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2024 Week 9 Ohio State Buckeyes Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
DataDrivenPirate 1
Fmeson 1
fo13 1
JeromesNiece 1
r0sco 1
shadowwingnut 1
BenchRickyAguayo 2
Conglossian 2 +1
CPiGuy2728 2
cyclonepsycho 2
DarthYoda2594 2
DrKennethJNoisewater 2
ExternalTangents 2 Net Rating: 39.83; O: 21.5, O Rank: 3; D: -18.33, D Rank: 7
frumious88 2
Harpua99 2
Helifino 2
JBonkies 2 (+2)
justsaynotoreddit 2 1.070
kflinderman 2
Lex_Ludorum 2
Longvols 2
MADBuc49 2 +1. Would be the #5 playoff seed in this scenario, hosting #12 Boise State in the first round
manbeardawg 2
Meany_Vizzini 2 30.8, +1, +2.8; SoR: 24.5 (9th), MoV: 37.2 (1st)
Muffinnnnnnn 2
nbingham196 2
NotSoSuperNerd 2 1.661 (10.0-2.0)
oghawks18 2
PalmettoFace 2
Polarbear1914 2
RheagarTargaryen 2
seaotter2 2
SlaminSammons 2
stripes361 2
SwissArmyScythe 2 +1
tdeff19 2
texas2089 2
ThaCarter 2
The-Gothic-Castle 2
TimeBroken 2 Rank: #2
Wescat 2
zenverak 2
12panther 3
52hoova 3
BabyBladder 3
Bank_Gothic 3
BearsAreGreat1 3
BlueFalcon89 3
BosskOnASegway 3
Branzilla91 3
Buckeyes2010 3
Casaiir 3
Cecil_Hardboner 3
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 3 (+1)
chweris 3
colton_97 3
cornholesurfer 3
creative_penguin 3
D1N2Y 3
Daigotsu 3
Darth_Ra 3
dasani3x 3
Drexlore 3
eclectic_tastes 3
Extra_Excrement 3
fadingthought 3
galacticdude7 3
GoBlueScrewOSU7 3
huskerfan4life520 3
icklebush 3
jaybigs 3
JustAManAndHisLaptop 3
MrTheSpork 3
myghtymouse 3
No11223456 3
one98d 3
PHubbs 3
placid_salad 3 LW: #3
Pollaski 3
PrimalCookie 3 Key Wins: @ Michigan State 38-7, Iowa 35-7 Losses: @ #1 Oregon 31-32 The resume doesn't support Ohio State being this high, with their best wins being Michigan State and Iowa. But they've blown out every team they've faced besides Oregon, and that was as close to a matchup between equals as you'll see in CFB (and considering that was at Oregon, I'd slightly favor OSU at a neutral site).
rain_parkour 3
Red261 3
royrules22 3
ryseing 3
sasmith2015 3
sirgippy 3
Sometimeswelose 3
Sproded 3
Striker743 3 Up 1
strikersteve60 3
TaylorLeprechaun 3 +0
teddythe3rd 3
Texasagsman 3
the_lost_carrot 3
TouchdownHeroes 3
ucieaters33 3
washington_jefferson 3
10catsinspace 4
_fastball 4
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 4
AlphaH4wk 4
BananaBouquet 4
bernkastel87 4
Bill3ffinMurray 4
BlueSCar 4
boxbeat 4
bretticus33 4
captain_sasquatch 4
Cars-and-Coffee 4
Cassiyus 4
CFBHurts 4
ChickenTaco 4
coletheredditer 4 They have a loss and Penn State doesn't, so Penn State goes higher
conchobor 4
d_mcc_x 4
dan4223 4
DarkLegend64 4
darkra01 4
DavoinShower-handle 4
deadtofall12 4
digdat0 4
Doogitywoogity 4 the Ohio State / They did not play this weekend / Home recovering
ewolfy13 4
fredmerc111 4 LW: 4
GatorBolt 4 Week off after that emotional ending at Oregon was needed. Now time for a Nebraska team that is probably shook up after their adventures in Bloomington.
