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2016 Week 7 Navy Midshipmen Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
LEGEN--wait_for_it 11
RagingWombats 11
TotalEconomist 12 Best Upset of the Week
ChickenTaco 13
smills79 13
Sophocles5 13
njm1314 14
TheTeamCubed 14
HelioOne 15
mynameisjona 15
ExternalTangents 16
monotonemr 16
owl_man 16
turtle_flu 16
dabul-master 17
key_lime_pie 17
pbjork 17
tallg8tor 17
digdat0 18
Dropbackandpunt 18
goblue10 18
Mr_Storm 18
ThaCarter 18
Apep86 19
bties 19
Daigotsu 19
HarbingerOfFun 19
Harry_B_C_Dresden 19
IAmAChemicalEngineer 19
kelctex 19
plannedsickdays 19
Rapsca 19
spasm01 19
tabelz 19
tylerbc 19
A-Stu-Ute 20
Acm0028 20
bernkastel87 20
bread_buddy 20
BrutonGaster77 20
DisraeliEers 20
jeedf 20
LeinadSpoon 20
mgmfa 20
ProbablyRickSantorum 20
PureCFR 20
rabid_communicator 20
topher3003 20
vanburen1845 20
alextoyalex 21
buckeyegold 21
Buckeyes2010 21
CraftyConsumer 21
Dasboot123 21
Frognosticator 21
Grimbo_Reaper 21
kflinderman 21
longhorn2015 21
meatfrappe 21
nickknx865 21
TDenverFan 21
TheCid 21
Xtremeloco 21
Zerosa 21
ack30297 22
coreyfra 22
djmoody90 22
JonesUCF34 22
kdcoltred 22
laminak 22
pascha 22
Quentanamo_Bay 22
ReallyCreative 22
Red261 22
roneman815 22
ryumast3r 22
SantiagoRamon 22
SCRx 22
slntkilla 22
SurpriseSalami 22
Techwid 22
theb52 22
03040905 23
52hoova 23
Andaldo 23
bakonydraco 23
dybuell 23
esoterik 23
Fifth_Down 23
fshi 23
huskerfan4life520 23
Keener1899 23
MrTheSpork 23
orangeslash 23
Polarbear1914 23
Saxasaurus 23
scotsworth 23
sunburn_on_the_brain 23
TopheryG8er 23
TossedRightOut 23
WeenisWrinkle 23
buckeyes75 24
Cecil_Hardboner 24
Cheeseish 24
chweris 24
CockADoodleBOOM 24
Corporal_Hicks 24
flyingcrayons 24
freebirdcrowe 24
hawkspur1 24
Hummer77x 24
jlh2b 24
kamikazeguy 24
Laschoni 24
monkeymatt1836 24
Mythic514 24
NeauxRegrets 24
nolez 24
noodlethebear 24
nuxenolith 24
pmartin0079 24
ruwisc 24
SCsprinter13 24
snwidget 24
SPRX97 24
twosheepforanore 24
UNC_Samurai 24
wackywiener 24
AaronRodgers16 25
admiraltarkin 25
BabyBladder 25
boonamobile 25
BorisNumber1 25
boxbeat 25
CambodianDrywall 25
captain_sasquatch 25
Cars-and-Coffee 25
chceman 25
corundum9 25
d_mcc_x 25
DafoeFoSho 25
Emperor_of_Orange 25
Fcc4life 25
G-manP 25
GilBrandt 25
groggydog 25 Go Army
halldaylong 25
Khavanon 25 69.899
KingKliffsbury 25
Luriker 25
MammothMan34 25
mellolizard 25
mickeyquicknumbers 25 Navy yeah! Solid rebound after the loss the airforce, limiting the mistakes and letting Houston make theirs is how you take advantage of a game you're favored big-time to lose.
neovenator250 25
polydorr 25
RiffRamBahZoo 25
scronko 25
swanky-k 25
Texasagsman 25
Wurst_Law 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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