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2024 Week 3 Washington Huskies Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
BUSean 1
Joester09 1
ColombianInIowa24 2 Unimpressive, but inertia keeps them here.
placid_salad 4 LW: #1
jimbobbypaul 5
PlactusTX 5 (6) W Eastern Michigan
CommodoreN7 6
bakonydraco 9 77.679
TadKosciuszko 9
MemeLovingLoser 10 74.8
Darth_Ra 11
Maladroit44 11
bwburke94 12
cyberchaox 12
NotSoSuperNerd 12 0.712 (7.8-4.2)
owl_man 12
stew_pac 12 +10
ya111101 12
Charlemagne42 13 Solid, fundamental football in both directions.
Hobbes_121 13
RobertNeyland 13
romulusjsp 13 (+6) See above, why not
ScarletFever333 13
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 14
HelioOne 14
Longvols 14
Striker743 14
digdat0 15
ehoefler 15 79.51 | +5
ruwisc 15
fredmerc111 16 LW: 16
Hey_Its_Roomie 16
jthomas694 16
MrTheSpork 16
NyquillusDillwad20 16
OldCoaly 16
owlalwaysloveyew 16
Rakarei 16
RegionalBias 16
SpadeRyker 16
Corporal_Hicks 17
DrKennethJNoisewater 17
nin478 17
practicallybert 17
ToeInDigDeep 17
ALStark69 18 +2
IceColdDrPepper_Here 18
JamoRedhead 18
manbeardawg 18
RJEP22 18 (2-0) 90.333 pts
the_lost_carrot 18
TheNSAAgent777 18
BearsAreGreat1 19
ChaseTheFalcon 19 NR
Daigotsu 19
fadingthought 19
HarbingerOfFun 19
jaybigs 19
Lex_Ludorum 19
Mr_Brews 19
plannedsickdays 19
shadowwingnut 19
cvsprinter1 20 Convincing win but against a nobody
darkra01 20
HieloLuz 20 Points: 18 | Wins: 1 T6, 1 T7 |
Megalomanizac 20
Player_1_has_Joined 20
ReallyCreative 20
spmartin1993 20
TaylorLeprechaun 20 NR
djowen68 21
one98d 21
RheagarTargaryen 21
royrules22 21
Ruhrgebietheld 21
A_Rolling_Baneling 22
AudiieVerbum 22
bannista7 22
Ch-i-ef 22 Apple Cup in September? 🤢
Conglossian 22 U/R
goodnames679 22
halldaylong 22
Pikachu1989 22
Pollaski 22
BosskOnASegway 23
CambodianDrywall 23
CFBHurts 23
MahjongDaily 23
Meany_Vizzini 23 10.1, +6, +1.5
Noelthemexican 23
cornholesurfer 24
corundum9 24
grtgbln 24
Hugefootballfan44 24
Jakesnake42 24 64.75
jeedf 24
spsellers 24
TheZachster 24
grjohnst 25
IAmAChemicalEngineer 25
nburt13 25
realclean 25
SCsprinter13 25
seaotter2 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
penix4heisman 1
RealignmentJunkie 3
LongjumpingState9635 7 +4
Arvandu 10
BeyondLiesTheWub 10 +19
OCD3ds 10
FigletPiglet 11 +2
msonar623 11
grahamca 12 T1ˢᵗ W/L, T7ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 11ᵗʰ Team Strength, 21ˢᵗ Quality of Wins
leadbymight 12
Rcfan0902 12
yesiambear 13
BuckeyeForLife95 14
camus69x 14
LoCh0_xX 14
Protoco2 15
slatibartifast3 15
cfbpeoplespoll 16 55 pts.
charmingcharles2896 16 Steady progress.
drneilpretenamen 16
JordanDean04 17
TKFT_ExTr3m3 17 Low quality opponents but looked good doing it at least. Last year's runner up.
ALToidzz 18
dawgfan24348 18
kevinsdomain 18
Maxdarkfire 18
Menktenk 18
eddietheintern 19 I was worried about my Huskies preseason and I still don't think Will Rogers is that dude but the rushing attack has looked great and Rogers has been completing key passes when the chips are down, even on fourth down. Defense looking much stouter than last year's too. Granted Weber State and Eastern Michigan are not Texas and Ohio State but it's not hard to imagine Washington beating Michigan, Penn State, and/or even Oregon at this stage. We also play USC - we just have a really tough schedule in general this year - but we're on track for a nice 9 win season I think. Definitely being underrated in the AP poll.
FlashSpider-man 19
WBLwiffleball 19
wittingtarsier 19
WRSpill 19 (NR)
_JustinTheGreat_ 20
brucewaynewins 20
doctrhouse 20
GenuineBoss 20
mountain_troop86 20
Ok_Welcome_6684 20
PsychologicalFox8660 20
slashbopzing 20
soonertiger 20
Thehomelessguy11 20
TheQuakinator 20
throwaway_6786 20 They still have their 2023 season to prop them up, but when that goes away next week, they'll need to really dominate the teams on their schedule to continue moving up the rankings. An early Apple Cup matchup comes to Seattle, but the schedule is light for the Huskies until they host Michigan next month.
hurricaneatx 21 (2-0) -
jwrtf 21
Minnesnowtaaa 21
RubbleHome 21
SaguaroCactus19 21
schneeplehoppen 21
scsd4222 21
The_Stratman 21
Underground_Bread 21
Aidanj927 22
BoilerUp28 22
ElyxUW 22 Coaching staff is getting the most of their talent so far, with slow starts to their games.
KansasChaser2021 22
mill1634 22
quantum_jedi 22 Huskies took care of business against EMU. Slow start that could be a problem against teams with stronger offenses.
spencej98 22
willbill182 22
Bereft13 23 Power: 23, SoR: 54; LW: NR (31)
Burnsite 23
Living_Human 23
Tight_Discipline_134 23
vindictivejazz 23
70277027 24
_TGT7 24 NEW, Washington enters the rankings for the same reason Louisville did, they haven’t made any dumb mistakes.
dubscurry30 24
Luigiatl 24
sirvalkyerie 24 They've beat bad teams the way a good team should. They were in the title game last year. They've shown they have the talent and pedigree. For now they've earned their spot here.
TheBeekman8 24 Have they’re instate rival in town next week should be interesting
chief_sitass 25
Chipsahoy523 25
GavRunsTheTrap 25
Jay_Dubbbs 25
OSU_Shecter 25
saquad69 25
sconbon 25
Sflabuckeye13 25
spicywarlock73 25
Wumbology724 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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