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2024 Week 15 Penn State Nittany Lions Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
70stang 2
Bank_Gothic 2
BenchRickyAguayo 2
Blooblod 2
BosskOnASegway 2
chweris 2
cinciforthewin 2
Corgi_Koala 2
CptCheese 2
digdat0 2
Drexlore 2
GatorBolt 2 Somehow, Penn State returned to Indianapolis.
hythloday1 2
JustinMSU21 2
mellolizard 2
nburt13 2
No11223456 2
noodlethebear 2
NyquillusDillwad20 2
OldCoaly 2
Our-Gardian-Angel 2
SlaminSammons 2
Sometimeswelose 2
spasm01 2
strikersteve60 2
T-nawtical 2
theb52 2 68.708
UMeister 2
VerySeriousBanana 2
w8w8 2
12panther 3
aggiebruin27 3
AlexanderComet 3
BabyBladder 3
BallSoHerd 3
BananaBouquet 3
bannista7 3
bernkastel87 3
Bill3ffinMurray 3
BlueFalcon89 3
BorisNumber1 3
boxbeat 3
bretticus33 3 Michigan was Penn State's MVP on Saturday. Slow start against Maryland but ended up dominating. Let's see if James Franklin can finally win a big game.
CambodianDrywall 3
captain_sasquatch 3
Cars-and-Coffee 3
Cassiyus 3
Ch-i-ef 3 Great seasons always overshadowed by narratives. Such is the life of a Penn State fan when James Franklin is your coach. He just can't win this big games. But now is your chance: The 12 team playoff will give me the ultimate opportunity. The question is not if he drops the ball here, but how?...Sorry Penn State fans...
ChemicalOle 3
Chris-P-Creme 3
CockADoodleBOOM 3
coletheredditer 3 #5
colton_97 3
conchobor 3
corundum9 3
cyberchaox 3
cyclonepsycho 3
d_mcc_x 3
Daigotsu 3
darkra01 3
Darth_Ra 3
dasani3x 3
DavoinShower-handle 3
deadtofall12 3
diehardcubforever 3
dogwoodmaple 3
Dropbackandpunt 3
EpicSchwinn 3
ewolfy13 3 This week will either prove them as frauds or prove they’re for real
Feral_Squirrel 3
fourpinz8 3
frone 3
galacticdude7 3
GenialGiant 3
GoBlueScrewOSU7 3
goodnames679 3
grjohnst 3
grtgbln 3
Harpua99 3
Helifino 3
HelioOne 3
Hobbes_121 3
huskerfan4life520 3
IAmAChemicalEngineer 3
IceColdDrPepper_Here 3
icklebush 3
jaybigs 3
JBonkies 3
jeedf 3
joebob431 3
Joester09 3
Keener1899 3
KirbyDumber88 3
KJdkaslknv 3
Knightro2011 3
lillipup03 3
Longvols 3
MADBuc49 3 +0. Would be the #6 playoff seed in this scenario, hosting #11 Iowa State State in the first round
MahjongDaily 3
MrTheSpork 3
nemoran 3
Noy_Telinu 3 In the BIG title game
one98d 3
owl_man 3
plannedsickdays 3
Polarbear1914 3
practicallybert 3 #5 Seed vs. Iowa State
puffadda 3
PumpSmash 3
Pure_Protein_Machine 3
Pyroblockx 3
Rakarei 3
ReallyCreative 3
redrumsoxLoL 3
RegulatorRWF 3
RheagarTargaryen 3
rocco2246 3
RollWarTideEagle 3
royrules22 3
Ruhrgebietheld 3
scronko 3
SCsprinter13 3
spmartin1993 3
Staind075 3
SteemieRayVaughn 3
stew_pac 3 +2
stripes361 3
TaylorLeprechaun 3 +3
tdeff19 3
TDenverFan 3
tdoger 3
Techwid 3
Texasagsman 3
the_neverdoctor 3
TheNSAAgent777 3
thomasosu 3
tjstanley 3
ToeInDigDeep 3
TopGoose 3
TossedRightOut 3
udubdavid 3
UNC_Samurai 3
washington_jefferson 3
Wescat 3
WillWorkForSugar 3
woakley 3
Xtremeloco 3
Zloggt 3
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 4
A_Rolling_Baneling 4