GilBrandt 4
grtgbln 4
Hackasizlak 4
HelioOne 4
IceColdDrPepper_Here 4
ikindalikelemons 4
jjjoebox 4
jrluhn 4
JustinMSU21 4
KirbyDumber88 4
lillipup03 4
malowry0124 4
monkeymatt1836 4
nemoran 4
OldCoaly 4
Our-Gardian-Angel 4
owlalwaysloveyew 4
Pikachu1989 4
puffadda 4
PumpSmash 4
Pure_Protein_Machine 4
Pyroblockx 4
Rakarei 4
ReallyCreative 4
redrumsoxLoL 4
RegionalBias 4
RegulatorRWF 4
RollWarTideEagle 4
ScarletFever333 4
scronko 4
SteemieRayVaughn 4
studio_sally 4
tauzeta 4
TDenverFan 4
tdoger 4
Terminal_BAS 4
The_Good_Constable 4
TheZachster 4
thomasosu 4
tjstanley 4
TopGoose 4
TossedRightOut 4
UMeister 4
vanburen1845 4
w8w8 4
Zloggt 4
Acm0028 5
BallSoHerd 5
bannista7 5
blahblehblahwhoru 5
Blooblod 5
BorisNumber1 5
buckeyes75 5
bwburke94 5
Ch-i-ef 5 Apologies to Nebraska since after getting blown out by Indiana, they will now feel the pent up anger by Ohio State who has had to sit on an L for 2 weeks. Enjoy!
ChemicalOle 5
cinciforthewin 5
CockADoodleBOOM 5
Corgi_Koala 5
diehardcubforever 5
DisraeliEers 5
djowen68 5
e8odie 5
esoterik 5
falconlover79 5
Feral_Squirrel 5
G-Aardvark 5
GenialGiant 5
hascogrande 5
HHcougar 5
HieloLuz 5 No real great win, Iowa is their best, but most of their wins are against mid tier teams. Next two weeks will be big 70
Hugefootballfan44 5 LW: 3
JonesUCF34 5
jthomas694 5
Keener1899 5
Klaassy23 5 (LW Change: 0)
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 5
MahjongDaily 5
mellolizard 5
MemeofMemeJTG999999 5 (5-1) (no change) Bye Next Week: vs Nebraska (5-2) Projected Bowl: Playoff R1 vs BYU
MoneyManeVick 5
noahthearc 5
outthawazoo 5
retnuh101 5
rocco2246 5
T-nawtical 5
Techwid 5
the_neverdoctor 5
VerySeriousBanana 5
visor841 5
WillWorkForSugar 5
ya111101 5
ALStark69 6 -1
EpicSchwinn 6
frone 6
fshi 6
GeauxTri 6
goodnames679 6
HarbingerOfFun 6
Hey_Its_Roomie 6
Inkblot9 6
jeedf 6
Maladroit44 6
ndbroski 6
Noelthemexican 6
Player_1_has_Joined 6
practicallybert 6
romulusjsp 6
Staind075 6
titansfan174 6
Tman450x 6
WarEagle9 6
woakley 6
WolverineDDS 6
Xtremeloco 6
AlexanderComet 7
BUSean 7
ChaseTheFalcon 7 --
CptCheese 7
MarlinsGuy 7
Megalomanizac 7
pileatedloon 7
RiffRamBahZoo 7
UNC_Samurai 7
Blazeth 8
ch1l1_ch33s3 8
Dropbackandpunt 8
Due_Connection179 8 Last Week #9 // Bye Week
NyquillusDillwad20 8
olmsted 8
posiitively 8
SpadeRyker 8
stew_pac 8 -1
tmothy07 8
wameron 8
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 9
Apep86 9
Chris-P-Creme 9
corundum9 9
Hobbes_121 9
Joester09 9
Mr_Brews 9
nburt13 9
nin478 9
SCsprinter13 9
tallg8tor 9
aggiebruin27 10
cfbguy 10
Colton3690 10
cvsprinter1 10 Only loss to undefeated team
eSpiritCorpse 10 0.9295
LiptonCB 10
ruwisc 10
soonerfreak 10
spmartin1993 10
srs_house 10
CambodianDrywall 11
ColombianInIowa24 11 Rested. Up next a now disappointing Nebraska.
Corporal_Hicks 11
JamoRedhead 11
Noy_Telinu 11 Best 1 loss team. Only loss was because their QB wants to play for Dallas.
spsellers 11
ToeInDigDeep 11
arrowfan624 12
grjohnst 12
KJdkaslknv 12
OKgolfer 12
Ruhrgebietheld 12
velociraptorfarmer 12
Charlemagne42 13 123
dabul-master 13
infinitempg 13 0.877, -4
Jakesnake42 13 76.20 Last Week: #17
plannedsickdays 13
RobertNeyland 13
skuhlke 13
bakonydraco 14 86.833
cyberchaox 14 I'm still not sold on their resume. They certainly looked good against Oregon, but the quality wins just aren't there yet. They've got plenty of chances though with games against Indiana and Penn State.
