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2024 Week 6 Ohio State Buckeyes Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
CockADoodleBOOM 1
Darth_Ra 1
DataDrivenPirate 1
fredmerc111 1 LW: 1
jrichardh 1
NyquillusDillwad20 1
Red261 1
RheagarTargaryen 1
TaylorLeprechaun 1 +0
ToeInDigDeep 1
52hoova 2
Acm0028 2
BosskOnASegway 2
Buckeyes2010 2
bwburke94 2
Casaiir 2
Cecil_Hardboner 2
ch1l1_ch33s3 2
galacticdude7 2
goodnames679 2 Probably Ohio State's most complete team in recent history, with what seems to be both a great offense and a great defense. Remains to be seen how they hold up to a true test, however.
halldaylong 2
hypercube42342 2
jthomas694 2
Longvols 2
magnumweiner 2
malowry0124 2
manbeardawg 2
MarlinsGuy 2
Megalomanizac 2
NotSoSuperNerd 2 1.602 (10.2-1.8)
owl_man 2
plannedsickdays 2
RegionalBias 2 Unchallenged and not really tested
RegulatorRWF 2
sasmith2015 2
stew_pac 2 +4
stripes361 2
the_neverdoctor 2
titansfan174 2
Tman450x 2
trumpet_23 2
washington_jefferson 2
AlexanderComet 3
ALStark69 3 0
arrowfan624 3
bakonydraco 3 84.042
BamaPride95 3
bannista7 3
bernkastel87 3
blahblehblahwhoru 3
Blazeth 3
Blooblod 3
BlueSCar 3
BorisNumber1 3
boxbeat 3
Branzilla91 3
CambodianDrywall 3
Cars-and-Coffee 3
CFBHurts 3
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 3 (+0)
ChaseTheFalcon 3 --
ChickenTaco 3
chweris 3
coletheredditer 3 Waiting to play a difficult opponent
conchobor 3
Conglossian 3 +1
CptCheese 3
creative_penguin 3
d_mcc_x 3
Daigotsu 3
DarkLegend64 3
darkra01 3
dasani3x 3
diehardcubforever 3
djowen68 3
Doogitywoogity 3 Thorough dismantling from what I understand
Drexlore 3
Dropbackandpunt 3
Due_Connection179 3 Last Week #3 at Michigan State / Won 38 - 7 / Went as expected. I'm only talking about this because it was the first decent team Ohio State has played this season. Buckeyes basically just out talented them the whole game, and it didn't feel like at any point Michigan State would actually challenge them (even after the INT that led to a TD). I'm also having Alabama jump them purely out of them not playing anyone in the top (probably) 50 so for this season.
eclectic_tastes 3
EpicSchwinn 3
esoterik 3
ewolfy13 3
Extra_Excrement 3
Feral_Squirrel 3
fourpinz8 3
frumious88 3
G-Aardvark 3
GilBrandt 3
GoBlueScrewOSU7 3
grjohnst 3
grtgbln 3
Hackasizlak 3
Harpua99 3
hascogrande 3
Helifino 3
HelioOne 3
Hugefootballfan44 3 LW: 4
icklebush 3
ikindalikelemons 3
JaxofAllTrades13 3
jaybigs 3
JBonkies 3 (-)
jeedf 3
jjjoebox 3
joebob431 3
JonesUCF34 3
JustinMSU21 3
kamiller2020 3
Keener1899 3
KirbyDumber88 3
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 3
Lex_Ludorum 3
lillipup03 3
MahjongDaily 3
Meany_Vizzini 3 27.2, +4, +3.9
mellolizard 3
monkeymatt1836 3
MrTheSpork 3
nemoran 3
nin478 3
noahthearc 3
noodlethebear 3
nw____ 3
OldCoaly 3
olmsted 3
Our-Gardian-Angel 3
outthawazoo 3
owlalwaysloveyew 3
PHubbs 3
Pikachu1989 3
pileatedloon 3
Polarbear1914 3
PrimalCookie 3
Pure_Protein_Machine 3
Pyroblockx 3
r0sco 3
rain_parkour 3
Rakarei 3
ReallyCreative 3
redrumsoxLoL 3
retnuh101 3
rocco2246 3
ScarletFever333 3
scronko 3
SCsprinter13 3
seaotter2 3
shadowwingnut 3
Shootit_Rockets 3
sirgippy 3
SlaminSammons 3
Sometimeswelose 3
spmartin1993 3
Sproded 3
srs_house 3
Staind075 3
SteemieRayVaughn 3
SwissArmyScythe 3 --
T-nawtical 3
tdeff19 3
TDenverFan 3
tdoger 3
Techwid 3
teddythe3rd 3
Terminal_BAS 3
Texasagsman 3
The-Gothic-Castle 3
TheZachster 3
thomasosu 3
TimeBroken 3 Rank: #4
tmothy07 3
TopGoose 3
TossedRightOut 3
TouchdownHeroes 3 LW: 1
UNC_Samurai 3
VerySeriousBanana 3
w8w8 3
wesman212 3
WillWorkForSugar 3
WolverineDDS 3
ya111101 3
zenverak 3
Zloggt 3
12panther 4
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 4 I’m still waiting on the Buckeyes to wow me. Now, they have a good stretch of games for them to do that, but I have this weird feeling we completely overestimated them.
