9
creative_penguin 9
D1N2Y 9 +1
DaewooLanosMFerrr 9
Daigotsu 9
DampFrijoles 9
dan4223 9
dasani3x 9
DavoinShower-handle 9
DisraeliEers 9
Drexlore 9
e8odie 9
esoterik 9
Extra_Excrement 9
falconlover79 9
fourpinz8 9
fredmerc111 9
fshi 9
galacticdude7 9
GatorBolt 9 An NY6 berth and madness in the portal. What a time to be in Oxford as the Expanded Playoff looms.
GilBrandt 9
hascogrande 9
Helifino 9
HelioOne 9
Hobbes_121 9
Hugefootballfan44 9 LW: 11
IAmAChemicalEngineer 9
icklebush 9
Jakesnake42 9 78.08 Last Week: #12
jeedf 9
JonesUCF34 9
jrichardh 9
KirbyDumber88 9
lillipup03 9
LiptonCB 9
MADBuc49 9
magnumweiner 9
MahjongDaily 9
malowry0124 9
Megalomanizac 9
mellolizard 9
monkeymatt1836 9
MrTheSpork 9
MWiatrak2077 9
nbingham196 9
nemoran 9
nin478 9
olmsted 9
Omegaus492 9
Our-Gardian-Angel 9
outthawazoo 9
owl_man 9
PalmettoFace 9
peachios 9
physedka 9
Pikachu1989 9
pileatedloon 9
PromEmperorHarbaugh 9
rain_parkour 9
Rakarei 9
RollWarTideEagle 9
romulusjsp 9
royrules22 9
ryseing 9
sasmith2015 9
scronko 9
SearonTrejorek 9 0.81470
soonerfreak 9
soonersthebetter 9
Sophocles5 9
spasm01 9
Sproded 9
stripes361 9
TaylorLeprechaun 9 +2
tdeff19 9
teddythe3rd 9
Texasagsman 9
TheZachster 9
Ticklebump 9
tjstanley 9
TossedRightOut 9
TouchdownHeroes 9
UNC_Samurai 9
velociraptorfarmer 9
wameron 9
WarEagle9 9
wesman212 9
WolverineDDS 9
Xtremeloco 9
YellowSkarmory 9
Zloggt 9 Hotty Toddy! It was quite a Peachy battle of Ole Miss and Penn State, two teams often said to be bridesmaids but never brides within their respective conferences (or fulfilling similar ecological niches, if you wanna be nerdy). Seemed to be quite a 50/50 matchup, right? Down to the bone, even! But alas, everyone knows of just how much most felines dislike aquatic environments, and this particular pride of Nittany Lions is no exception. Unfortunately, once the Nittany Lions had to face off against a coach of FRESHWATER, it seemed as if it would have never begun in the first place (except the few times where PSU was ahead but ignore it for the funny spiel I'm doing)...indeed doomed to defeat against a bunch of fiesty Landsharks. What a season for the Rebs!
AlexanderComet 10
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 10
BabyBladder 10
blahblehblahwhoru 10
Blooblod 10
BlueSCar 10
BugsSuck 10
CFBHurts 10
Corgi_Koala 10
d_mcc_x 10
darkra01 10
deadtofall12 10
digdat0 10
EpicSchwinn 10
frumious88 10
GoBlueScrewOSU7 10
grjohnst 10
HarbingerOfFun 10
hendarvich 10
huskerfan4life520 10
hythloday1 10
jalexjsmithj 10
JCiLee 10
jimbobbypaul 10 34.64
jlh2b 10
joebob431 10
kflinderman 10
Lex_Ludorum 10
Longvols 10
noodlethebear 10
Noy_Telinu 10
NyquillusDillwad20 10
owlalwaysloveyew 10
Polarbear1914 10
Pollaski 10
posiitively 10
Pure_Protein_Machine 10
ReallyCreative 10
RegionalBias 10
SCsprinter13 10
seaotter2 10
ShogunAshoka 10
SlaminSammons 10
Sometimeswelose 10
SpadeRyker 10
SteemieRayVaughn 10
Striker743 10
strikersteve60 10
studio_sally 10
thexraptor 10
UMeister 10
vanburen1845 10
Wescat 10
A_Rolling_Baneling 11
Arteza147 11
bakonydraco 11 82.957
BosskOnASegway 11
bretticus33 11 Ole Miss is firmly in that place where they're a damn good team and capable of winning some big games, but not quite in the place where they can hang with Georgia and Alabama in the SEC. They've killed it in the portal, even though losing Judkins will hurt a lot, and the expanded playoff should be the expectation for Ole Miss.
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 11
cinciforthewin 11
coletheredditer 11 North Carolina, Miss, North Carolina fell apart in the second half of the season? I'm shocked! Week 8 I had them at 8 and called them playoff contenders, they then lost to Virginia and fell to 23 in my poll.
