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2022 Week 4 Arkansas Razorbacks Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
hythloday1 2
NotSoSuperNerd 3 35.17
studio_sally 3
aggiebruin27 4
dabul-master 4
djowen68 4
Pablo49 4 1315 points. Cincy was highly ranked in last year's computer poll, so Arkansas awarded for what the poll thinks is a big win. As the season goes, Cincy will look less valuable in retrospect and Arkansas will be a little bit less rewarded.
tallg8tor 4
confirmd_am_engineer 6
Hobbes_121 6
kamiller2020 6
Mr_Brews 6
srs_house 6
TouchdownHeroes 6 LW: 5
311polo 7
cinciforthewin 7
GeauxTri 7
HelioOne 7
NoMorning6152 7
NotHosaniMubarak 7 T-5 3-0 1 wins over otherwise undefeated fbs team and previously undefeated non-fbs team
notyogrannysgrandkid 7
ruwisc 7
ScarletFever333 7
ToeInDigDeep 7 38-27 over Missouri State
woakley 7
ACCBiggz 8
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 8
Branzilla91 8
CommodoreN7 8
Corgi_Koala 8
corundum9 8
EpicSchwinn 8
HarbingerOfFun 8
IceColdDrPepper_Here 8 Points - 12, Poll Points - 5679, Personal Rank - 11, Personal Poll Team - Oklahoma State
jchurch8073 8
MoneyManeVick 8
not_folie 8
nw____ 8 Bobby almost got revenge (for something he screwed up in the first place). Not an encouraging game at all. Hopefully it was a trap game they managed to escape, or conference play will be ugly.
outthawazoo 8
peachios 8
plannedsickdays 8
RollWarTideEagle 8
UNC_Samurai 8
vanburen1845 8
wameron 8
52hoova 9
Arteza147 9
bties 9
BugsSuck 9
captain_sasquatch 9
chweris 9
Corporal_Hicks 9
creative_penguin 9
dan4223 9
digdat0 9
Feral_Squirrel 9
G-manP 9
GenialGiant 9
itsabearcannon 9
jeedf 9
Joester09 9
Johnnycockseed 9
KommanderKeen-a42 9
Maladroit44 9
malowry0124 9
nemoran 9
NyquillusDillwad20 9
PrimalCookie 9
PromEmperorHarbaugh 9
RavenclawWiz816 9
RheagarTargaryen 9
roaddogg 9
SCRx 9
spasm01 9
SteemieRayVaughn 9
tauzeta 9
Techwid 9
thomasosu 9
ucieaters33 9
WolverineDDS 9
Acm0028 10
andrewthestudent 10
arrowfan624 10
boxbeat 10
Ch-i-ef 10
ChickenTaco 10
conchobor 10
cornholesurfer 10
crownebeach 10 I still think Arkansas is a really good team, but they're here more out of the lack of other candidates than anything else.
d_mcc_x 10
dasani3x 10
Disregardskarma 10
Drexlore 10
DrKennethJNoisewater 10
Extra_Excrement 10
falconlover79 10
fo13 10
fourpinz8 10
G-Aardvark 10
hypercube42342 10 Come on. I get it's Petrino, but FCS Missouri State?
IAmAChemicalEngineer 10
JCiLee 10
jlh2b 10
jmac_21 10
JustAManAndHisLaptop 10
mellolizard 10
olmsted 10
orbania 10
physedka 10
Pikachu1989 10
pileatedloon 10
Polarbear1914 10
realclean 10
RegionalBias 10
royrules22 10
scronko 10
SearonTrejorek 10
ShamusJohnson13 10
soonerfreak 10
SpadeRyker 10
Sproded 10
spsellers 10
Staind075 10
strikersteve60 10
tabelz 10
tdeff19 10
teddythe3rd 10
Texasagsman 10
thegreendalegelf 10
thexraptor 10
Ticklebump 10
tmothy07 10
TrojanMan35T 10
ttsci 10
WarEagle9 10
Wescat 10
wesman212 10
zacheiny 10
admiraltarkin 11
ALStark69 11 -2
buckeyegold 11
CFBHurts 11
CockADoodleBOOM 11
cyclonepsycho 11
dogwoodmaple 11
Dropbackandpunt 11
fshi 11
I_am_bot_beep_boop 11
icklebush 11
Jakesnake42 11 77.20
JaxofAllTrades13 11
jjjoebox 11 +2
King-Clover 11
MahjongDaily 11
MrTheSpork 11
No11223456 11
Noy_Telinu 11
Our-Gardian-Angel 11 Well the Razorbacks avoided a humiliating loss to Bobby Petrino-led Missouri State. That kind of defeat could've been a back breaker ahead of a challenging upcoming four-game stretch: at Texas A&M, vs. Alabama, at Mississippi State, at BYU. (Week 3: Arkansas 38, Missouri State 27; Record: 3-0)
Pollaski 11
ProbablyRickSantorum 11
RegulatorRWF 11
stesser 11
T-nawtical 11
TDenverFan 11
Thorteris 11
TimeBroken 11
tjstanley 11
_fastball 12
arrow_dynamics 12
badgers4194 12
BigBoutros 12
Bill3ffinMurray 12
Buckeyes2010 12
BUSean 12
Cars-and-Coffee 12
Cecil_Hardboner 12
Chris-P-Creme 12
Chucky1539 12
cmdrcaboose2 12
Colton3690 12
crimsonlaw 12
darkra01 12
DarthYoda2594 12 Unsure of how much to drop them based on that game - slotting here ahead of a group of 1 loss teams
eSpiritCorpse 12 0.9511
frumious88 12
Helifino 12
JonesUCF34 12
LEGEN--wait_for_it 12
LeWoofle 12 Ugly, ugly win for Arkansas, and has potential to drop fairly far if they lose a game in the coming weeks.
