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2024 Final Penn State Nittany Lions Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
visor841 2
12panther 3
ALStark69 3 +4
blahblehblahwhoru 3
ChemicalOle 3
CptCheese 3
DampFrijoles 3
fourpinz8 3
GeauxTri 3
HieloLuz 3
IceColdDrPepper_Here 3
JustAManAndHisLaptop 3
Knightro2011 3
manbeardawg 3
nemoran 3
noodlethebear 3
Noy_Telinu 3 Played Notre Dame much closer than Texas did Ohio State, Franklin is a good coach
OldCoaly 3
owl_man 3
ReallyCreative 3
rocco2246 3
Sometimeswelose 3
Staind075 3
T-nawtical 3
tks231 3
UNC_Samurai 3
10catsinspace 4
52hoova 4
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 4
aggiebruin27 4
bakonydraco 4 88.846
BallSoHerd 4
Bank_Gothic 4
BearsAreGreat1 4
Blazeth 4
Blooblod 4
BorisNumber1 4
BosskOnASegway 4
boxbeat 4
BUSean 4
bwburke94 4 +17.4381262 (LW: #7)
Cassiyus 4
ChaseTheFalcon 4
chweris 4
coletheredditer 4 Texas, OK, I just expected more out of them really
ColombianInIowa24 4 Belonged and just barely feel to #2.
Colton3690 4
CommodoreN7 4
Corgi_Koala 4 Only lost to the 3 teams above them and had some solid playoff wins.
cornholesurfer 4
CPiGuy2728 4
dabul-master 4
Daigotsu 4
digdat0 4
Doogitywoogity 4
DrKennethJNoisewater 4
Dropbackandpunt 4
EpicSchwinn 4
ewolfy13 4
Extra_Excrement 4
fredmerc111 4
GenialGiant 4
grtgbln 4
Helifino 4
huskerfan4life520 4
ikindalikelemons 4
Inkblot9 4
JBonkies 4
joebob431 4
jthomas694 4 Four through six was a difficult ranking. Ultimately went with Penn State as their three losses are to the top three teams in the country.
KirbyDumber88 4
Klaassy23 4
lillipup03 4
LiptonCB 4
MADBuc49 4 +0. Ranked wins: Boise State, Illinois, SMU
MemeLovingLoser 4
MemeofMemeJTG999999 4 (13-3) (no change) W: 38-10 vs #11 SMU (11-3) (Playoff R1) W: 31-14 vs #10 Boise State (12-2) (Fiesta; in Phoenix) L: 24-27 vs #3 Notre Dame (14-1) (Orange; in Miami)
Muffinnnnnnn 4
nburt13 4
ndbroski 4
NotSoSuperNerd 4 2.543 (13-3)
NyquillusDillwad20 4
OKgolfer 4
olmsted 4
Our-Gardian-Angel 4
Pikachu1989 4
Rakarei 4
RegionalBias 4 Best 3 losses possible.
RegulatorRWF 4
RheagarTargaryen 4
RiffRamBahZoo 4
royrules22 4
Ruhrgebietheld 4
SCsprinter13 4
SearonTrejorek 4 0.82152
ShogunAshoka 4
SlaminSammons 4
stew_pac 4 +2
Striker743 4
strikersteve60 4
stripes361 4
TadKosciuszko 4
TaylorLeprechaun 4 -1
tdeff19 4
TDenverFan 4
Terminal_BAS 4
theb52 4 65.094
TheNSAAgent777 4
tjstanley 4
ToeInDigDeep 4
Zloggt 4 Have them leapfrogging Texas because not only did they dominate their own wins more, but also was much closer to beating Notre Dame than Texas was at beating Ohio yeah, #4 is deserved...
