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2012 Week 9 USC Trojans Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Polarbear1914 5
slntkilla 5
billybobskcor 6
efilon 6
flipadelphia17 6
kojak2091 6
mellolizard 6
andhelostthem 7
Harry_B_C_Dresden 7
iusethistosavelinks 7
jlh2b 7
snwidget 7
SPRX97 7
brtucker 8
chaaarles 8
discobreakin 8
gbuntin 8
jeedf 8
kylethemachine 8
NatecUDF 8
PalmettoFace 8
pascha 8
Penny_Henny 8
Texasagsman 8
tflordmalakt 8
thatwasntveryraven 8
uwbjb 8
WaffleIron278 8
abdalfarn 9
Arronwy 9
Balrog_of_Morgoth 9
Bobtheweedbunny 9
bofa-on-the-sofa 9
buckeyewx 9
DarthYoda2594 9
dybuell 9
finallycreatedaname 9
FinancialAdvisorKid 9
GNicholson25 9
Hestkuk 9
hyp3rfastrxn 9
ixcuincle 9
jdhall010 9
kamkazemoose 9
littleson912 9
MC_Grandesize 9
MidwestDrummer 9
myghtymouse 9
taloncarde 9
thatguy2014 9
theaustinkid 9
TossedRightOut 9
turkishguy 9
TwoAngryFigs 9
Upgrayedd08 9
voltron818 9
zomglolreddit 9
a_haar 10
bharmon 10
Branzilla91 10
Corporal_Hicks 10
cquinnc 10
fshi 10
jv27071 10
life_is_okay 10
mnyquist 10
profhoogs 10
Provid3nce 10
rossbk 10
toocoofoschool 10
ttsci 10
WharFalcon 10
ApplejackOfMyEye 11
bobosaurs 11
cfbguy 11
dances_with_ibprofen 11
DoomCrew 11
geauxtothetop 11
grjohnst 11
jeffgoodt 11
joejoe1717 11
LiptonCB 11
mikejarrell 11
nakedkpax 11
nolez 11
november5th 11
nuxenolith 11
SCsprinter13 11
senorthunder 11
skankedout 11
spsellers 11
studio_sally 11
super-rad 11
UNC_Samurai 11
wafflesnsyrup 11
wcalvert 11
WeenisWrinkle 11
why_so_sirius 11
aaaangiemarie 12
Acm0028 12
boxbeat 12
burgler 12
cometparty 12
epicschwinn 12
FataOne 12
gms212 12
incandescence14 12
jormson 12
laminak 12
RagingWombats 12
s0nopritch 12
Xtremeloco 12
cowme 13
Cozyheartache 13
piccolo1228 13
redbenn 13
sychosomat 13
tallg8tor 13
Techwid 13
thatonepianoguy 13
152515 14
cblaines 14
cliffhanger407 14
jwstark 14
Khavanon 14
moose512 14
OhGeorgia 14
ajd3886 15
BUSean 15
SmokingCricket 15
TheCid 15
thrav 15
FellKnight 16
MustangDude69 16
njm1314 16
saladbar 16
ThaCarter 16
wambotron 16
zdc 16
dabul-master 17
DelphicLike 17
felatiodeltoro 17
indexspartan 17
KommanderKeen-a42 17
StinsonBeach 17
hondaaccord 18
neverdonebefore 18
Apep86 19
ChickenTaco 19
darth_turtle 19
kflinderman 19
Rapsca 19
sirgippy 19
vtgorilla 19
RomanCandle332 20
Wescat 20
ExternalTangents 21
digdat0 22

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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