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2016 Week 11 Wisconsin Badgers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Fifth_Down 5
kelctex 5
ProbablyRickSantorum 5
taloncarde 5
DelphicLike 6
G-Aardvark 6
halldaylong 6
HarbingerOfFun 6
Harry_B_C_Dresden 6
key_lime_pie 6
kflinderman 6
nickknx865 6
noodlethebear 6
PromoPimp 6
PureCFR 6
slntkilla 6
the5thpixel 6
topher3003 6
ToxicSteve13 6
wackywiener 6
Xtremeloco 6
03040905 7
A-Stu-Ute 7
AaronRodgers16 7
Acm0028 7
AGSattack 7
aguyfromthewest 7
alextoyalex 7
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 7
alsonamedbort87 7
Andaldo 7
atchemey 7
aubieismyhomie 7
Austinperroux 7
BaldEagle88 7
bernkastel87 7
BlueFalcon89 7
bluegrassborn 7
BoboIsDead 7
boonamobile 7
BorisNumber1 7
boxbeat 7
Branzilla91 7
brobroma 7
bties 7
buckeyegold 7
Buckeyes2010 7
BUSean 7
Caedus 7
CantHousewifeaHo 7
captain_sasquatch 7
Cecil_Hardboner 7
cfbguy 7
CFSparta92 7
chceman 7
ChemicalOle 7
chweris 7
cmdrcaboose2 7
CockADoodleBOOM 7
Colton3690 7
coreyfra 7
corundum9 7
CountryRoads8 7
d_mcc_x 7
DarthYoda2594 7
DavoinShower-handle 7
deadtofall12 7
diastereomer 7
Disregardskarma 7
djowen68 7
DoctorWhosOnFirst 7
Dropbackandpunt 7
EastPowdermilk 7
eclectic_tastes 7
Emperor_of_Orange 7
esoterik 7
fadingthought 7
FatWhiteGuy49 7
FellKnight 7
flipadelphia17 7
funtubs 7
G-manP 7
galacticdude7 7
gms212 7
goblue10 7
gohuskies 7
GoldenHawk07 7
Grimbo_Reaper 7
groggydog 7
gsuhooligan 7
hawkspur1 7
HelioOne 7
hokies220 7
Hummer77x 7
huskerfan4life520 7
icklebush 7
JCiLee 7
jeedf 7
JonesUCF34 7
jrichardh 7
jzorbino 7
kamikazeguy 7
kdcoltred 7
kelling928 7
keytide22 7
KingKliffsbury 7
KobeOrNotKobe 7
laminak 7
Laschoni 7
LEGEN--wait_for_it 7
LeinadSpoon 7
LiptonCB 7
longhorn2015 7
MammothMan34 7
Mario_Speedwagon 7
meatfrappe 7
monkeymatt1836 7
monotonemr 7
Mr_Storm 7
MrDoctorSmartyPants 7
myghtymouse 7
nemoran 7
njm1314 7
nolez 7
OskeewowwowIL 7
owl_man 7
PalmettoFace 7
Pikachu1989 7
plannedsickdays 7
Plneapple 7
Polarbear1914 7
polydorr 7
Pope_Jake 7
pufan321 7
RagingWombats 7
Red261 7
remwin 7
RiffRamBahZoo 7
ryseing 7
ryumast3r 7
SantiagoRamon 7
scotsworth 7
SCsprinter13 7
seanosaur 7
seaotter2 7
Smidgens 7
solo_22 7
Sophocles5 7
SpeedxKills 7
srs_house 7
ssnider23 7
steinman17 7
strikersteve60 7
swanky-k 7
swodaem2005 7
T-Thugs 7 2 losses. Wins over LSU and Nebraska.
tallg8tor 7
TDenverFan 7
Texasagsman 7
thatwasntveryraven 7
The_DHC 7
theb52 7
THECrew42 7
TheFlyingBoat 7
TheTeamCubed 7
TimeBroken 7
trumpet_23 7
ucieaters33 7
UNC_Samurai 7
WarEagle9 7
warm_warmer_disco 7
was_saying_boo_urns 7
wazoheat 7
WeenisWrinkle 7
Wescat 7
XSavageWalrusX 7
52hoova 8
admiraltarkin 8
antiherowes 8
BabyBladder 8
BallSoHerd 8
Beechman 8
BrutonGaster77 8
BugsSuck 8
Cars-and-Coffee 8
CraftyConsumer 8
dabul-master 8
DFWTooThrowed 8
emueagles 8
fshi 8
GeneralGBO 8
GiveMeSomeRaptorNews 8
hythloday1 8
indexspartan 8
Luriker 8
marcellnation 8
mellolizard 8
mgmfa 8
mynameisjona 8
Mythic514 8
NeauxRegrets 8
pascha 8
pmartin0079 8
qacha 8
Quentanamo_Bay 8
ReallyCreative 8
scootmcgroot 8
scronko 8
SCRx 8
snwidget 8
Stockz 8
SurpriseSalami 8
tmart12 8
TopheryG8er 8
TossedRightOut 8
tylerbc 8
uwbjb 8
vanburen1845 8
bakonydraco 9
BosskOnASegway 9 Score: 0.583 Human Rank: #8 Change: ---
CambodianDrywall 9
ChickenTaco 9
CSU_Mike 9
Daigotsu 9
djmoody90 9
IAmAChemicalEngineer 9
mickeyquicknumbers 9
nin478 9
No_Way_Pablo 9
orangeslash 9
r0sco 9
RobertNeyland 9
runujhkj 9
SmokingCricket 9
Zerosa 9
DonnieNarco 10
dybuell 10
flyingcrayons 10
Frognosticator 10
gbuntin 10
GilBrandt 10
jlh2b 10
Mr_Metagross 10
MrTheSpork 10
spsellers 10
sunburn_on_the_brain 10
TheCid 10
ttsci 10
Wurst_Law 10
cliffhanger407 11 0.82
Darth_Sensitive 11 1277
neovenator250 11
sideoutpar 11
ToLongDR 11 1674.00
turtle_flu 11
Apep86 12
ExternalTangents 12
kdbvols 12
Khavanon 12 71.680
Saxasaurus 12
sirgippy 12
spasm01 12
ThaCarter 12
Atoodope 13
DafoeFoSho 13
grjohnst 13
digdat0 14
f0gax 14
TotalEconomist 16
DisraeliEers 17
ruwisc 22

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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