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2024 Week 7 Clemson Tigers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
shadowwingnut 4
pileatedloon 5
SharkMovies 5
BananaBouquet 6
DampFrijoles 6
Darth_Ra 6
digdat0 6
monkeymatt1836 6
Rakarei 6
52hoova 7
arrowfan624 7
BallSoHerd 7
BlueFalcon89 7
bretticus33 7
ChaseTheFalcon 7 +4
CptCheese 7
creative_penguin 7
deadtofall12 7
EpicSchwinn 7
icklebush 7
jaybigs 7
JBonkies 7 (+6)
jthomas694 7
kamiller2020 7
Megalomanizac 7
myghtymouse 7
ReallyCreative 7
RegulatorRWF 7
Staind075 7
TheZachster 7
12panther 8
BabyBladder 8
BosskOnASegway 8
Cecil_Hardboner 8
CockADoodleBOOM 8
Drexlore 8
Due_Connection179 8 Last Week #13 at Florida State / Won 29 - 13 / Went as expected.
G-Aardvark 8
HarbingerOfFun 8
IceColdDrPepper_Here 8
KirbyDumber88 8
malowry0124 8
MemeofMemeJTG999999 8 (4-1) (up 4) W: 29-13 @ Florida State (1-5) Next Week: @ Wake Forest (2-3) Projected Bowl: Playoff R1 vs Notre Dame
MoneyManeVick 8
No11223456 8
one98d 8
outthawazoo 8
PumpSmash 8
Pure_Protein_Machine 8
retnuh101 8
RiffRamBahZoo 8
Shootit_Rockets 8
SteemieRayVaughn 8
Striker743 8
Techwid 8
teddythe3rd 8
texas2089 8
Texasagsman 8
TimeBroken 8 Rank: #15
ucieaters33 8
VerySeriousBanana 8
10catsinspace 9
aggiebruin27 9
Bank_Gothic 9
bannista7 9
BearsAreGreat1 9
Branzilla91 9
Buckeyes2010 9
captain_sasquatch 9
Cars-and-Coffee 9
cinciforthewin 9
coletheredditer 9 Almost to the swath of teams that lost, they fell hard here, I blame them for losing, personally.
Corgi_Koala 9
DarkLegend64 9
Doogitywoogity 9 Beat up a confused FSU as is tradition
falconlover79 9
Feral_Squirrel 9
frumious88 9
fshi 9
Hackasizlak 9
HelioOne 9
huskerfan4life520 9
joebob431 9
magnumweiner 9
noodlethebear 9
nw____ 9 The gap b/w them and Georgia is still probably huge, but teams are dropping like flies this season right as Clemson’s offense looks the best it’s looked in several years.
Our-Gardian-Angel 9
PHubbs 9
Red261 9
Sometimeswelose 9
SwissArmyScythe 9 +4
TaylorLeprechaun 9 +5
tdoger 9
vanburen1845 9
_fastball 10
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 10
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 10
ALStark69 10 +3
Bill3ffinMurray 10
Blazeth 10
BlueSCar 10
ChemicalOle 10
chweris 10
d_mcc_x 10
dan4223 10
DarthYoda2594 10
Extra_Excrement 10
GatorBolt 10 Top 10 Clemson after that opening faceplant against Georgia was not something I was expecting.
GoBlueScrewOSU7 10
Harpua99 10
jjjoebox 10
JustinMSU21 10
Klaassy23 10 (LW Change: +3)`
MemeLovingLoser 10
Muffinnnnnnn 10
nemoran 10
noahthearc 10
OldCoaly 10
owl_man 10
PalmettoFace 10
Pyroblockx 10
SlaminSammons 10
SpadeRyker 10
titansfan174 10
UMeister 10
w8w8 10
WillWorkForSugar 10
Zloggt 10
Acm0028 11
Blooblod 11
boxbeat 11
Ch-i-ef 11 Your L looks even worse now
cornholesurfer 11
D1N2Y 11
DavoinShower-handle 11
ewolfy13 11 Good but not amazing
hascogrande 11
Inkblot9 11
jeedf 11
JeromesNiece 11
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 11
MADBuc49 11
MahjongDaily 11
owlalwaysloveyew 11
r0sco 11
RheagarTargaryen 11
rocco2246 11
RollWarTideEagle 11
romulusjsp 11
scronko 11
TopGoose 11
WarEagle9 11
Wescat 11
WolverineDDS 11
bernkastel87 12
Cassiyus 12
ch1l1_ch33s3 12
corundum9 12
djowen68 12
eclectic_tastes 12
GenialGiant 12
hypercube42342 12
Longvols 12
Mr_Brews 12
nbingham196 12
Pikachu1989 12
Player_1_has_Joined 12
Pollaski 12
strikersteve60 12
tdeff19 12
The_Good_Constable 12
TheNSAAgent777 12
tjstanley 12
ChickenTaco 13
dasani3x 13
diehardcubforever 13
esoterik 13
halldaylong 13
JaxofAllTrades13 13
Knightro2011 13
mellolizard 13
nin478 13
RegionalBias 13
soonerfreak 13
T-nawtical 13
TDenverFan 13
the_lost_carrot 13
the_neverdoctor 13
theb52 13 44.600
Xtremeloco 13
Casaiir 14
DrKennethJNoisewater 14
e8odie 14
frone 14
GeauxTri 14
goodnames679 14 They've looked okay, but are nothing to write home about. They have little opportunity to prove themselves as elite the rest of the season, but they have a nonzero shot at sneaking a win in the ACC championship. Till then, they have to remain consistent.