eSpiritCorpse 11 0.9210
fo13 11
halldaylong 11
HHcougar 11
HieloLuz 11
hypercube42342 11
infinitempg 11 0.669
jjjoebox 11
jmac_21 11
jrluhn 11
Meany_Vizzini 11 19.5; SOR: 23.4 (8th); MOV: 15.7 (14th)
No11223456 11
RheagarTargaryen 11
ScarletFever333 11
Stoneador 11
TDenverFan 11
The-Gothic-Castle 11
The_Good_Constable 11
the_neverdoctor 11
theb52 11 55.077
TimeBroken 11 Rank: #11
tks231 11
Apep86 12
Darth_Ra 12
Inkblot9 12
JaxofAllTrades13 12
OKgolfer 12
retnuh101 12
thomasosu 12
udubdavid 12
AlphaH4wk 13
bwburke94 13 +13.0949423 (LW: #13)
CPiGuy2728 13
crownebeach 13
G-Aardvark 13
placid_salad 13
Terminal_BAS 13
skuhlke 14
Fmeson 15
JeromesNiece 15
r0sco 15
ToeInDigDeep 16
DataDrivenPirate 17
ndbroski 18
trumpet_23 20
goblue10 24

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
BenchRickyAguayo 6
betterthanevar 6 I believe they would could beat anyone outside the top 4.
daredassdude 6
donbagert 6
Got_That_WeeFee 6
mport97 6
StumpVanDerHuge 6
ActuallyJasonPrice 7
chillmagic420 7
EmotionalAd4185 7
Player_1_has_Joined 7
PSUMediaPA 7
0010MK 8
AdministrativeAnt683 8
brihimia 8
CakeEaters 8
cant_stop_the_crooks 8
diehardcubforever 8
EBuckhouse 8
fellohuman77 8
ianmcmoney 8
iHasMagyk 8
jibberishdhyukl 8
MemeofMemeJTG999999 8 (11-2) (up 4) W: 38-25 vs #9 Penn State (10-3) (Peach; in Atlanta)
Milflover69cbb 8 Start of the 2nd tier of teams, love what they did against penn st, rlly excited abt next season for this team
Mini-Mussolini 8
mountain_troop86 8
narwhalz27 8
PattyKane16 8
Piptit 8
rocco2246 8
saquad69 8
soonertiger 8
spaceblev11 8
TheBeekman8 8
TheSleaze22 8
Tylex123 8
WaterRat13 8
youngs2309 8
1Subject 9
70277027 9
_TGT7 9
Additional-Stick6374 9
Aggravating-Steak-69 9
Aidanj927 9
AlphaMemory2 9
BananaBouquet 9
big_thunder_man 9
BoilerUp28 9
BoukenGreen 9
CallMeTheKing 9 124-8-0
ChBass 9
DeerPrison 9 LW: 10
dheck2016 9
DillyDillySzn 9
DownshiftGD 9
dubscurry30 9
Fantastic-Calendar-9 9
frone 9
grtgbln 9
hurricaneatx 9 (11-2)
Jadenflo 9
JamoRedhead 9
JBonkies 9
Josh_historybuff 9 38-25 vs. Penn State
KansasChaser2021 9
luciusetrur 9 LW: 10
MainPeanut25 9
maxwell6233 9
mithrandir2398 9
Morrgs 9
newSomberMan 9
OCD3ds 9
OldCoaly 9
OSU_Shecter 9
OSUfan88 9
RealignmentJunkie 9
Sflabuckeye13 9
ShefCrl 9
silfarion10 9
simplygabi 9
slatibartifast3 9
SleepsWithBlindsOpen 9
SomerandomIDFBfan 9 LW 118
SortaDecent 9
squibby 9
swdanley17 9
TheNSAAgent777 9
ziggysaysnada 9
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 10 A great year in Oxford continues to get better as more talent comes into the program through the portal. It's looking like the Rebels will be a force to be reckoned with next year.
ard8 10
charmingcharles2896 10
cookie__monster___ 10
CriterionCrypt 10
Dawg-Bite 10
divey043 10
Doogitywoogity 10
drneilpretenamen 10
ehoefler 10 74.11 | +2
Esb5415 10
FlashSpider-man 10
FsuNolezz 10
josh55134 10
JustinMSU21 10
Kirkwood641 10
leadbymight 10
manbeardawg 10
ManiacalBlazer 10 80.732
mathmanhale 10
nebsA1 10
Noelthemexican 10
PerfectZeroKnowledge 10
PlactusTX 10 (11) W Penn State
Pyroblockx 10
RedBarracuda25 10 The Penn St of the Sec vs Penn St. Ole Miss is confirmed to be the more Penn statey of them. In all seriousness, another great season for the Rebs. Kiffin has made the program into a perennial dark house in the sec. I think he get's y'all at least once sec title before Saban retires.
redrumsoxLoL 10
RJEP22 10
Serenityy8 10
SNjr 10
thehornedlamb 10
Tornadohunter24 10
Underground_Bread 10
WillWorkForSugar 10
Arvandu 11
Cascadia-Rising 11
ColombianInIowa24 11 Defeats #19 Penn State (Peach Bowl) Notable Wins: #19 Penn State, #20 Tulane (AAC Runner-Up) Losses: #4 Georgia (SEC Runner-up), #10 Alabama (SEC Champ)
dterp13 11
grahamca 11 T9ᵗʰ W/L, T9ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 14ᵗʰ Team Strength, 22ⁿᵈ Quality of Wins
Klaassy23 11
mthompson2320 11
ndbfsu22 11
Protoco2 11
qwer546 11
RadiationRichard 11
samuelbassett 11
SpeddyDawg 11
TallBear69 11
TheFalconGuy 11
ThompsonCreekTiger 11
brucewaynewins 12
hoovereatscowpoop 12
MemeLovingLoser 12
stew_pac 12 +4
Xy13 12
readonlypdf 13
chief_sitass 14
spencej98 14
TadKosciuszko 14
Weekly_Flatworm5707 16
BeyondLiesTheWub 19
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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