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2019 Week 14 Utah Utes Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Cars-and-Coffee 3
ryumast3r 3
ThePUNisher96 3
311polo 4
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 4
bakonydraco 4
bgr308 4
BigBoutros 4
blahblehblahwhoru 4
bobsled_time 4
Branzilla91 4
buckeyegold 4
CFSparta92 4
chweris 4
crownebeach 4 Utah's defensive efficiency is up to No. 4, per ESPN. This group is better on both sides of the ball than the 2008 team that won the Sugar Bowl.
deadtofall12 4
Dropbackandpunt 4
eclectic_tastes 4
esoterik 4
fireinvestigator113 4
G-Aardvark 4
hawkspur1 4
huskerfan4life520 4
hypercube42342 4
jshokie1 4
kdcoltred 4
kelling928 4
Lex_Ludorum 4
mjacksongt 4
moistats_ 4
MoneyManeVick 4
monkeymatt1836 4
myghtymouse 4
nburt13 4
nejaahalcyon 4
nemoran 4
olmsted 4
orangeslash 4
orboth 4
owl_man 4
Rakarei 4
RatherBeYachting 4
roaddogg 4
ShamusJohnson13 4
spsellers 4
strikersteve60 4
studio_sally 4
theb52 4 59.136
theeguy 4
thegreendalegelf 4
ToeInDigDeep 4
ToLongDR 4
ttsci 4
vanburen1845 4
VerySeriousBanana 4
Wescat 4
wesman212 4
Zerosa 4
ArtificialBadger 5
BallSoHerd 5
beerslingerjay 5
bernkastel87 5
boonamobile 5
BorisNumber1 5
brobroma 5
Buckeyes2010 5
cajunaggie08 5
CambodianDrywall 5
Cassiyus 5 Their defense is stellar, could sneak into the playoffs
cfbguy 5
ChemicalOle 5
ChickenTaco 5
CollegeGolf69 5
Colton3690 5
corundum9 5
d_mcc_x 5
DafoeFoSho 5
darkra01 5
diastereomer 5
digdat0 5
DisraeliEers 5
DoveFood 5
dupreesdiamond 5
emueagles 5
ExternalTangents 5 27.3
FellKnight 5
Feral_Squirrel 5
fo13 5
Foxmcbowser42 5
Frognosticator 5
funtubs 5
GeauxAllDay 5
GilBrandt 5
GoBlueScrewOSU7 5
Hackasizlak 5
halldaylong 5
HarbingerOfFun 5
hascogrande 5
Hobbes_121 5
itsabearcannon 5
keytide22 5
kflinderman 5
LiptonCB 5
malowry0124 5
MammothMan34 5
MarlinsGuy 5
mnmmatt 5
nbingham196 5
noahthearc 5
orbania 5
peachios 5 now in prime position to swoop the pac12, and maybe cfb, though that seems a reach. def at least wrecking everyone 
pileatedloon 5
plannedsickdays 5
remwin 5
RiffRamBahZoo 5
RMathis13 5 776
ryseing 5
SCRx 5
ShogunAshoka 5
SometimesY 5
SSJRoshi 5
Striker743 5
TanzaniaMagic 5
TDenverFan 5
ThaCarter 5
theReluctantHipster 5
UNC_Samurai 5
Wurst_Law 5
xelphin 5
zacheiny 5
52hoova 6
admiraltarkin 6
BamaPride95 6
Blooblod 6
BlueFalcon89 6
BosskOnASegway 6 Playoff: 27%
boxbeat 6
boxman151515 6
buckeyes75 6
BunnySelfDestruct 6
captain_sasquatch 6
Cecil_Hardboner 6
chrisb19 6 Utah has won and won big in most of their conference games. Admittedly, the Pac12 is in a down year (especially in the South) but it's hard to argue with results. The unfortunate thing for them is that Oregon likely ruined any chance they have of the playoff by devaluing their last signature win.
CockADoodleBOOM 6
conchobor 6
coreyfra 6
Corporal_Hicks 6
DarthYoda2594 6
dasani3x 6
DeceptiveSpeed 6
dicky_________seamus 6
Extra_Excrement 6
G-manP 6
GatorAndrew 6
GenialGiant 6 The Utes probably have the clearest shot at the playoff of all the teams currently on the outside.