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 4
BearsAreGreat1 4
blahblehblahwhoru 4
BUSean 4
bwburke94 4
Casaiir 4
Charlemagne42 4 385
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 4 (+2)
ChaseTheFalcon 4
Colton3690 4
Conglossian 4
cvsprinter1 4
DampFrijoles 4
DarkLegend64 4
DarthYoda2594 4
DrKennethJNoisewater 4
e8odie 4
ehoefler 4 90.22 | +1
Extra_Excrement 4
fo13 4
fshi 4
GeauxTri 4
goblue10 4
Hackasizlak 4
halldaylong 4
HarbingerOfFun 4
hascogrande 4
JamoRedhead 4
Klaassy23 4 (LW Change: +2)
Maladroit44 4
manbeardawg 4
MemeofMemeJTG999999 4 (11-1) (up 1) W: 44-7 vs Maryland (4-8) Next Week: vs #1 Oregon (12-0) (B1G Champ; in Oregon) Projected Bowl: Playoff R1 vs Boise State
monkeymatt1836 4
ndbroski 4
noahthearc 4
NotSoSuperNerd 4 2.319 (11-1)
OKgolfer 4
PalmettoFace 4
Pikachu1989 4
PlactusTX 4 (5) W Maryland
Pollaski 4
rain_parkour 4
romulusjsp 4
seaotter2 4
SearonTrejorek 4 0.86686
ShogunAshoka 4
studio_sally 4
tallg8tor 4
teddythe3rd 4
texas2089 4
titansfan174 4
Tman450x 4
TouchdownHeroes 4
ucieaters33 4
vanburen1845 4
visor841 4
WarEagle9 4
10catsinspace 5
Acm0028 5
arrowfan624 5
bakonydraco 5 85.323
Blazeth 5
cfbguy 5
ch1l1_ch33s3 5
ChickenTaco 5
ColombianInIowa24 5 With aOSU falling on it's head like that, they climb into the B1GCG against #1 Oregon. Hasn't challenged UNLV.
CPiGuy2728 5
dan4223 5
jjjoebox 5
kflinderman 5
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 5
Lex_Ludorum 5
LiptonCB 5
luckroy 5 Pot 3
MarlinsGuy 5
Meany_Vizzini 5 20.7, -2, -0.9; SOR: 24.1 (2nd), MOV: 17.4 (7th)
MemeLovingLoser 5
MoneyManeVick 5
Muffinnnnnnn 5
nin478 5
Noelthemexican 5
Player_1_has_Joined 5
RJEP22 5
ScarletFever333 5
sirgippy 5
SpadeRyker 5
SwissArmyScythe 5 -1
TadKosciuszko 5
The-Gothic-Castle 5
TheZachster 5
trumpet_23 5
AlphaH4wk 6
ALStark69 6 0
Apep86 6
Cecil_Hardboner 6
CFBHurts 6
creative_penguin 6
dabul-master 6
Doogitywoogity 6
Due_Connection179 6 B1G Championship vs #1 Oregon // I fully believe that Penn State has locked up a CFP spot, and with Ohio State's loss to Michigan, I don't really see any way for them to drop spots if they keep it close. Maybe they drop to #7 if Georgia beats Texas, but right now with Indiana at #10, I think the committee will keep it non-conference games only for the 1st round and give us #6 Penn State vs #11 South Carolina (or Alabama).
fredmerc111 6
hypercube42342 6
infinitempg 6 0.890, =
jimbobbypaul 6
jthomas694 6
justsaynotoreddit 6
nw____ 6 I do not believe a James Franklin led team should be allowed to make the playoff but I tried to keep my pettiness out of the rankings.
olmsted 6
outthawazoo 6
Pablo49 6 2974
pileatedloon 6
posiitively 6
RiffRamBahZoo 6
ryseing 6
shadowwingnut 6
Striker743 6 Down 2 -adjusted for poll inertia
The_Good_Constable 6
the_lost_carrot 6
tks231 6
velociraptorfarmer 6
YellowSkarmory 6
BlueSCar 7
DisraeliEers 7
djowen68 7
eSpiritCorpse 7 0.9327
Hey_Its_Roomie 7
HieloLuz 7
Jakesnake42 7 82.19 Last Week: #5
nbingham196 7
placid_salad 7
RegionalBias 7 Smashed Maryland. But, hard to rank over team that beat them.