_fastball 5
A_Rolling_Baneling 5
Acm0028 5
Apep86 5
bannista7 5
BlueSCar 5
bretticus33 5 PSU racked up a lot of wins, but I don’t think the James Franklin narrative died. It wasn’t necessarily that he couldn’t win big games, but more just can’t beat teams where he doesn’t have a clear talent advantage. He had that against SMU and Boise State, but in their 3 losses to Oregon, Ohio State, and Notre Dame, there were clear issues that come back to the HC. The constant QB play problems and WR problems, the constant questionable decision making, etc. That all comes back to Franklin.
Buckeyes2010 5
CambodianDrywall 5
captain_sasquatch 5
Cecil_Hardboner 5
conchobor 5
Corporal_Hicks 5
cvsprinter1 5
dan4223 5
deadtofall12 5
diehardcubforever 5
DisraeliEers 5
ehoefler 5 85.91 | +1
esoterik 5
eSpiritCorpse 5 0.9338
ExternalTangents 5 Net Rating: 24.8; O: 11.3, O Rank: 14; D: -13.5, D Rank: 4
fadingthought 5
fo13 5
frumious88 5
GatorBolt 5 Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. Same as it has been.
GilBrandt 5
goodnames679 5
Hackasizlak 5
halldaylong 5
Hey_Its_Roomie 5
Hobbes_121 5
hypercube42342 5
IAmAChemicalEngineer 5
infinitempg 5 0.803, +1
Jakesnake42 5 81.70 Last Week: #8
JeromesNiece 5
jjjoebox 5 Preseason #12
jrichardh 5
Keener1899 5
kflinderman 5
KJdkaslknv 5
Lex_Ludorum 5
MahjongDaily 5
Maladroit44 5
malowry0124 5
monkeymatt1836 5
nbingham196 5
nin478 5
Noelthemexican 5
outthawazoo 5
PHubbs 5
Pollaski 5
puffadda 5
Pure_Protein_Machine 5
redrumsoxLoL 5
ScarletFever333 5
scronko 5
seaotter2 5
shadowwingnut 5
skuhlke 5
SpadeRyker 5
spmartin1993 5
srs_house 5
SteemieRayVaughn 5
tallg8tor 5
texas2089 5
The-Gothic-Castle 5
the_lost_carrot 5
the_neverdoctor 5
titansfan174 5
udubdavid 5
VerySeriousBanana 5
w8w8 5
WarEagle9 5
Xtremeloco 5
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 6
BananaBouquet 6
Cars-and-Coffee 6
cfbguy 6
CFBHurts 6
Charlemagne42 6 337
creative_penguin 6
DarkLegend64 6
eclectic_tastes 6
galacticdude7 6
GoBlueScrewOSU7 6
HarbingerOfFun 6
HelioOne 6
Hugefootballfan44 6 LW: 7
JaxofAllTrades13 6
one98d 6
placid_salad 6 LW: #12
PlactusTX 6 (5) W 6 Southern Methodist, W 8 Boise State, L 4 Notre Dame
Player_1_has_Joined 6
Polarbear1914 6
r0sco 6
sirgippy 6
SwissArmyScythe 6 -1
T-Thugs 6 Penn State finished 13-3 with wins over SMU, Boise State, and Illinois.
