User | Rank | Reason |
Meany_Vizzini | 8 | 20.1, NR. Their win over Mississippi State was huge, and the loss to Florida State has been forgiven by the model due to how Florida State is playing. |
justsaynotoreddit | 9 | 0.7290 |
ryumast3r | 10 | |
ThePelvicWoo | 11 | Ranked 4 in Beta_Rank and just beat the team that Beta_Rank has at 6th. The FSU loss was funny but at some point I got to just suck it up and rank them |
r0sco | 12 | |
tdoger | 13 | |
ExternalTangents | 14 | 8.15 |
JeromesNiece | 14 | |
AlphaH4wk | 16 | |
luckroy | 16 | Pot 2 |
StevvieV | 17 | |
Stoneador | 17 | |
turkishguy | 17 | |
MahjongDaily | 19 | |
ShogunAshoka | 20 | |
BlueSCar | 21 | |
DataDrivenPirate | 21 | |
infinitempg | 22 | |
Conglossian | 23 | U/R |
studio_sally | 23 | |
THECrew42 | 23 | |
TouchdownHeroes | 24 | LW: HM |
cornholesurfer | 25 | |
Fmeson | 25 |
User | Rank | Reason |
Terminal_BAS | 10 | |
shadowwingnut | 19 | |
mthompson2320 | 20 | |
dtynes10 | 21 | |
TheRedKing75 | 22 | |
NINFAN300 | 23 | |
MADBuc49 | 24 | |
CanAWoodChuckChuck | 25 | |
DaewooLanosMFerrr | 25 | |
ianmcmoney | 25 |