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2020 Final Ohio State Buckeyes Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
52hoova 2
arrowfan624 2
BabyBladder 2
BallSoHerd 2
Blazeth 2
boonamobile 2
BosskOnASegway 2
boxbeat 2
boxman151515 2
brobroma 2
Buckeyes2010 2
BUSean 2
CambodianDrywall 2
Cars-and-Coffee 2
Cecil_Hardboner 2
CFBHurts 2
Ch-i-ef 2
ChemicalOle 2
chrisb19 2
cinciforthewin 2
cmdrcaboose2 2
corundum9 2
crownebeach 2
dabul-master 2
DafoeFoSho 2
dan4223 2
DarkLegend64 2 S Tier (Got crushed by Bama but they blew out Clemson so they get back into the S Tier)
DarthYoda2594 2
djowen68 2
Dropbackandpunt 2
Ersatzself 2
ExternalTangents 2
fo13 2
G-manP 2
galacticdude7 2
GenialGiant 2
GilBrandt 2
Hackasizlak 2
halldaylong 2
Helifino 2
Hey_Its_Roomie 2
Hobbes_121 2
IAmAChemicalEngineer 2
icklebush 2
Jakesnake42 2
JCiLee 2
jeedf 2
JeromesNiece 2
jlh2b 2
jmac_21 2
joebob431 2
LiptonCB 2
Maladroit44 2
malowry0124 2
Miami_da_U 2
monkeymatt1836 2
Mr_Brews 2
nbingham196 2 3 top 30 wins (Clemson, Northwestern, Indiana) with only loss to a team that would beat everyone
nburt13 2
noahthearc 2
NyquillusDillwad20 2
olmsted 2
one98d 2
owl_man 2
peachios 2 cant put them anywhere else
PHubbs 2
Pikachu1989 2
practicallybert 2
puffadda 2
Rakarei 2
RatherBeYachting 2
retnuh101 2
RiffRamBahZoo 2
roaddogg 2
RollWarTideEagle 2
royrules22 2
ScarletFever333 2
scronko 2
SCsprinter13 2
seaotter2 2
ShamusJohnson13 2
soonerfreak 2
soonersthebetter 2
Spalliston 2
spsellers 2
steelcitygator 2
Striker743 2 Up 2
strikersteve60 2
studio_sally 2
TaylorLeprechaun 2 +4
tdeff19 2
TDenverFan 2
ThePUNisher96 2
thexraptor 2
tmothy07 2
toocleverbyhalf 2
typicaliconoclast 2
ucfskuba 2
ucieaters33 2
UNC_Samurai 2
WarEagle9 2
Wescat 2
zacheiny 2
Zloggt 2
AlphaH4wk 3
bakonydraco 3 82.41
bwburke94 3
cajunaggie08 3
Charlemagne42 3
conchobor 3
coogs35 3
Corporal_Hicks 3
dicky_________seamus 3
Fmeson 3
jjjoebox 3
JustAManAndHisLaptop 3
Lex_Ludorum 3
OKgolfer 3
Staind075 3
Texasagsman 3
thegreendalegelf 3
TopGoose 3
vanburen1845 3
Xtremeloco 3
owl-bears 4
ttsci 4
BigBoutros 5
Apep86 6
FellKnight 6
jputna 6
DampFrijoles 7
Pieisgood186 8
ACCBiggz 9

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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