lillipup03 14
NyquillusDillwad20 14
seaotter2 14
studio_sally 14
thomasosu 14
tks231 14
udubdavid 14
CFBHurts 15
fadingthought 15
fo13 15
fredmerc111 15 LW: 22
galacticdude7 15
HHcougar 15
Hobbes_121 15
Maladroit44 15
posiitively 15
puffadda 15
AlexanderComet 16
bties 16
CambodianDrywall 16
cvsprinter1 16 One loss P4 program with previous high ranking
Daigotsu 16
IAmAChemicalEngineer 16
infinitempg 16 0.844
JustAManAndHisLaptop 16
luckroy 16
realclean 16 +6
tmothy07 16
wameron 16
70stang 17 Clemson is 4-1, with 3 P5 wins including one away, 1 G5 win, and a neutral loss to UGA. The head to head loss to UGA places them lower.
AudiieVerbum 17
blahblehblahwhoru 17
cfbguy 17
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 17 (NR)
Dropbackandpunt 17
goblue10 17
grjohnst 17
jalexjsmithj 17
Lex_Ludorum 17
MarlinsGuy 17
nburt13 17
NotSoSuperNerd 17 0.883 (9.0-3.0)
plannedsickdays 17
ruwisc 17 #31
ryseing 17
sasmith2015 17
sirgippy 17
srs_house 17 Loss to UGA
UNC_Samurai 17
Colton3690 18
Conglossian 18 -1
Noelthemexican 18
Polarbear1914 18
SCsprinter13 18
tallg8tor 18
The-Gothic-Castle 18
CommodoreN7 19
fourpinz8 19
Helifino 19
Meany_Vizzini 19 13.9, -2, -0.4
MrTheSpork 19
RJEP22 19
JamoRedhead 20
justsaynotoreddit 20 0.872
Ruhrgebietheld 20
SearonTrejorek 20 0.73255
spasm01 20
visor841 20
bakonydraco 21 80.162
Charlemagne42 21 Adjustment: 11%
Corporal_Hicks 21
dabul-master 21
spsellers 21
AlphaH4wk 22
Chris-P-Creme 22
eSpiritCorpse 22 0.8976
Fmeson 22
stew_pac 22 +11
A_Rolling_Baneling 23
cota1212 23
grtgbln 23
Pablo49 23 1647
practicallybert 23
ScarletFever333 23
olmsted 24
Apep86 25
Joester09 25
jrichardh 25
LiptonCB 25
velociraptorfarmer 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
cfbpeoplespoll 6 179 points. Previous rank 12.
hoovereatscowpoop 6
SaguaroCactus19 6
samspopguy 6
SNjr 6
WasianB0y42 6
Fghjkdid911 7
GeyWeyner12 7
jackmc04 7
Jay_Dubbbs 7
MajikSix 7
mill1634 7
Mossed26 7
mport97 7
penix4heisman 7
Underground_Bread 7
70277027 8
brihimia 8
cookie__monster___ 8
daa4th 8
dawgfan24348 8
dheck2016 8
divey043 8
DownshiftGD 8
drneilpretenamen 8
ElyxUW 8
hurricaneatx 8 (4-1) - Quality wins: None
ianmcmoney 8
Lefunnymaymays4lief 8
loganisfresh 8
LonghornInNebraska 8
Mayonezee 8
mcdsmaster8824 8
Milflover69cbb 8 This is actually starting to look like Clemson of old
mountain_troop86 8
PattyKane16 8
Piptit 8
PsychologicalFox8660 8
RedBarracuda25 8 Dabo under the radar cooking
Sauronslefteye 8 (+4) Put Alabama, Georgia, and Clemson in the order they beat each other
sconbon 8
ScooterLeShooter 8
sirvalkyerie 8
soonertiger 8
TheBeekman8 8 Won their game
TheSleaze22 8
twr96 8
WebfootTroll 8
BoilerUp28 9
charmingcharles2896 9 They survived upset saturday.
chillmagic420 9
Crelc3 9
DaewooLanosMFerr 9
FsuNolezz 9
gavinw24 9
gonshpreds1 9
Hastronaut 9 Clemson continues to look good since Week 1
HideNZeke 9
jwrtf 9 +5 (i still do not believe in clemson. i do not. but who else should go here. realistically.)
