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2023 Week 2 Pittsburgh Panthers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
owlalwaysloveyew 11
crownebeach 15 Pitt Respecter is logged in.
Staind075 15
TheJeemTeam 16
BUSean 18
RheagarTargaryen 19
cyberchaox 20 LW: 24
GeauxTri 21
MWiatrak2077 21
nw____ 21
NyquillusDillwad20 21
CFBHurts 22
Foxmcbowser42 22
lillipup03 22
Pikachu1989 22
TaylorLeprechaun 22 +3
magnumweiner 23
oghawks18 23
ReallyCreative 23
ScarletFever333 23
Striker743 24 Down 1 - played cupcake
thexraptor 24
jimbobbypaul 25 LY: 22 TY: 59
Rakarei 25
romulusjsp 25 (NR) Idk their unis are nice. DROPPED OUT: Clemson, TCU, LSU, SCAR, UTSA, Purdue. Each of those teams are right outside my rankings and are probably a week or two away from being ranked again.
SCsprinter13 25
TDenverFan 25
tjstanley 25
typicaliconoclast 25
VerySeriousBanana 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
PlactusTX 2 (5) W Wofford
patriots230 14
Totes_Not_an_NSA_guy 16 1577
KrispyKangaroo96 19
TheThirdViceroy 19
ard8 21
bthombeast 21
Harpua99 22
TheNSAAgent777 22
twitter_paulbd 22 [2x] 1-0
rocco2246 23
samuelbassett 23
ndbfsu22 24
big_thunder_man 25
KansasChaser2021 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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