TimeBroken 6
TouchdownHeroes 6
velociraptorfarmer 6
ya111101 6
djowen68 7
Fmeson 7
frone 7
Pablo49 7 2679
Pyroblockx 7
retnuh101 7
vanburen1845 7

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Chipsahoy523 3
dubscurry30 3
geordieColt88 3
Josh_historybuff 3 38-10 vs SMU, 31-14 vs Boise State, 24-27 vs Notre Dame
KansasChaser2021 3
mountain_troop86 3
mstr_yda 3
NA_Faker 3
True_Ad5324 3
Versigot 3
0010MK 4
1Subject 4
666PeaceKeepaGirl 4
Arvandu 4
asbestosman2 4
bigred91224 4
BoilerUp28 4
bolts_win_again 4
BombayGeeseHunter 4
Burns2211 4
Burnsite 4
buzzingoffthetuffy 4
ChBass 4
ConstantPause1239 4
daredassdude 4 Losses to my #1, #2, and #3
dawgfan24348 4
divey043 4
DownshiftGD 4
FlashSpider-man 4 B1G is so good this year
fm22fnam 4 +1 Played well in playoffs
FrontRunner51 4
GuyOTN 4
JackWK_Gaming 4
Jeff_Banks_Monkey 4
JJones927 4
kcvtdc 4
kevinsdomain 4
leadbymight 4
Lefunnymaymays4lief 4
logace444444444 4
loganisfresh 4
maknasty09 4
ManiacalBlazer 4
mcdsmaster8824 4
Mossed26 4
mr_longfellow_deeds 4
mthompson2320 4 LW: 6
ndbfsu22 4
Noahsince2002 4
OG_Felwinter 4
PattyKane16 4
PersianGuitarist 4
Piptit 4
Protoco2 4
PSUMediaPA 4
RealignmentJunkie 4
Redbogey98 4
RipRaycom 4
RJTrey 4
Roscoe_Filburn 4
samspopguy 4
saquad69 4
SaveTheCombees10 4
Sflabuckeye13 4
SNjr 4
spaceblev11 4
Spazzatack 4
SpectralHydra 4
sroach91 4
stealingchairs 4 Only losses were to the three teams above + competitive in semis
SufferingfOrLife 4
thehornedlamb 4
TheReformedBadger 4
TheSleaze22 4
Tornadohunter24 4 [13-3, 8-1] (+1)
tvjbowe571 4 seconds away from playing in natty, COMPETITIVE loses to 1 2 and 3 puts them over Georgia
wittingtarsier 4
ActuallyJasonPrice 5
Bereft13 5 Power: 4, SoR: 5; LW: 5
brucewaynewins 5
Bushken 5 71.70
chillmagic420 5
cookie__monster___ 5
Crelc3 5
donbagert 5
dr_funk_13 5
dterp13 5
Fghjkdid911 5
FoRtNiteizBAD 5
GeyWeyner12 5
GloryReaper_ 5
grahamca 5 T9ᵗʰ W/L, T2ⁿᵈ Predicted Wins, 8ᵗʰ Team Strength, 6ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
Holyachilles04 5
ianmcmoney 5
inconvenientpoop 5
Jay_Dubbbs 5
jibberishdhyukl 5
josh55134 5
JRam01 5
jwrtf 5
Logamer1012 5
LonghornInNebraska 5
Luigiatl 5
MainPeanut25 5 +1, almost didn’t need wide receivers
manbeqrpig 5
Mission_Big_2145 5
newSomberMan 5
Norleras 5
Omegaus492 5
owl-bears 5
PsychologicalFox8660 5
quantum_jedi 5 (-1) Penn State fell just short against Notre Dame in the semifinal, but had a terrific season nonetheless. If the Nittany Lions can find some help at WR next year, then this team is going to be electric with a majority of their impact players returning.
Real_TSwany 5
Redditor597-13 5
requiemsux 5
Resolve-Opening 5
scrambolambo 5
Shion314 5
shouldajustsaid_yeah 5
SignificanceFirm2398 5
sirvalkyerie 5
solarsnail6 5 1959
SpeddyDawg 5
TheBeekman8 5
ThompsonCreekTiger 5
Tippyshortmouth 5
TolkienFan71 5
WBLwiffleball 5
WebfootTroll 5
ziggysaysnada 5
BYUPollvoter 6
CallMeTheKing 6 127-6-0
DillyDillySzn 6
fellohuman77 6
g_trechel 6 Only losses to #1, # 2, #3
GenuineBoss 6
hurricaneatx 6
JamesDontPlayNoGames 6
jonstark19 6 -1
journey1986 6
Laschoni 6
MotherQuocer 6
Nath0leon 6
Rcfan0902 6 2870.28
scsd4222 6
silfarion10 6
SomerandomIDFBfan 6
soonertiger 6
STL_12 6 LW: 10
TommyWiseau22 6
willbill182 6
Yelich04 6 ^1
isrealball 7
spencej98 7
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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