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2019 Week 6 Florida Gators Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Saxasaurus 2
ndhuskerpower 4
spasm01 4
hythloday1 5
IAmAChemicalEngineer 5
LeinadSpoon 5
BUSean 6
DeceptiveSpeed 6
orboth 6
tabelz 6
CFSparta92 7
GeauxAllDay 7
jnoobs13 7
PaulWall31 7
Pikachu1989 7
relax_on_the_mat 7
studio_sally 7
tdeff19 7
Zloggt 7
ACCBiggz 8
blahblehblahwhoru 8
bread_buddy 8
conchobor 8
gms212 8
hawkspur1 8
lk6 8
nin478 8
PalmettoFace 8
polydorr 8
taloncarde 8
TaylorLeprechaun 8 -1
tks231 8
alextoyalex 9
BallSoHerd 9
BamaPride95 9
bernkastel87 9
bgr308 9
BigBoutros 9
BobDeLaSponge 9
BorisNumber1 9
bties 9
BunnySelfDestruct 9
captain_sasquatch 9
Colton3690 9
d_mcc_x 9
DEP61 9
diastereomer 9
fshi 9
grjohnst 9
I_am_bot_beep_boop 9
igloo27 9
JCiLee 9
jmac_21 9
Miami_da_U 9
nburt13 9
No11223456 9
orangeslash 9
OskeewowwowIL 9
peachios 9 played towson, so maybe an off week essentially. really excited to see how they do in the next month as things have seemed off early
Pieisgood186 9
PumpSmash 9
PureCFR 9
RagingWombats 9
RatherBeYachting 9
RiffRamBahZoo 9
ruwisc 9
scotsworth 9
seaotter2 9
tallg8tor 9
teddythe3rd 9
Texasagsman 9
tjstanley 9
TopheryG8er 9
ttsci 9
typicaliconoclast 9
WarEagle9 9
113milesprower 10
52hoova 10
AaronRodgers16 10
Acm0028 10
admiraltarkin 10
AGSattack 10
Bill3ffinMurray 10
BlueSCar 10
Brostradamus_ 10
CambodianDrywall 10
Chris-P-Creme 10
chrisb19 10
cms186 10
corundum9 10
crownebeach 10
DafoeFoSho 10
darkra01 10
dicky_________seamus 10
Disregardskarma 10
DoveFood 10
esoterik 10
Extra_Excrement 10
fadingthought 10
Fifth_Down 10
goblue10 10
HarbingerOfFun 10
Hobbes_121 10
icklebush 10
iliketoupvotepuns 10
JaxofAllTrades13 10
jeedf 10
jlh2b 10
joebob431 10
jshokie1 10
justsaynotoreddit 10
kelling928 10
Lex_Ludorum 10
mjacksongt 10
mnmmatt 10
moistats_ 10 Did what they needed to do. I think I put them down a little than they deserve, and they gotta get ready for the Auburn game.
noodlethebear 10
olmsted 10
Omegaus492 10
Our-Gardian-Angel 10
owl_man 10
Papalew32 10
PHubbs 10
Pollaski 10
ProbablyRickSantorum 10
RegulatorRWF 10
remwin 10
retnuh101 10
rmp0005 10
roaddogg 10
runujhkj 10
ryseing 10
ryumast3r 10
sasmith2015 10
SPRX97 10
spsellers 10
srs_house 10
strikersteve60 10
TDenverFan 10
Techwid 10
THECrew42 10
thegreendalegelf 10
ucieaters33 10
vanburen1845 10
wesman212 10
woakley 10
zacheiny 10
Zerosa 10
Apep86 11
Arsenal7X 11
BabyBladder 11
beerslingerjay 11
boxman151515 11
buckeyegold 11
Buckeyes2010 11
bwburke94 11
CertifiedSheep 11
CockADoodleBOOM 11
CollegeGolf69 11
Conglossian 11 -1
DarthYoda2594 11
digdat0 11
Dropbackandpunt 11
emueagles 11
FellKnight 11
fireinvestigator113 11
Frognosticator 11
G-Aardvark 11
GatorAndrew 11
GilBrandt 11
Hackasizlak 11
Helifino 11
Hoflax24 11
Johnnycockseed 11
jputna 11
JustAManAndHisLaptop 11
KobeOrNotKobe 11
Longvols 11
malowry0124 11
mellolizard 11
OKgolfer 11
orbania 11
pileatedloon 11
Red261 11
RobertNeyland 11
royrules22 11
ScarletFever333 11
scronko 11
SCRx 11
SearonTrejorek 11 0.57494
ShogunAshoka 11
SSJRoshi 11
steelcitygator 11 Handled business, huge test with Auburn coming to town for homecoming.  Would prove a lot of people wrong with a win this week.