grjohnst 6
Helifino 6
Hoflax24 6
hythloday1 6
I_am_bot_beep_boop 6
IAmAChemicalEngineer 6
icklebush 6
iliketoupvotepuns 6
JaxofAllTrades13 6
JCiLee 6
jeedf 6
jnoobs13 6
jputna 6
jrichardh 6
Keener1899 6
kelctex 6
Knightro2011 6
KobeOrNotKobe 6
laminak 6
LEGEN--wait_for_it 6
lk6 6
Mario_Speedwagon 6
Nathanael-Greene 6
nin478 6
njm1314 6
Omegaus492 6
OskeewowwowIL 6
Our-Gardian-Angel 6
PalmettoFace 6
Pikachu1989 6
Polarbear1914 6
Pollaski 6
PumpSmash 6
PureCFR 6
ReallyCreative 6
Red261 6
retnuh101 6
royrules22 6
sasmith2015 6
scotsworth 6
seaotter2 6
SearonTrejorek 6 0.60719
Spiral-Pilot 6
stripes361 6 According to SP+, four teams in the country are Top 10 in both offense and defense: Ohio State, Clemson, Alabama, and Utah. FPI adds Wisconsin to the same mix of teams. This is no cute, fun underdog. Kyle Wittingham has built an elite team which has tremendous balance on either side of the ball. "First-year" offensive coordinator Andy Ludwig, who has used Tyler Huntley and Zack Moss to construct a dynamic offensive squad to complement Wittingham's typically fierce defense, has a "Who's Who" style resume of fantastic coaching mentors. He has served as an OC for Pat Hill at Fresno State, Mike Bellotti at Oregon, Jeff Tedford at Cal, Rocky Long at San Diego State, Gary Andersen at Wisconsin...and, oh yeah, let's not forget his first stint at Utah under Wittingham. They beat Alabama in the Sugar Bowl. I would not be surprised to see a repeat performance.
sunburn_on_the_brain 6
taloncarde 6
tdeff19 6
TheFlyingBoat 6
TopGoose 6
TopheryG8er 6
TossedRightOut 6
Trogdor42069 6
ucieaters33 6
WarEagle9 6
WeenisWrinkle 6
woakley 6
Zloggt 6 The West Coast's last hope, if the CFP is still possibile.
113milesprower 7
ACCBiggz 7 Utah has a chance to jump Oklahoma, but I'm not sure they can jump OU now that Oregon lost.
Acm0028 7
BobDeLaSponge 7
bread_buddy 7
bties 7
BugsSuck 7
BUSean 7
bwburke94 7
cmdrcaboose2 7
Conglossian 7
crimsonlaw 7
DrKennethJNoisewater 7
f0gax 7
fadingthought 7
fshi 7
Ghost_of_Dude 7
Hey_Its_Roomie 7
hokies220 7 (Computer #7: Georgia) If I were going purely based on how good I thought teams were I'd put Utah at #4. Trying to still weigh resumes heavily though so they're behind OU, UGA, and Baylor. For now.
igloo27 7
jlh2b 7
jmac_21 7
Johnnycockseed 7
JonesUCF34 7
JustAManAndHisLaptop 7
Longvols 7
mellolizard 7
Miami_da_U 7
owl-bears 7
Papalew32 7
PaulWall31 7
PHubbs 7
Pieisgood186 7
RegulatorRWF 7
relax_on_the_mat 7
rmp0005 7
ruwisc 7
ScarletFever333 7
scronko 7
soonersthebetter 7
srs_house 7
steelcitygator 7
T-nawtical 7
TaylorLeprechaun 7 +1
teddythe3rd 7
Texasagsman 7
THECrew42 7
TheJeemTeam 7 1/4 in Tier C: Only team in tier with 1 loss. Best looking team of group on Offense and Defense
TheReformedBadger 7
Ticklebump 7
tjstanley 7
tmothy07 7
typicaliconoclast 7
W_Is_For_Will 7
Xtremeloco 7
ya111101 7
Bill3ffinMurray 8
Blazeth 8
buttforaface 8
dabul-master 8
dan4223 8
DarkLegend64 8 +2
Disregardskarma 8
DonnieNarco 8
OKgolfer 8
polydorr 8
RobertNeyland 8
SantiagoRamon 8
SCsprinter13 8
soonerfreak 8
tabelz 8
The-Gothic-Castle 8
_Brazenhead_ 9 Another dominant win over an inferior opponent. 10 - 1 with a bad loss to unranked USC so can't rank them any higher when compared to the one-loss teams they're ranked near.
Apep86 9
Charlemagne42 9 [2467] Schedule keeps Utah in a distant ninth, and their CCG opponent losing won't help. (+2)
Chris-P-Creme 9
cinciforthewin 9
djowen68 9
goblue10 9
Greflingorax 9 +2
justsaynotoreddit 9
Laschoni 9
luckroy 9
noodlethebear 9
RagingWombats 9
T-Thugs 9 Utah's only loss is to USC. They're lacking impressive wins. Oregon losing really hurts their chances at making the playoffs.
tallg8tor 9
TheZachster 9
toocleverbyhalf 9
BlueSCar 10
confirmd_am_engineer 10
frumious88 10 -
galacticdude7 10
Jakesnake42 10 Last Week: 11
ndhuskerpower 10
pascha 10
sirgippy 10
JeromesNiece 11
Fmeson 12
qacha 12
r0sco 13
YellowSkarmory 14
LeinadSpoon 16
Sproded 17

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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