AlphaH4wk 4
BallSoHerd 4
BananaBouquet 4
BearsAreGreat1 4
BenchRickyAguayo 4
Bill3ffinMurray 4
bretticus33 4 Another easy game for Ohio State. Maybe Iowa will prove the first real test?
BUSean 4
Ch-i-ef 4 zzZZZzzzzZzzzz Oh sorry I'm just waiting for you to play any quality opponents zzzZZZZzzzzzz
CommodoreN7 4
Corgi_Koala 4
cornholesurfer 4
Corporal_Hicks 4
corundum9 4
cvsprinter1 4
cyberchaox 4
DarthYoda2594 4
DavoinShower-handle 4
digdat0 4
DisraeliEers 4
dogwoodmaple 4
Fmeson 4
frone 4
fshi 4
GatorBolt 4 Jeremiah Smith.
GenialGiant 4
HarbingerOfFun 4
HHcougar 4
Hobbes_121 4
IceColdDrPepper_Here 4
JamoRedhead 4
JeromesNiece 4
JustAManAndHisLaptop 4
kflinderman 4
Knightro2011 4
LiptonCB 4
lookglen 4
MemeofMemeJTG999999 4 (4-0) (up 1) W: 38-7 @ Michigan State (3-2) Next Week: vs Iowa (3-1) Projected Bowl: Rose vs Georgia/Missouri
MoneyManeVick 4
Muffinnnnnnn 4
nbingham196 4
No11223456 4
Noelthemexican 4
one98d 4
placid_salad 4 LW: #6
Pollaski 4
posiitively 4
practicallybert 4
ProbablyRickSantorum 4
PumpSmash 4
RollWarTideEagle 4
royrules22 4
Ruhrgebietheld 4
ruwisc 4
soonerfreak 4
SpadeRyker 4
spsellers 4
strikersteve60 4
TheNSAAgent777 4
tjstanley 4
UMeister 4
WarEagle9 4
Wescat 4
Xtremeloco 4
aggiebruin27 5
Charlemagne42 5 Adjustment: 0%
ChemicalOle 5
D1N2Y 5
dan4223 5
e8odie 5
goblue10 5
infinitempg 5 0.927 (+23)
Klaassy23 5 (LW Change: 0)
Player_1_has_Joined 5
RiffRamBahZoo 5
ryseing 5
Striker743 5 Up 2
The_Good_Constable 5
the_lost_carrot 5 AVG: 3.67 | Weighted AVG: 3.9
velociraptorfarmer 5
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 6
Cassiyus 6
ColombianInIowa24 6 Still haven't been tested. Oh well. Up next, a solid Iowa team, also just outside the ranking (like MSU).