hythloday1 14
tks231 14
jalexjsmithj 15
jimbobbypaul 15
MemeLovingLoser 15
owl_man 15
realclean 15 =
SearonTrejorek 15 0.79118
Stoneador 15
A_Rolling_Baneling 16
udubdavid 16
JaxofAllTrades13 17
T-Thugs 18 Ohio State is 5-1 with a loss to Oregon. Best wins are Iowa (4-3) and Michigan State (4-3)
ehoefler 19 81.84 | -8
TheNSAAgent777 19
Pablo49 20 1942
PlactusTX 20 (15) bye
IAmAChemicalEngineer 21
RJEP22 21 240.027 pts
YellowSkarmory 21
70stang 22 Ohio State is 5-1 with 2 P5 wins, including one away, as well as 3 G5 wins and an away loss to last week's #2 Oregon.
luckroy 24 Pot 4

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
BeyondLiesTheWub 1 no change
drewscottt 1 +1
Effective-Lead-6657 1 (+1)
JoshuaMan024 1 259.71
mthompson2320 1 LW: 2
spencej98 1
The_Stratman 1
aredna 2
Burnsite 2
Dan20698 2
daredassdude 2
DillyDillySzn 2
divey043 2
dterp13 2
dubkent 2
FrontRunner51 2
gavinw24 2
HopefulReb76 2
ianmcmoney 2
loganisfresh 2
MajikSix 2
maxwell6233 2
mountain_troop86 2
notsaying123 2
Protoco2 2
RedBarracuda25 2
requiemsux 2
Sflabuckeye13 2
SortaDecent 2
StFuzzySlippers 2
Underground_Bread 2
unused13 2
ALToidzz 3
BG-WestyC 3
bigred91224 3
BoilerUp28 3
bolts_win_again 3
brucewaynewins 3
buccaneerboy22 3
carsonivey72 3
Chipsahoy523 3
DaewooLanosMFerr 3
dee3Poh 3
DownshiftGD 3
drneilpretenamen 3
EBuckhouse 3
Electronic_Nail 3 1 point loss against the #1 team isn't bad and it doesn't drop them too far
ElyxUW 3
energydan 3
Fhaksfha794 3
FoRtNiteizBAD 3
GavRunsTheTrap 3
geauxsaints777 3
GeyWeyner12 3
hftfohio 3
HHunko13 3
hoovereatscowpoop 3
iamaustincince 3
jackmc04 3 (-) bye
jalapeno_nips 3
Jay682002 3
JazzYotesRSL 3
JordanDean04 3
journey1986 3
jwrtf 3
kcvtdc 3
Kirkwood641 3
ManiacalBlazer 3
Milflover69cbb 3 Best roster. Osu still will make a push for #1 as we get close to conference championships
mill1634 3
MPotato23 3 Would be #1 is Will didn't slide early. Still been an incredibly good year in Columbus. The Penn State game is crucial - a loss could sting hard and a win could ring loud. Still, this team is a national contender.
mr_longfellow_deeds 3
msonar623 3
munchermode 3
Mynameisdiehard 3 No change from last week besides moving up due to Texas loss
ndbfsu22 3
No_Particular_746 3 (5-1) Only defeat by 1 point to current #2 Oregon.
ntny 3
Omegaus492 3
PSUMediaPA 3
RecordingSure5405 3
saquad69 3
Shion314 3
SignificanceFirm2398 3
slashbopzing 3
Spazzatack 3
SpursUpSoundsGudToMe 3
sroach91 3
swdanley17 3
thatoneguyD13 3 Tier 2.
tisofold 3 Best loss of any team and can go toe-to-toe with anybody. Have crushed all non-Oregon opponents.
TolkienFan71 3
Tortillero96 3
twr96 3
Windoge_Master 3
yesiambear 3
70277027 4
Aidanj927 4
Airweldon 4
androonfl 4 good probably idk idc
Austin_LSU_Fan22 4
BoukenGreen 4
broyo209 4 Bye week. Next up: Nebraska
bruhstevenson 4
charmingcharles2896 4
cookie__monster___ 4
corona779 4
CriterionCrypt 4
Dawg-Bite 4
dawgfan24348 4
dheck2016 4
dubscurry30 4
enneper4 4
Fantastic-Calendar-9 4 LW: 4
Fghjkdid911 4
FsuNolezz 4
gonshpreds1 4
ihatepineapples 4
Jay_Dubbbs 4
jibberishdhyukl 4
Josh_historybuff 4 Bye Week
KansasChaser2021 4
KansasEF5Tornado 4
LonghornInNebraska 4
Luigiatl 4
Mascorn 4
mcdsmaster8824 4
mikecsiy 4
Miserable-Chart-9479 4
newSomberMan 4
Noahsince2002 4
PeteyNice 4
pl02pl 4
PsychologicalFox8660 4
pvadali 4 Only loss so far is 1-point loss against an elite Oregon team, every other game they have dominated.