Kirkwood641 9
leadbymight 9
MainPeanut25 9 +1
mfraga66 9
munchermode 9
PeteyNice 9
Salmon-Dude 9
Serenityy8 9
Sflabuckeye13 9
swdanley17 9
tms42206 9
bigred91224 10
Burnsite 10
carsonivey72 10
CriterionCrypt 10 Clemson has rebounded nicely since their loss to Georgia. They are probably the most complete team in the ACC.
dr_funk_13 10
dterp13 10
HopefulReb76 10 One quality loss and they have been clicking ever since. This team should handle Wake without issue.
isrealball 10
journey1986 10
KansasChaser2021 10
Luigiatl 10
maxwell6233 10
ntny 10
OSUfan88 10
PersianGuitarist 10
pianoprofiteer 10
saquad69 10
scsd4222 10
silfarion10 10
Somali-Pirate-Lvl100 10
sroach91 10
supercon21 10
tbutrie1916 10 Idk but you're alive
thejus10 10
TheQuakinator 10
True_Ad5324 10 Are they back?
willbill182 10
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 10 We once again return to the #10-#15 one loss team pile of elite mediocrity. Clemson is the highest cause they only giga lost to Georgia. FSU doesn't count as a quality win anymore, so im really just considering them an undefeated* team (*omega lost to georgia)
Airweldon 11
asbestosman2 11
Astone1996 11
BoukenGreen 11
cartierboy25 11
dukemetoo 11
Josh_historybuff 11 29-13 vs FSU
kcvtdc 11
Middle_Wheel_5959 11
NA_Faker 11
newSomberMan 11
Omegaus492 11
Protoco2 11
PSUMediaPA 11
quadnips 11
spaceblev11 11
thehornedlamb 11
trust_the_process__ 11
usernamegoeshere763 11
WRSpill 11 (15)
Yelich04 11 v2
ab317 12
ActuallyJasonPrice 12
arrchar 12 Only loss to Georgia, dominant win over NC State. Each win by 3 possessions.
BeyondLiesTheWub 12 +7
bruhstevenson 12
bryophyta_insolitam 12 W 29-13 @ Florida State
corona779 12
Dan20698 12
funt9rtle 12
jonstark19 12 +3
JordanDean04 12
Laschoni 12
Minnesnowtaaa 12
mr_longfellow_deeds 12
nebsA1 12
SortaDecent 12
spencej98 12
tcomn 12 Group C
Tight_Discipline_134 12
Tylex123 12
WBLwiffleball 12
ziggysaysnada 12
Aggravating-Steak-69 13
Arvandu 13
Chipsahoy523 13
mthompson2320 13 LW: 13
quantum_jedi 13
TheReformedBadger 13
_Junk_Rat_ 14
BG-WestyC 14
FlashSpider-man 14
geauxsaints777 14
JoshuaMan024 14 229.98
ManiacalBlazer 14
ALToidzz 15
daredassdude 15
jibberishdhyukl 15
JustAGuy7915 15
Shion314 15
SomerandomIDFBfan 15
TKFT_ExTr3m3 15
big_thunder_man 16 4-1. BYE. Georgia manhandled them, but they've run up the margins since.
donbagert 16
drewscottt 16 -1
kevinsdomain 16
boomersooner222 17
brucewaynewins 17
cirtnecoileh 17
doctrhouse 17
dubscurry30 17
JackWK_Gaming 17
thatoneguyD13 17 Tier 4.
_JustinTheGreat_ 18
BertGallagher 18
chief_sitass 18
KCSportsFan7 18
Living_Human 18
Mynameisdiehard 18 On the eye test, I believe they are probably the best all-around team in the ACC. Unfortunately the weakness of the ACC and Clemson's schedule is hurting them. The loss to Georgia and subsequent devaluing of the SEC this week see them dropping below some other teams this week for me.
Bereft13 19 Power: 12, SoR: 37; LW: 15
camus69x 19
FoRtNiteizBAD 19
Menktenk 19
RadiationRichard 19 LW - NR
samtaylor92 19
BuckeyeForLife95 20
josh55134 20
RealignmentJunkie 20
Spazzatack 20
CakeEaters 21
CallingUagoatUgoat 21 T-20. 1 SP+ T10 loss (Georgia). Best win - SP+ #61 NC State.
EBuckhouse 21
eddietheintern 21
patriots230 21
ESPbeN 22
Sp1cyRice 23 (-9)
GenuineBoss 24
throwaway_6786 25 The Tigers did well as they had a fast start and buried FSU early, but their resume takes a small hit as NC State lost again and Georgia took a small tumble by virtue of the Alabama loss. Clemson is still searching for that marquee win to boost them up, but at the moment, it seems like the only one they could get is against Pitt, and that game is still over a month away. In the meantime, they'll just have to keep winning and hope for some more chaos to make big moves up the rankings. I considered Oklahoma, LSU, Utah, Texas Tech, Army, Arkansas, Washington, Arizona State, Rutgers, Colorado, and a few others, but none of them were quite good enough.
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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