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2018 Week 3 Stanford Cardinal Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
DonnieNarco 1
relax_on_the_mat 1 Beat good G5 and P5 teams at home.
ssnider23 1
ToLongDR 1
confirmd_am_engineer 2
LeinadSpoon 2
orboth 2
Sproded 2
studio_sally 2
dabul-master 3
jrichardh 3
mjacksongt 3 Great win against USC. Game was a lot further apart than the score suggested.
boonamobile 4
BunnySelfDestruct 4
Daigotsu 4
frumious88 4
Quentanamo_Bay 4
W_Is_For_Will 4 Pac-12 Champ implications in destroying U$C.
311polo 5 Convincing win over two good teams in SDSU and USC.  I don't think they are better than Bama, but based purely on the first two games of the season, they deserve to be ranked ahead of them.
BrutonGaster77 5
cfbguy 5
ChickenTaco 5
esoterik 5
flyingcrayons 5
Fmeson 5
Hey_Its_Roomie 5
moistats_ 5 As expected, Stanford steals the short-lived projection of USC winning the Pac-12. In fact, the wins against USC and San Diego State are much better than West Virginia's (although the neutral site against Tennessee is strong).
RobertNeyland 5
Arsenal7X 6
atchemey 6
calidoc 6
Harmbert_ 6
Johnnycockseed 6
ndhuskerpower 6
puffadda 6
sunburn_on_the_brain 6
T-Thugs 6 Stanford manhandled USC this weekend and looks like the team to beat in the PAC.
VerySeriousBanana 6 Stanford's iffy first week versus their second - major improvements. USC wasn't a pushover but they sure looked like it. Stanford moves up one spot for me.
Wurst_Law 6
BamaPride95 7
bluegrassborn 7
BlueSCar 7
buckeyes75 7
cinciforthewin 7
corundum9 7
DafoeFoSho 7
djowen68 7
Dropbackandpunt 7
I_am_bot_beep_boop 7
jlh2b 7
kflinderman 7
Lex_Ludorum 7 Giving up 13 points in 2 games is kinda good. It helps when you have the best player in the country on offense too.
neovenator250 7
Polarbear1914 7
T-nawtical 7
tabelz 7
thatwasntveryraven 7
TheFlyingBoat 7 Oh god I love watching the Cardinal this year. After a shaky start to the first game of the season, they came out and stymied a great QB in a very interesting match where USC was able to put up yards but the Stanford defense would not allow them to put up anywhere near a commensurate number of points. Couple that with Bryce Love leading the ground attack and you have a solid Rose Bowl winner over Wisconsin and a Stanford Heisman.
typicaliconoclast 7
Xtremeloco 7
A-Stu-Ute 8 I'm conflicted here. On the one hand Stanford won against USC, but it wasn't all that pretty or telling of a win. USC has looked very vulnerable the last 2 games and I dropped them out of my top 25 altogether. Bryce Love did look somewhat like himself again, but his Heisman campaign is off to a rocky start. On the other hand holding USC to 3 points was impressive, and defeating a conference foe in week 2 is pretty darn good. So... for now they're here, but I'm not expecting them to stay here. 
AaronRodgers16 8
aubieismyhomie 8
bakonydraco 8
BallSoHerd 8
BorisNumber1 8
boxman151515 8
bties 8
buttforaface 8
CarbonCamaroZL1 8 Beat a ranked USC by 2 scores.+3
CoopertheFluffy 8
coreyfra 8
DarthYoda2594 8
DEP61 8
doormatt26 8
Extra_Excrement 8
Feral_Squirrel 8
flipadelphia17 8
fshi 8
funtubs 8
GoBlueScrewOSU7 8
Greflingorax 8
Hackasizlak 8
hascogrande 8
icklebush 8
jmac_21 8 Stanford moves a few spots up for me this week. They aren't ultra flashy, but they're effective and they have a good win on their resume.
joebob431 8
KingKliffsbury 8
Laschoni 8
LEGEN--wait_for_it 8
lk6 8
MonkeyPunch 8
MrTheSpork 8
Mythic514 8
nemoran 8
nickknx865 8 They held USC to their lowest point total since 1997 and Bryce Love finally got going. Welcome to my top 10.
olmsted 8
Our-Gardian-Angel 8
pileatedloon 8
polydorr 8
PureCFR 8
Rainbow_Beefcake 8
RatherBeYachting 8 Was tempted to move them up after dominating USC's offense, but will have to wait and see before they can get a big bump.