retnuh101 7
skuhlke 7
T-Thugs 7
TimeBroken 7 Rank: #7
ya111101 7
zenverak 7
G-Aardvark 8
Hugefootballfan44 8 LW: 6
Inkblot9 8
JeromesNiece 8
Red261 8
ruwisc 8
ThaCarter 8
ExternalTangents 9 Net Rating: 23.88; O: 10.31, O Rank: 20; D: -13.56, D Rank: 4
GilBrandt 9
owlalwaysloveyew 9
r0sco 9
spsellers 9
fadingthought 10
Fmeson 10
wameron 11

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
133112 2
Arvandu 2
ChBass 2 Losing to Ohio State doesn't hurt, but their best win is USC (#58)
dubscurry30 2
dukemetoo 2
JackWK_Gaming 2
JustAGuy7915 2
luciusetrur 2 LW: #3 Change: +1
saquad69 2
soonertiger 2
Spazzatack 2
The_Good_General 2 11–1; W vs Maryland
throwaway_6786 2
WBLwiffleball 2
70277027 3
ab317 3
ActuallyJasonPrice 3
AdministrativeAnt683 3
ArlyntheAwesome 3 +1
asbestosman2 3
beaulnej 3
BertGallagher 3
bigred91224 3
BoilerUp28 3
bolts_win_again 3
Burns2211 3
Burnsite 3
buzzingoffthetuffy 3
camus69x 3
carsonivey72 3
ConstantPause1239 3 LW: 4
cookie__monster___ 3
Crelc3 3
dee3Poh 3
divey043 3
donbagert 3
DownshiftGD 3
dterp13 3
EBuckhouse 3 Distant third. 2 points.
Electronic_Nail 3
energydan 3
Fantastic-Calendar-9 3 LW: 3
fellohuman77 3 Started slow but scored 44 unanswered to blowout Maryland and qualify for the B1G championship. Ahead of ND based on strength of schedule
Fghjkdid911 3
fm22fnam 3 +1 Moves up with Ohio State loss. Killed Maryland.
funt9rtle 3
g_trechel 3
geauxsaints777 3
gonshpreds1 3
HHunko13 3
Holyachilles04 3
hurricaneatx 3 (11-1) - ✅ 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗼𝗳𝗳 𝗣𝗶𝗰𝗸 - Penn State finds itself, surprisingly, in the B1G Championship Game following the upset in The Game. Penn State has shown elements of its usual fare under James Franklin's head coaching tenure, but have also had a few closer games against lesser competition than one would typically expect of the Nittany Lions, such as against Minnesota recently and Bowling Green earlier in the year. My quality win listing for them isn't too robust, but the Nittany Lions have avoided bad losses. Quality wins: Illinois
iamaustincince 3
IT_JUST_MEANS_JORT 3 💃🏻 Playoff Contender
Jay_Dubbbs 3
JazzYotesRSL 3
jonstark19 3 +1
journey1986 3
KansasChaser2021 3
Kareem89086 3
kevinsdomain 3
leadbymight 3
Life-Veterinarian699 3
LonghornInNebraska 3
Luigiatl 3
mccainjames11 3
mcdsmaster8824 3
Middle_Wheel_5959 3
NA_Faker 3
Noahsince2002 3
ntny 3
Omegaus492 3
PattyKane16 3
PeteyNice 3
PioneerBrah 3
Piptit 3
PSUMediaPA 3
PsychologicalFox8660 3
Real_TSwany 3
Repulsive_Rub6443 3
SaguaroCactus19 3
Salmon-Dude 3
samspopguy 3
scrambolambo 3
Sflabuckeye13 3
silfarion10 3
Sp1cyRice 3 +1
spaceblev11 3
SpeddyDawg 3
stealingchairs 3
SufferingfOrLife 3
tcomn 3
TheBeekman8 3
True_Ad5324 3
twr96 3
Tylex123 3
WebfootTroll 3
wittingtarsier 3
zmp1924 3 Finish season 11-1 in the Big 10 title game (+1)
androonfl 4
BeyondLiesTheWub 4 +1
bruhstevenson 4
buccaneerboy22 4
chillmagic420 4
Chipsahoy523 4
daredassdude 4
DillyDillySzn 4
drneilpretenamen 4
Euphoric_Relative_13 4
gavinw24 4
Hastronaut 4
headyhawk 4
HouseShowTights 4
ilacwamh 4
jackmc04 4 (+1)
JamesDontPlayNoGames 4
JJones927 4
johnjones55 4
Josh_historybuff 4 44-7 vs Maryland
JRam01 4
Lefunnymaymays4lief 4
LoCh0_xX 4
Logamer1012 4
loganisfresh 4
MainPeanut25 4 +1
ManiacalBlazer 4
maxwell6233 4
Midnight-Mustang 4
Milflover69cbb 4
mill1634 4
mountain_troop86 4 Say thank you to Ohio St
mthompson2320 4 LW: 5
Mynameisdiehard 4 See above
nebsA1 4
No_Particular_746 4
PersianGuitarist 4
quantum_jedi 4 (+1) Rolled over Maryland. Up next is Oregon in the B1G Championship.