deadtofall12 6
IAmAChemicalEngineer 6
Joester09 6
MADBuc49 6 Currently slotted for #3 seed, bye to quarterfinals, would have winner of #6 Tennessee/#11 LSU
nburt13 6
OKgolfer 6
RobertNeyland 6
SearonTrejorek 6 0.82908
ThaCarter 6
vanburen1845 6
woakley 6
Colton3690 7
eSpiritCorpse 7 0.9414
fo13 7
GeauxTri 7
Inkblot9 7
jimbobbypaul 7
MemeLovingLoser 7
realclean 7 +3
Apep86 8
Bank_Gothic 8
studio_sally 8
theb52 8 50.125
A_Rolling_Baneling 9
CPiGuy2728 9
Hey_Its_Roomie 9
Noy_Telinu 9
dabul-master 10
Pablo49 10 2594 - ain't played nobody yet sorry
hythloday1 11
Jakesnake42 11 77.56 Last Week: NR
RJEP22 11
udubdavid 11
Stoneador 12
YellowSkarmory 12 0.3578
cfbguy 13
jalexjsmithj 13
T-Thugs 13 Ohio State is 5-0. Best win is over Michigan State (3-2)
visor841 13
skuhlke 14
70stang 15 TIER 4 - Undefeated teams with 1 P5 win Ohio State tops this tier at 4-0 with 1 P5 win away, and 3 G5 wins.
spasm01 15
TadKosciuszko 17
ehoefler 18 77.48 | NEW +10
ShogunAshoka 19
tallg8tor 19
HieloLuz 23 Points: 40.28 | Wins: 1 T5, 2 T6, 1 T7 |
PlactusTX 25 (—) W Michigan State | Next five out: Notre Dame, James Madison, Boston College, Utah, Oklahoma

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
aredna 1
BeyondLiesTheWub 1 +1
BuckeyeForLife95 1
ChBass 1
johnjones55 1
JoshuaMan024 1 262.63
Menktenk 1
mountain_troop86 1 Has shown 0 vulnerability. Clear #1
mr_longfellow_deeds 1
RedBarracuda25 1 Took care of business against what was thought to be an underrated Michigan St team by some (me). They hold onto #1 for me
sconbon 1
Aggravating-Steak-69 2
brucewaynewins 2
CakeEaters 2
Chipsahoy523 2
donbagert 2
dr_funk_13 2
drewscottt 2 +2
gavinw24 2
grahamca 2 T1ˢᵗ W/L, T1ˢᵗ Predicted Wins, 3ʳᵈ Team Strength, 4ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
HideNZeke 2
ianmcmoney 2
LoCh0_xX 2
loganisfresh 2
mthompson2320 2 LW: 2
PSUMediaPA 2
sirvalkyerie 2
SquadPoopy 2
thehornedlamb 2
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 2 Good win over MSU, but Bama gets the #1 spot with the best win in the nation so far
666haha 3
70277027 3
_Junk_Rat_ 3
ab317 3
ActuallyJasonPrice 3
Aidanj927 3
Airweldon 3
ALToidzz 3
AnAngryPanda1 3
Arvandu 3
Bereft13 3 Power: 1, SoR: 16; LW: 8
BG-WestyC 3
bolts_win_again 3
BoukenGreen 3
bruhstevenson 3
Burnsite 3
carsonivey72 3
cartierboy25 3
charmingcharles2896 3
chillmagic420 3
cirtnecoileh 3
ckubi 3
cookie__monster___ 3
CriterionCrypt 3
DaewooLanosMFerr 3
daredassdude 3
dawgfan24348 3
DillyDillySzn 3
DownshiftGD 3
drneilpretenamen 3
dterp13 3
dubkent 3
dubscurry30 3
dukemetoo 3
eddietheintern 3
Effective-Lead-6657 3 (+2)
ElyxUW 3
ESPbeN 3
Fantastic-Calendar-9 3 LW: 3
FlashSpider-man 3
FoRtNiteizBAD 3 Ohio State Stay's at number three, on paper they have the best team in the country, as the face their first "real" test against Iowa this week.
