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2017 Week 5 Florida Gators Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Khavanon 10 (+4) 28-27 road win over previously ranked #21 Kentucky.
luckroy 10 Pot 3
DonnieNarco 12
kdcoltred 12
LeinadSpoon 12
WhiteBaseCoat 12 PLRCOAT: 6.039. Florida's down-to-the-wire wins over 2.5 Tennessee and 5.578 Kentucky (#15) are keeping them pretty high up in the rankings, over quite a few teams with 3 FBS wins; we'll have to see whether this tendency to play last-second games back to chomp them, or if they'll keep getting away with it long enough to build a top-10 resume.
djowen68 13
jrichardh 13
T-Thugs 13 Florida pulled off another win. Also, kudos to Florida for being 2-1 while only playing p5 teams. Got a solid win over Kentucky this weekend. Gators are currently my top 1 loss team. 
taloncarde 13
Acm0028 14
diastereomer 14
retnuh101 14
cfbguy 15
CountryRoads8 15
doormatt26 15
kflinderman 15
PalmettoFace 15
Rainbow_Beefcake 15
Smidgens 15
smills79 15
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 16
bread_buddy 16
doihavemakeanewword 16 B
fadingthought 16 Florida's offense continues to be mind boggling. Florida was behind basically the whole game and pulled out the victory at the very end. 
gbuntin 16
Hummer77x 16
Jpkun 16
swanky-k 16
tallg8tor 16
bluegrassborn 17
dan4223 17
DarthYoda2594 17
GeneralGBO 17
JCiLee 17
JeromesNiece 17
Knightro2011 17 Two skate by wins and a beat down loss has this team at 17? Yeah, it does. UF has played 3 games with their opponents combined record of 10-2. Minus the Michigan game, the Gators have averaged 6.47 yards per play (thank Feleipe Franks in the UT game there).
MammothMan34 17
mjacksongt 17
Pikachu1989 17
Polarbear1914 17
scootmcgroot 17
seanosaur 17
Sophocles5 17
TheCid 17
TimeBroken 17
toocleverbyhalf 17
52hoova 18
BrutonGaster77 18
f0gax 18
Grimbo_Reaper 18
jayhawx19 18
jeedf 18
laminak 18
Nathanael-Greene 18 Florida barely got away with it in Lexington, and thus fall down to #18 in my poll.
RegulatorRWF 18
runujhkj 18 good lord. i could not feel sorrier for Kentucky right now. 31 in a row. watch this space: Florida will back into Atlanta again
ruwisc 18
SSJRoshi 18
thatwasntveryraven 18
TheReformedBadger 18
XSavageWalrusX 18
Zerosa 18
03040905 19
AaronRodgers16 19
BosskOnASegway 19 Score: 0.8702 (43, 17, 39, 18)
Buckeyes2010 19
Bukowskified 19 Florida is living on borrowed time right not with last second wins against Tennessee and Kentucky. Maybe Del Rio will be the solution to their offensive woes.
CarbonCamaroZL1 19 +2 spots.
CertifiedSheep 19
ChickenTaco 19
Corporal_Hicks 19
corundum9 19
dicky_________seamus 19
djmoody90 19
kdbvols 19
LiptonCB 19
lk6 19 -1
owl_man 19
pascha 19
RiffRamBahZoo 19
solo_22 19
warm_warmer_disco 19
admiraltarkin 20
atchemey 20
boonamobile 20
brobroma 20
bties 20
cliffhanger407 20
DoctorWhosOnFirst 20
ExternalTangents 20
fshi 20
gordogg24p 20
hawkspur1 20
keytide22 20
pileatedloon 20
puffadda 20
scronko 20
spsellers 20
ToLongDR 20
ucieaters33 20
Xtremeloco 20
A-Stu-Ute 21
BoboIsDead 21 CHANGE: +1RECORD: LAST: 28-27 @KentuckyHISTORY:Preseason: #14Week 2: #24Week 3: URWeek 4: #22
Branzilla91 21
BunnySelfDestruct 21 Keep beating mediocre teams with huge mental lapses to allow last second touchdowns. That will certainly work out well in the end.
calidoc 21
CantHousewifeaHo 21
cinciforthewin 21
d_mcc_x 21
Daigotsu 21
DFWTooThrowed 21
Disregardskarma 21
DoveFood 21
flipadelphia17 21
flyingcrayons 21
G-Aardvark 21
kelctex 21
kelling928 21
Laschoni 21
lebaronslebaron 21
LEGEN--wait_for_it 21
MarlinsGuy 21
orangeslash 21
prof1le 21
r0sco 21
Saxasaurus 21
steinman17 21
TaylorLeprechaun 21 +0: 31 years in a row AND FSU is 0-2.  What a great day!
The_DHC 21
theb52 21
TheFlyingBoat 21
TheZachster 21
wesman212 21
xelphin 21
alsonamedbort87 22
Apep86 22
buttforaface 22
captain_sasquatch 22
coreyfra 22
CSU_Mike 22
g_mo821 22
kamikazeguy 22
kermic_the_frog 22
Luriker 22
myghtymouse 22
RobertNeyland 22
ScarletFever333 22
surreptitioussloth 22
Texasagsman 22
WarEagle9 22
Wescat 22
Austinperroux 23
CFSparta92 23
Chris-P-Creme 23
cmdrcaboose2 23
CockADoodleBOOM 23
Colton3690 23
galacticdude7 23
gohuskies 23
halldaylong 23
HelioOne 23
IAMAVelociraptorAMA 23 Time for three straight SEC teams, none of which really deserve to be here, but it's better than the alternative of just going "eh fuck it" because they're better than nothing.  Florida's offense gave me an aneurysm but at least their defense didn't give up six hundred yards to Mississippi State.
icklebush 23
jlh2b 23
jmac_21 23
JonesUCF34 23
KingKliffsbury 23
Mythic514 23
nuxenolith 23
pmartin0079 23
ProbablyRickSantorum 23
PureCFR 23
ryker888 23
SCRx 23
TanzaniaMagic 23
tmart12 23
typicaliconoclast 23
UNC_Samurai 23
Aeschylus_ 24
aguyfromthewest 24
Andaldo 24
beerslingerjay 24
BorisNumber1 24
Extra_Excrement 24
Frognosticator 24
Ghost_of_Dude 24 This team is scraping by and I'm not convinced they're top 25 but here they are
Mr_Storm 24
nickknx865 24 God the SEC East so bad. 31 wins in a row over Kentucky thanks to a 1 point win. Do I think Florida is good? No. Do I still think they're one of the top 25 teams in America? Yeah, probably, but juuuuuuuuusssstttt barely.
polydorr 24
qacha 24
Quentanamo_Bay 24
srs_house 24
ThaCarter 24
TheOrangeKush81 24 Florida may be disaster but they've got elite talent and a whole lotta luck and most teams have very little of either
TriStarBear 24
vanburen1845 24
BabyBladder 25
BlueFalcon89 25
goblue10 25
hokies220 25 I really didn't want to rank the Gators. They're two bad defensive plays away from being 0-3. But they are 2-1 with two division wins and therefore have a better argument than Navy or Iowa or Memphis to be #25 IMO.
mellolizard 25
neovenator250 25
olmsted 25
SantiagoRamon 25 Z
sirgippy 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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