RealignmentJunkie 4
Repulsive_Rub6443 4
SaguaroCactus19 4
samspopguy 4
scsd4222 4
silfarion10 4
soonertiger 4
spaceblev11 4
SpeddyDawg 4
Stags304 4
SufferingfOrLife 4
tbutrie1916 4
The_Good_General 4
TheBeekman8 4
thehornedlamb 4
TheQuakinator 4
TheReformedBadger 4
ThompsonCreekTiger 4
TommyWiseau22 4
True_Ad5324 4
trust_the_process__ 4
Tylex123 4
usernamegoeshere763 4
WebfootTroll 4
willbill182 4
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 4 Bye week. nothing happening here.
Yelich04 4 -
zmp1924 4 1 loss but against my #1 in a close matchup
ab317 5
Arvandu 5
balconesescarpment 5 Strong play against all teams but #1
blaisek 5
Blazemaster77 5 Best loss in the nation- 1 point on road. Have dominated all other games they appeared in.
brihimia 5
BuckeyeForLife95 5
ConstantPause1239 5
donbagert 5
dukemetoo 5
geordieColt88 5
Hastronaut 5
HideNZeke 5
hurricaneatx 5
JackWK_Gaming 5
JJones927 5
jonstark19 5 0
JustAGuy7915 5
Lefunnymaymays4lief 5
MainPeanut25 5 BIG
Middle_Wheel_5959 5
OkAppointment5691 5
PattyKane16 5
Piptit 5
RadiationRichard 5 LW - 5
RipRaycom 5
sconbon 5
sirvalkyerie 5
stealingchairs 5
TheSleaze22 5
throwaway_6786 5 On bye, and not much to report for the Buckeyes. Their win over Iowa took a hit, but their win over MSU looks a little better, so their resume stays relatively the same.
tms42206 5
tvjbowe571 5 Bye week, same with Penn St, Texas loss can't put them below a team like OSU who doesn't have a big win yet. Best win is Michigan State?
wittingtarsier 5
WRSpill 5 (6)
ziggysaysnada 5
Bereft13 6 Power: 1, SoR: 17; LW: 6
ChBass 6 If gains & losses didn't matter, Ohio State would be #1. We have to wait until November for the buckeyes to have a shot at offsetting their loss with a win at Penn State.
funt9rtle 6
Laschoni 6
Minnesnowtaaa 6
samtaylor92 6
WBLwiffleball 6
_Junk_Rat_ 7
CakeEaters 7
CaptainGordan 7
DeerPrison 7
isrealball 7
LoCh0_xX 7
SaveTheCombees10 7
SomerandomIDFBfan 7
big_thunder_man 8
bryophyta_insolitam 8 Bye
FlashSpider-man 8 Only loss is to current number 1.
FuzzyDunlop911 8
g_trechel 8
grahamca 8 T27ᵗʰ W/L, T5ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 2ⁿᵈ Team Strength, 6ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
kevinsdomain 8
pianoprofiteer 8
thealbinotitan1 8 Best 1 loss team aside from Georgia but need to prove themselves against good opponents like 2 weeks from now against penn st
chillmagic420 9
cirtnecoileh 9
Greyson04 9
Jeff_Banks_Monkey 9
Living_Human 9
Sp1cyRice 9 (-1)
tcomn 9
Tornadohunter24 9 (-)
CallMeTheKing 10
redleg86 10
0010MK 11
133112 11 Ohio State begins their slow climb up the rankings.
AdministrativeAnt683 11
Aggravating-Steak-69 11
quantum_jedi 11 (-5) Idle. Victim of bye week bias in the model. Expect the Buckeyes to rise back up the rankings with a Nebraska team coming off being steamrolled by Indiana.
SNjr 11
josh55134 12
patriots230 12
camus69x 13
forkedravioli 14
boomersooner222 15
cfbpeoplespoll 15 189 points. Prev rank 9
CallingUagoatUgoat 16 1 Tier 2 win (Iowa). 1 Tier 1 loss (Oregon).
cbusalex 16 [[[W: #44 Iowa, #50 Michigan St., #64 Marshall, #73 Western Mich., #125 Akron]]] [[[L: #1 Oregon]]]
GenuineBoss 16
Serenityy8 17
owl-bears 18
1Subject 21
Bushken 21 59.33
doctrhouse 21
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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