FsuNolezz 3
GeyWeyner12 3
Hastronaut 3
HoustonHorns 3
JackWK_Gaming 3
jakepadres23 3
Jay_Dubbbs 3
JJones927 3
jonstark19 3 0
Josh_historybuff 3 38-7 vs Michigan State
journey1986 3
JustAGuy7915 3
KansasChaser2021 3
KCSportsFan7 3
kcvtdc 3
Kirkwood641 3
leadbymight 3
LonghornInNebraska 3
MainPeanut25 3 Not bad
MajikSix 3
ManiacalBlazer 3
Mascorn 3
mathmanhale 3
maxwell6233 3
mcdsmaster8824 3
Middle_Wheel_5959 3
Midnight-Mustang 3
Milflover69cbb 3 Still the best roster
mill1634 3
MuhMuhManRay 3
NA_Faker 3
NastyWideOuts 3
nebsA1 3
newSomberMan 3
ntny 3
OG_Felwinter 3
Omegaus492 3
PattyKane16 3
PeteyNice 3
pianoprofiteer 3
Piptit 3
PsychologicalFox8660 3
quadnips 3
quantum_jedi 3 (+1) Easily passed their first "test" of the year against a better than expected Sparty. The next four weeks will tell us a lot about the Buckeyes.
RipRaycom 3
SaguaroCactus19 3
Salmon-Dude 3
ScraaaaaaaambledEggs 3
Sflabuckeye13 3
Somali-Pirate-Lvl100 3
SomerandomIDFBfan 3
SortaDecent 3
spaceblev11 3
Spazzatack 3
SpeddyDawg 3
spencej98 3
sroach91 3
supercon21 3
swdanley17 3
tatteredgnome_23 3
tbutrie1916 3 Spartan Stadium looking like Ohio Stadium North rn
tcomn 3 Group B
thatoneguyD13 3 Tier 1.
TheBeekman8 3 Won on the road handily
thejus10 3
TheQuakinator 3
TheReformedBadger 3
Tight_Discipline_134 3
tms42206 3
True_Ad5324 3
trust_the_process__ 3
twr96 3
usernamegoeshere763 3
Utah0001 3
UTTuba16 3
WBLwiffleball 3
WebfootTroll 3
willbill182 3
Windoge_Master 3
WRSpill 3 (4)
Wumbology724 3
Yelich04 3 v1
yesiambear 3
ziggysaysnada 3
AdministrativeAnt683 4
BoilerUp28 4
brihimia 4
camus69x 4
ConstantPause1239 4
Crelc3 4
divey043 4
funt9rtle 4
geauxsaints777 4
gonshpreds1 4
HopefulReb76 4 They haven't really played anyone yet and have been slow to start a few times. I think Iowa's defense will for sure test them.
hurricaneatx 4
jibberishdhyukl 4
JordanDean04 4 (+2) Ohio State moves up two spots as two teams ahead of them last week lost, as they pick up their first P4 win.
jwrtf 4 -1
kevinsdomain 4
Lefunnymaymays4lief 4
Living_Human 4
Luigiatl 4
mfraga66 4
munchermode 4
Noahsince2002 4
notsaying123 4
saquad69 4
scsd4222 4
TheSleaze22 4
throwaway_6786 4 The Buckeyes had no problem taking care of Michigan State in a 38-7 thrashing. Now, a matchup with Iowa followed by that trip to Autzen to face the Ducks. And speaking of ducks...
TKFT_ExTr3m3 4
Tornadohunter24 4
Tylex123 4
Underground_Bread 4
forkedravioli 5
isrealball 5
Laschoni 5
msonar623 5 8
samtaylor92 5
sly2bfox 5
soonertiger 5
penix4heisman 6
RealignmentJunkie 6
chief_sitass 7
doctrhouse 7
133112 8 Not a bad game at all from the Buckeyes, but they suffer from similar issues to Texas.
CallMeTheKing 9 47-0-86
josh55134 9
wittingtarsier 9
big_thunder_man 10 Not going to know how to feel about them until they play Oregon.
owl-bears 10
cbusalex 11
Sp1cyRice 11 (+8)
0010MK 12
boblovespi 14
boomersooner222 15
cfbpeoplespoll 16 127 pts. Previous rank 48.
CallingUagoatUgoat 21 T21. 0 SP+ T-50 wins. Ohio State is probably a Top 5 team, but they haven't had a chance to prove it yet because they've had a weak schedule up to this point.
Serenityy8 21
STL_12 21 Points: 9.500 LW: N/A
1Subject 22
GenuineBoss 22
Rcfan0902 23 647.91
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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