Longvols 12
monkeymatt1836 12
myghtymouse 12
Nathanael-Greene 12
njm1314 12
PHubbs 12
practicallybert 12
PumpSmash 12
Rakarei 12
RobertNeyland 12
sasmith2015 12
seaotter2 12
ShogunAshoka 12
sirgippy 12
SlaminSammons 12
soonersthebetter 12
Sophocles5 12
SPRX97 12
Striker743 12 Up 5 - they looked bad, but other teams looked worse
The_Horse_Joke 12
TheJeemTeam 12
TossedRightOut 12
Xtremeloco 12
Zloggt 12
AlphaH4wk 13
BamaPride95 13
bernkastel87 13
BorisNumber1 13
buckeyes75 13
CambodianDrywall 13
cfbguy 13
dicky_________seamus 13
eclectic_tastes 13
GatorRich 13 close win this week but a win none the less
Hey_Its_Roomie 13
ikindalikelemons 13 Dropping 8 slots this week, they almost lost to Missouri State at home. Yikes.
Inkblot9 13
ItsZizk 13
Keener1899 13
kflinderman 13
Lex_Ludorum 13
lillipup03 13
molodyets 13
nburt13 13
Omegaus492 13
puffadda 13
SCsprinter13 13
SportingMoose 13
T-Thugs 13 Arkansas is 3-0 with wins over Cincinnati (2-1) and South Carolina (1-2). It's a little tricky to know how to rank the cincinnati win early this year, but if they keep winning, that could really compare well against others. South Carolina also has the unfortunate schedule to start the year that they had to play Arkansas and also Georgia.
ya111101 13
113milesprower 14
BabyBladder 14
BallSoHerd 14
bobsled_time 14
BosskOnASegway 14
Charlemagne42 14 Computer ranking: 37
Hackasizlak 14
nbingham196 14
noodlethebear 14
placid_salad 14
Red261 14
RiffRamBahZoo 14
ryseing 14
TaylorLeprechaun 14 -5
turkishguy 14
typicaliconoclast 14
bakonydraco 15 78.19
cota1212 15
Daigotsu 15
DampFrijoles 15
DylanCarlson3 15 LW: 8
Foxmcbowser42 15
hascogrande 15
huskerfan4life520 15
KJdkaslknv 15
MWiatrak2077 15
deadtofall12 16
galacticdude7 16
jrichardh 16
ndhuskerpower 16
owl_man 16
posiitively 16
Sometimeswelose 16
blahblehblahwhoru 17
Blazeth 17
Cassiyus 17
drgnlis 17
nin478 17
noahthearc 17
one98d 17
owlalwaysloveyew 17
ThaCarter 17
VerySeriousBanana 17
A_Rolling_Baneling 18
Bank_Gothic 18
BlueFalcon89 18
Casaiir 18
e8odie 18
fadingthought 18
OKgolfer 18
PalmettoFace 18
TheReformedBadger 18
12panther 19
BlueSCar 19
Harmbert_ 19
justsaynotoreddit 19 0.6685
Conglossian 20 -9
DarkLegend64 20
retnuh101 20
theb52 20
trumpet_23 20
YellowSkarmory 20
CptCheese 21
esoterik 21
infinitempg 21
MarlinsGuy 21
relax_on_the_mat 21
Blooblod 22
kdcoltred 22
StevvieV 22
tdoger 22
THECrew42 22
SlicksterRick 24
GoBlueScrewOSU7 25
Stoneador 25
TheZachster 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
CheapTrickIsOkay 3
RJEP22 4 (3-0) 50.572 points
visor841 4
bubbleheads_ 5
Phoenix0114 5
Noelthemexican 6
Drowzy_Shooter 7
KyleAg06 7
Spacesurfer6 7
Archaic_1 8 It was an ugly win, but talent came out on top late. A good coaching moment for Sam
Dravens19 8
Harpua99 8
Jacob_Sumner 8
JustinMSU21 8
maxwell6233 8
mcdsmaster8824 8
notsmartprivate 8
PaulMSURon 8
PNW_Jeff 8
RealignmentJunkie 8
True_Ad5324 8 Top 5 team if they beat A&M.
