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2023 Week 3 Tulane Green Wave Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
notyogrannysgrandkid 8
practicallybert 17
AudiieVerbum 19
TimeBroken 21
kamiller2020 22
ReallyCreative 22
coletheredditer 23 Didn't have Pratt, so I can't be too harsh on them.
galacticdude7 23
Muffinnnnnnn 23
thexraptor 23
Fmeson 24
MoneyManeVick 24
romulusjsp 24 (-12) The Wave failed to win an extremely winnable game, unfortunately
ThePelvicWoo 24
wameron 24
bretticus33 25 Yes Tulane lost to Ole Miss by 17, but I give them a pass because their star QB was out with an injury. It might not be as big of a deal with P5 programs, but for G5 programs the depth isn’t quite there and Michael Pratt’s backup did not look good. I keep Tulane in the top 25 to give Tulane the benefit of the doubt.
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 25 Movement: (-7) - Tulane is still going to win a good number of games this year, but they really need to hope Pratt stays healthy, or they might struggle to come close to last year's miraculous season.
Corgi_Koala 25
hendarvich 25 -5 | Keeping them in! Loss was a lot closer than the score looks and I still have the wave as my winner for AAC. Guessing a lot of people will drop them this week and then bring them back later
IceColdDrPepper_Here 25
jimbobbypaul 25 LY: 10 TY: 60
lillipup03 25
malowry0124 25
MrTheSpork 25
Zloggt 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
PlactusTX 11 (3) L Mississippi
RealignmentJunkie 16
visor841 18
bloodmuffins793 20
meowrkatt 20
samuelbassett 20
TinderForMidgets 20
bbshock21 21
dterp13 22
EmotionalAd4185 22
journey1986 22 I'm still super high on this team and don't think they deserve to lose their ranking. Watched the whole game, was much closer and more competitive than the final score indicates. Commendable effort from a team playing an SEC opponent without their starting QB.
Dawg-Bite 23 I kept Tulane in the top 25 because they were still in the game with ole miss with their backup QB. I also believe they would’ve beaten Ole Miss if Michael Pratt had played. While I can’t prove that, I think it’s enough to keep them in the top 25
mill1634 23
SpursUpSoundsGudToMe 23 Hung with a good team with a back-up QB
Astone1996 24
ChoirTeacherRog 24
HideNZeke 24
JBGolden 24
lowcontrol 24
aewest 25
Aidanj927 25
demolisty24 25
DragonFire101Gamer 25
frone 25
Jay682002 25
JoeFreshwata 25
Kodak6lack 25
leadbymight 25
Luarean 25
Nayko 25
OSU_Shecter 25
patriots230 25
Phoenix0114 25
Pyroblockx 25
StateOfTheArt- 25
URhyno 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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