ReallyCreative 8
ryseing 8
ScarletFever333 8
SCsprinter13 8
seaotter2 8
soonerfreak 8
SSJRoshi 8
standrew5998 8
strikersteve60 8
TanzaniaMagic 8
TDenverFan 8
TimeBroken 8
WarEagle9 8
WeenisWrinkle 8
Wescat 8
ya111101 8
admiraltarkin 9
alextoyalex 9
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 9
Alwaysahawk 9
bgr308 9
bwburke94 9
cajunaggie08 9
CambodianDrywall 9
CFSparta92 9
Chris-P-Creme 9
chrisb19 9
conchobor 9
Corporal_Hicks 9
DarkLegend64 9 +2
Disregardskarma 9
dybuell 9
Everythingpossible 9
Fifth_Down 9
G-manP 9
GenialGiant 9 Stanford took care of business against rival USC and find themselves comfortably in the top ten.
GilBrandt 9 so USC v Texas should be exciting...
goblue10 9
grjohnst 9
huskerfan4life520 9
IAmAChemicalEngineer 9
JCiLee 9
jeedf 9
jnoobs13 9
Nathanael-Greene 9
owl_man 9
PalmettoFace 9
Pikachu1989 9
Rakarei 9
RegulatorRWF 9
RiffRamBahZoo 9
sasmith2015 9
scronko 9
SCRx 9
srs_house 9
tdeff19 9
Techwid 9
TheJeemTeam 9 2/3 in Tier H: Next highest quality win among group (USC)
trumpet_23 9
uwbjb 9
vanburen1845 9
wazoheat 9
wesman212 9
Acm0028 10
Blooblod 10 Little movement. Penn State looked more Penn State-y this weekend against Pitt, but I still have Stanford jumping them due to two quality wins in two weeks.
BlueFalcon89 10
BosskOnASegway 10
buckeyegold 10
captain_sasquatch 10
Cassiyus 10 +8
chceman 10
chweris 10
cmdrcaboose2 10
FellKnight 10
g_mo821 10
GatorAndrew 10
Helifino 10
kdcoltred 10
Knightro2011 10
Mario_Speedwagon 10
myghtymouse 10
PaulWall31 10
PHubbs 10
plannedsickdays 10
Plneapple 10
runujhkj 10
SometimesY 10
stripes361 10 Stanford jumps a couple teams for their impressive win over USC.
teddythe3rd 10
TheZachster 10
tmart12 10
TotalEconomist 10
ucieaters33 10
aguyfromthewest 11
Buckeyes2010 11
BUSean 11
CockADoodleBOOM 11
dicky_________seamus 11 I don't think USC is very good but Stanford did what they needed to do to choke the hope out of the Trojans.
Hobbes_121 11
JeromesNiece 11
KobeOrNotKobe 11
mellolizard 11
noahthearc 11
pmartin0079 11
TaylorLeprechaun 11 +1
THECrew42 11
TheReformedBadger 11
Ticklebump 11
UNC_Samurai 11
52hoova 12
Bill3ffinMurray 12
f0gax 12
G-Aardvark 12
HarbingerOfFun 12
Keener1899 12
monkeymatt1836 12
CertifiedSheep 13
dan4223 13
deadtofall12 13
Red261 13
surreptitioussloth 13
Texasagsman 13
thegreendalegelf 13
woakley 13 Stanford solidly beat USC, so they move from 16 to 13 in my poll. They dont jump higher simply because I really wasnt that high on this USC team to begin with. 
digdat0 14
eclectic_tastes 14
JonesUCF34 14
royrules22 14
ryker888 14
hokies220 15 Good win against USC, and playing pretty solid right now.
kelling928 15
lebaronslebaron 15
ThaCarter 15
xelphin 15
brobroma 16
DisraeliEers 16
galacticdude7 16
scotsworth 16
spsellers 16
taloncarde 16
YellowSkarmory 21 2 2 TD+ wins against 1-1 teams launch them up to here.

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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