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2012 Week 10 USC Trojans Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
dannylandulf 11
billybobskcor 12
ApplejackOfMyEye 13
WeenisWrinkle 13
kylethemachine 14
studio_sally 14
WharFalcon 14
DuckDuckMooose 15
jeedf 15
snwidget 15
boxbeat 16
DarthYoda2594 16
DoomCrew 16
FinancialAdvisorKid 16
flipadelphia17 16
fshi 16
gbuntin 16
GNicholson25 16
NatecUDF 16
PalmettoFace 16
tflordmalakt 16
wcalvert 16
abdalfarn 17
Arronwy 17
cblaines 17
Corporal_Hicks 17
dances_with_ibprofen 17
DelphicLike 17
grjohnst 17
imsoupercereal 17
jallen3 17
jlh2b 17
khalorei 17
littleson912 17
mcraft07 17
myghtymouse 17
Provid3nce 17
rossbk 17
scronko 17
SPRX97 17
theaustinkid 17
theCANCERbat 17
TrailerTrashBandit 17
UNC_Samurai 17
WaffleIron278 17
aaaangiemarie 18
acquiescing 18
bharmon 18
blackeagle613 18
bofa-on-the-sofa 18
Dawgclaw 18
dybuell 18
ehlu15 18
geauxtothetop 18
ixcuincle 18
jv27071 18
kama_river 18
Khavanon 18
mikelj 18
november5th 18
piccolo1228 18
SCsprinter13 18
burn_all_the_things 19
efilon 19
foretopsail 19
Harry_B_C_Dresden 19
joejoe1717 19
mikejarrell 19
Penny_Henny 19
profhoogs 19
skankedout 19
tallg8tor 19
Techwid 19
ThaCarter 19
elgambino 20
FellKnight 20
gms212 20
laminak 20
neverdonebefore 20
nolez 20
peterrabbit2010 20
RagingWombats 20
tayloraugustus 20
Apep86 21
Balrog_of_Morgoth 21
bobosaurs 21
BUSean 21
cliffhanger407 21
cometparty 21
cquinnc 21
pascha 21
plannedsickdays 21
slntkilla 21
sychosomat 21
ttsci 21
wambotron 21
152515 22
ronpaul012 22
kflinderman 23
mellolizard 23
sirgippy 23
digdat0 24
MC_Grandesize 24
moose512 24
thatonepianoguy 24
Wescat 24
Xtremeloco 24
indexspartan 25
KommanderKeen-a42 25
Rapsca 25
SmokingCricket 25
spsellers 25
zdc 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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