UrashibaKazukoto 8
1Subject 9
andy-022 9 top-25 win
catman1256 9
colby983 9
coletheredditer 9
Due_Connection179 9 Scary win vs Missouri State. Didn't take the lead until 9:16 left in the 4th quarter. Was outplayed the entire game outside of two plays in the 4th (73 yard TD pass & 82 yard punt return TD). I'm going to chalk this up as looking ahead to Texas A&M, but this is a huge red flag for the early season.
MADBuc49 9
Matthias382 9
muzikjamr 9
Phillyfan3 9
PlayedNoOnePawwwl 9
redrumsoxLoL 9
romulusjsp 9
sam00121 9
Shion314 9
the-robo-boogie 9
TheSlyPudding 9
TommyTwoTaps 9 Not the greatest start to say the least, but finished strong. Pass defense is worrisome after this one.
washington_jefferson 9
Xarathustria 9
ActuallyJasonPrice 10
AnAngryPanda1 10
bannista7 10 Fell due to struggle with MOST
Beck4ou 10
CanAWoodChuckChuck 10
ChaseTheFalcon 10
ClemNation 10
DaVols 10
diehardcubforever 10
dusklord1 10 I'm assuming Arkansas just got caught looking ahead to A&M and/or Petrino spent the entire offseason scheming for this game and am not overreacting too much. But yikes.
ewolfy13 10 Shaky performance early but they pulled it out
FourteenClocks 10
FrolfAholic 10
frone 10
GoCardinals74 10
horaff 10
iDevourer 10
IMissMW2Lobbies 10
jalexjsmithj 10
JamoRedhead 10
jisachamp 10
just-regular-I-guess 10 Gave up way more than they should have, but Michigan State took the midnight train going anywhere
losbullitt 10
MaxMan1300 10
mill1634 10
ObjectOnBroadway 10
Pure_Protein_Machine 10
ScooterLeShooter 10
SonOfSvens 10
Steelthornn 10
tapswitch 10
TheBeekman8 10
_n8n8_ 11
beaver333 11
Bereft13 11 power: 15, SOR: 3
brucewaynewins 11
Butternades 11
camryn_16 11
DaewooLanosMFerrr 11
Dawg-Bite 11 If it weren’t for a major struggle game and getting out coached, Arkansas would likely still be #9 or #10 in my rankings rn, but I honestly just wasn’t impressed. Their defense is also kind of lacking.
Dontworryaboutit1 11
FiNN8778 11
FsuNolezz 11
Guhraffe 11
igloo27 11
JBonkies 11
jthomas694 11
magnumweiner 11
nebsA1 11
noffinater 11
oeking77 11
OSUfan88 11
RaceScottRace 11
RedassAddict 11
Sebene 11
Sflabuckeye13 11
sticksnstones32 11
TadKosciuszko 11
TimJressel 11
WBLwiffleball 11
whereismysauerkraut 11
AlexanderComet 12
bloodmuffins793 12
drneilpretenamen 12
dtynes10 12
entropy888 12
GangGreen7729 12
guttata 12
HideNZeke 12
ianmcmoney 12
ilikepie145 12
itsnotnews92 12
Jaymoney00 12
l1ghtn1ng_1 12
Loopylime 12
madskillzmatt 12
mathmanhale 12
mmaxey14 12
newSomberMan 12
PattyKane16 12
rocco2246 12
sconbon 12 Tier #3 - Someone got caught looking ahead to A&M...
shadowwingnut 12
SpeddyDawg 12
SwissArmyScythe 12
thatoneguyD13 12 Missouri St gave them a lot of trouble, still they've got two other good wins.
TheRedKing75 12
70277027 13
BananaBouquet 13
buckeye4249 13
cirtnecoileh 13
Financial_Lime_252 13
fredmerc111 13
GatorBolt 13 Solid looking team, but you have to rate them this low because of their bumpy motorcycle ride against Missouri State.
hershculez 13
Igwanea 13
ione107 13 0.750
mikecsiy 13
PolitiBob 13
russdb 13 won
BearsAreGreat1 14
BertGallagher 14
bethe2ndmouse 14
colton_97 14
giveupanddie 14
Piptit 14
The_Good_Constable 14
the_neverdoctor 14
DownshiftGD 15
Fantastic-Calendar-9 15 LW: 7, struggled against an FCS team, perhaps was too eager to make this team top 10 so quickly
ManiacalBlazer 15
OutRiteWite 15
stevensmeister 15
thetrain23 15
dustingibson 16 815
Hugefootballfan44 16
ImAndytimbo 16
LamarcusAldrige1234 16
MrOrcaDood 16
RootBeerBloat 16
stew_pac 16
ch1l1_ch33s3 17
Comit22 17
FeliceDot27 17
zachismadewell 17
10catsinspace 18
Muffinnnnnnn 18
Cooliamabeast 19
jaybigs 20
Joshntch 20
NanoBuc 20
Megalomanizac 23 Bacon Bits
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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