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2023 Week 3 Arkansas Razorbacks Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
GeauxTri 16
Nathanael-Greene 17
CommodoreN7 18
shadowwingnut 18
ChargerFan2121 20 274.67
CockADoodleBOOM 20
galacticdude7 20
TaylorLeprechaun 20 +3
12panther 21
kflinderman 21
SCsprinter13 21
PHubbs 23
wameron 23
Charlemagne42 24
Acm0028 25
aggiebruin27 25
DaewooLanosMFerrr 25
dan4223 25
hypercube42342 25
jmac_21 25
Joester09 25
Mr_Brews 25
Xtremeloco 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
GeyWeyner12 13
Devintheroaster 17
stew_pac 17 +3
UnkelEarl 17
corona779 19
Mini-Mussolini 21
Astone1996 22
tcomn 22
Chipsahoy523 23
Dontworryaboutit1 23
GreenAndYellow12 23 +1
OldCoaly 23 2-0, unsure how good they will be when schedule gets harder
RootBeerBloat 23
Phoenix0114 24
SpursUpSoundsGudToMe 24 Seem to be improved on defense, next week against BYU will teach us a lot
BoukenGreen 25
JamoRedhead 25
Maize_n_Boom 25
Scott72901 25
TheBeekman8 25 They are also 2-0 so they make it into my ballot this week. Next 5: Iowa, Washington St, Wake Forest, Iowa and Clemson
thehornedlamb 25
Totes_Not_an_NSA_guy 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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