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2017 Week 5 Navy Midshipmen Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
ExternalTangents 8
boonamobile 9
TheCid 11
trumpet_23 15
sideoutpar 16
DonnieNarco 17
frumious88 17
spasm01 18
digdat0 19
dybuell 19
grjohnst 19
overscore_ 19
ThaCarter 19
Darth_Sensitive 20 1110
wazoheat 20
RagingWombats 21
atchemey 22
bakonydraco 22
Frognosticator 22
hythloday1 22
relax_on_the_mat 22
SearonTrejorek 22 0.59475
smills79 22
BosskOnASegway 23 Score: 0.8558 (38, 19, 29, 32)
Cecil_Hardboner 23
mynameisjona 23
Nathanael-Greene 23 Navy has been proven to be a tough team this year and is very much in the race for the G5 Access Slot come New Year's.
tallg8tor 23
Colton3690 24
Knightro2011 24 Another school from the American Conference? Yes, the Power 6 is really being loved in this iteration of the formula. The 3-0 Midshipmen have played more efficiently each game thus far. They have played a weak schedule so far with two 500 teams and FAU. I don't think that will help them as they move forward.
BUSean 25
Stockz 25
WhiteBaseCoat 25 PLRCOAT: 4.75. Navy's resume is very similar to Duke's; Cincinnati and Tulane both have a score of 1.75, while FAU is a 0-pointer. If Navy has a good season and knocks off Notre Dame towards the end of the year then they ought to end up in my final rankings when all is said and done, but I have a feeling they might drop out sometime in the middle of the schedule due to their G5 resume.

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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