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2019 Preseason TCU Horned Frogs Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
retnuh101 13
galacticdude7 15
Pikachu1989 15
studio_sally 15
Wurst_Law 15
steelcitygator 17 I think last season was unlucky more than anything and like them to get back towards good TCU.  I'm so high on TCU that they are the team most likely to win a Big 12 crown thats not Texas or Oklahoma in these next few years.
iliketoupvotepuns 18 TCU angered at least one of the college football gods last season, having a novel of an injury list most weeks last season. Still, they eke'd out a winning season. Gary Patterson is in my opinion a top 5 coach that makes every single team he coaches significantly better. I expect TCU to be nasty on defense this year once again under Patterson. I'm not counting out the Horned Frogs, and if they stay healthy and find a serviceable quarterback, you shouldn't either.
TopGoose 20
cms186 21
ShamusJohnson13 21
thexraptor 21
TheJeemTeam 22 1/3 in Tier H
FellKnight 24
JCiLee 24
JeromesNiece 24
jmac_21 24
soonerfreak 24
ndhuskerpower 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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