RealignmentJunkie 4
RedBarracuda25 4 Franklin you gotta let the Maryland hate go. Maybe a B10 championship will smooth things over
requiemsux 4
RipRaycom 4
RJTrey 4
SaveTheCombees10 4
sconbon 4
Shion314 4
SignificanceFirm2398 4
smartkeg 4
TheQuakinator 4
TheReformedBadger 4
timpredmore 4 119.4
Underground_Bread 4
Versigot 4
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 4 Somehow managed to luck into a B1G championship appearance, hopefully THIS is the game James Franklin puts it all together.
0010MK 5
brucewaynewins 5
BuckeyeForLife95 5
CallMeTheKing 5 128-5-0
dawgfan24348 5
Dravens19 5
Effective-Lead-6657 5
EmpressElaina024 5 228.6
FrontRunner51 5
GenuineBoss 5
GeyWeyner12 5
ianmcmoney 5
jwrtf 5
Kirkwood641 5
owl-bears 5
redleg86 5 wins [West Virginia: 0.505, Bowling Green: 0.512, Kent State: 0, Illinois: 0.73, UCLA: 0.548, USC: 0.548, Wisconsin: 0.47, Washington: 0.584, Purdue: 0.192, Minnesota: 0.601, Maryland: 0.434] losses [Ohio State: -0.089]
RevoRebel 5
scsd4222 5
SpeedShark327 5
sportstrap 5
sroach91 5
thealbinotitan1 5 Penn State has had a really good regular season by avoiding Michigan and Oregon despite the lost to Ohio State now they get to play in the Big Ten championship because Ohio State is unable to beat Michigan now let’s see if James Franklin can overcome the narrative
Tornadohunter24 5
_Junk_Rat_ 6
ALToidzz 6
Bereft13 6 Power: 7, SoR: 7; LW: 4
big_thunder_man 6 [11-1] Beat Maryland. They (terrible team). Also lost an extremely winnable game against Ohio State. Why are they lower than Indiana? Because, on the whole, I feel like their margin of victory against mediocre teams was closer (barely beating Minnesota, USC, Illinois?) and offensive efficiency lags behind.
BlackGoose_13 6 50.93 LW: 6
Blazemaster77 6 LW: 5. I feel like people have gone too easy on PSU. They've had the same issues as UGA where a lot of games were too close for comfort. Still a better loss than Texas but they now have a better win so they get jumped. Good Luck vs Oregon. If they win they could be number 1
bryophyta_insolitam 6 W 44-7 vs. Maryland
CallingUagoatUgoat 6 1 Tier 2 win (USC). 1 Tier 1 loss (Ohio State).
cfbpeoplespoll 6 417 points. LW 9
cirtnecoileh 6
drewscottt 6 --
FlashSpider-man 6 If OSU is a team that can't win big games, what does that make Penn State?
Jeff_Banks_Monkey 6
RadiationRichard 6
samtaylor92 6
sirvalkyerie 6
SNjr 6
SpursUpSoundsGudToMe 6
StFuzzySlippers 6
swdanley17 6
TheSleaze22 6
TolkienFan71 6
TommyWiseau22 6
Tortillero96 6
1Subject 7
Bushken 7 68.29
grahamca 7 T2ⁿᵈ W/L, T4ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 10ᵗʰ Team Strength, 16ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
HopefulReb76 8
MajikSix 8
newSomberMan 8
STL_12 8 Points: 29.000 LW: 7
ThompsonCreekTiger 8
geordieColt88 9
josh55134 9
JoshuaMan024 9 241.34
Rcfan0902 9 2206.63
spencej98 9
Yelich04 10 ^1
SomerandomIDFBfan 11 LW 22
CakeEaters 12
DeerPrison 12
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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