T-nawtical 11
ThePUNisher96 11
thexraptor 11
tmart12 11
tmothy07 11
UNC_Samurai 11
W_Is_For_Will 11
Wescat 11
Xtremeloco 11
_Brazenhead_ 12 Even though they sit behind three teams with a loss, Florida doesn't have a good enough win to overrule how well ND, Texas, and Oregon played top teams in those losses. A bludgeoning of Towson doesn't move the needle for me as far as my opinion of Florida being a good team in a conference full of excellent teams.
Andtheyrustledsoftly 12
bakonydraco 12
Blooblod 12
bobsled_time 12
boonamobile 12
BosskOnASegway 12 Playoff: 10%
BugsSuck 12
Cassiyus 12
cmdrcaboose2 12
coreyfra 12
crimsonlaw 12 An SEC that is still undefeated has to be blessed with a high ranking, right? Let's see if they can over going 0-2 against Auburn and LSU. Then they will earn my respect.
DarkLegend64 12 -3
dasani3x 12
deadtofall12 12
DisraeliEers 12
DrKennethJNoisewater 12
G-manP 12
galacticdude7 12
Ghost_of_Dude 12
Harmbert_ 12
huskerfan4life520 12
JeromesNiece 12
Keener1899 12
kelctex 12
LEGEN--wait_for_it 12
luckroy 12
MammothMan34 12
MoneyManeVick 12
MrTheSpork 12
nemoran 12
noahthearc 12
owl-bears 12
r0sco 12
SometimesY 12
Sophocles5 12
Striker743 12
surreptitioussloth 12
TheReformedBadger 12
TheZachster 12
Ticklebump 12
topher3003 12
tylerbc 12
ya111101 12
A-Stu-Ute 13
ArtificialBadger 13
buckeyes75 13
CarbonCamaroZL1 13
Cars-and-Coffee 13
ChickenTaco 13
Daigotsu 13
Foxmcbowser42 13
gbuntin 13
GenialGiant 13 The Gators sure are something, though what that something is, I'm not quite sure.
GoBlueScrewOSU7 13
hascogrande 13
JonesUCF34 13
Mario_Speedwagon 13
monkeymatt1836 13
myghtymouse 13
Nathanael-Greene 13
nickknx865 13
puffadda 13
SCsprinter13 13
T-Thugs 13 Florida is undefeated but lacks quality wins. They beat Miami (2-2). Huge chance to move up against Auburn this week. 
TheFlyingBoat 13
TheJeemTeam 13 1/2 in Tier E
theReluctantHipster 13 24/0
TopGoose 13
uwbjb 13
andrewthestudent 14
cajunaggie08 14
Cecil_Hardboner 14
eclectic_tastes 14
Greflingorax 14 +3
halldaylong 14
kdcoltred 14
laminak 14
njm1314 14
SantiagoRamon 14
soonersthebetter 14
stripes361 14
311polo 15
Branzilla91 15
brobroma 15
Charlemagne42 15 (215 - 19 -> 196; 11 -> 15) Blanking Towson would have meant a lot more if they didn't just lose to Villanova last week. (+0)
e8odie 15
Feral_Squirrel 15
Fmeson 15
hypercube42342 15
nbingham196 15 Beat Towson convincingly, this weeks game will go a long way in figuring out if the Gators are actually good or not
soonerfreak 15
toocleverbyhalf 15
Blazeth 16 Honestly I expect Auburn to destroy Florida based on how Florida's played this year... so Florida will probably win.
chweris 16
dabul-master 16
fo13 16
HelioOne 16
plannedsickdays 16
Rakarei 16
ShamusJohnson13 16
ssnider23 16
VerySeriousBanana 16
cinciforthewin 17
f0gax 17
Jakesnake42 17 Florida's wins look good on paper but Kentucky has looked awful of late, Miami has disappointed yet again and Tennessee is Tennessee
jrichardh 17
LiptonCB 17
ToeInDigDeep 17
frumious88 18
The-Gothic-Castle 18
doormatt26 19
kflinderman 19
RMathis13 19 117
Spiral-Pilot 20
trumpet_23 21
Hey_Its_Roomie 22
theb52 23 40.200
YellowSkarmory 23
confirmd_am_engineer 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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