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2024 Week 16 & Bowls Notre Dame Fighting Irish Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
DataDrivenPirate 1
12panther 2
A_Rolling_Baneling 2
aggiebruin27 2
AlexanderComet 2
AlphaH4wk 2
ALStark69 2 +2
Apep86 2
arrowfan624 2
bakonydraco 2 89.243
BallSoHerd 2
Blazeth 2
boxbeat 2
Buckeyes2010 2
bwburke94 2 +18.6010782 (LW: #3)
CambodianDrywall 2
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 2
CommodoreN7 2
corundum9 2
CPiGuy2728 2
DarthYoda2594 2
DisraeliEers 2
EpicSchwinn 2
esoterik 2
eSpiritCorpse 2 0.9598
Extra_Excrement 2
Fmeson 2
fo13 2
goblue10 2
grjohnst 2
halldaylong 2
Harpua99 2
hascogrande 2
huskerfan4life520 2
infinitempg 2 0.892, +1
Inkblot9 2
JeromesNiece 2
JonesUCF34 2
MarlinsGuy 2
MemeLovingLoser 2
MoneyManeVick 2
ndbroski 2
noodlethebear 2
pileatedloon 2
placid_salad 2 LW: #2
Player_1_has_Joined 2 5th Seed
Polarbear1914 2
Pollaski 2
posiitively 2
r0sco 2
rain_parkour 2
RegionalBias 2 Stayed at home and rises
RegulatorRWF 2
rocco2246 2
Ruhrgebietheld 2
ruwisc 2 4.94 LW: 3
SearonTrejorek 2 0.87212
SlaminSammons 2
Sometimeswelose 2
Striker743 2
texas2089 2
The-Gothic-Castle 2
The_Good_Constable 2
theb52 2 65.042
trumpet_23 2
ucieaters33 2
velociraptorfarmer 2
Xtremeloco 2
Zloggt 2
10catsinspace 3
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 3
bannista7 3
bernkastel87 3
Bill3ffinMurray 3
BlueSCar 3
BosskOnASegway 3
bretticus33 3 Ultimately, Notre Dame just didn't shoot themselves in the foot enough. Their loss to NIU is by far the worst of any of the teams in the CFP field, but they do have a lot of good wins and they didn't drop any other games. ND earned their spot up here.
BUSean 3
CFBHurts 3
Ch-i-ef 3 Playoffs! Thank you football gods for not letting that NIU loss drag the Fighting Irish down!...seriously fucking NIU how do you shape up so well after dropping a game to NIU???
Charlemagne42 3 386
ChaseTheFalcon 3
coletheredditer 3 NIU ends the year 7-5
Colton3690 3
CptCheese 3
creative_penguin 3
d_mcc_x 3
DavoinShower-handle 3
diehardcubforever 3
Doogitywoogity 3
ExternalTangents 3
fourpinz8 3
fredmerc111 3
fshi 3
GatorBolt 3 Good season, but a test in Indiana awaits them in Round 1 in a game I'm so excited to see.
GeauxTri 3
Helifino 3
HelioOne 3
Hey_Its_Roomie 3
HieloLuz 3
Hobbes_121 3
Hugefootballfan44 3 LW: 4
IAmAChemicalEngineer 3
IceColdDrPepper_Here 3
icklebush 3
Jakesnake42 3 84.17 (#5 Seed vs.#12 seed Clemson ) Last Week: #3
JamoRedhead 3
jaybigs 3
jjjoebox 3
joebob431 3
jthomas694 3
JustAManAndHisLaptop 3
kflinderman 3
Knightro2011 3
Lex_Ludorum 3
luckroy 3 Pot 3
Meany_Vizzini 3 21.9, +1, +0.3; SOR: 22.4 (4th), MOV: 21.3 (3rd)
MemeofMemeJTG999999 3 (11-1) (no change) Bye Bowl: Playoff R1 vs #9 Indiana (11-1)
monkeymatt1836 3
Muffinnnnnnn 3
nburt13 3
nemoran 3
OldCoaly 3
outthawazoo 3
puffadda 3
Pure_Protein_Machine 3
ReallyCreative 3
ryseing 3
SpadeRyker 3
spasm01 3
SteemieRayVaughn 3
T-Thugs 3 Notre Dame is my 3rd team. Finished the season at 11-1. Best win is probably over Army (11-1, American Conference Champions). Also have wins over Texas A&M, Louisville, and Georgia Tech.
tallg8tor 3
tdeff19 3
TDenverFan 3
teddythe3rd 3
Texasagsman 3
thomasosu 3
TopGoose 3
TouchdownHeroes 3
UNC_Samurai 3
vanburen1845 3
wameron 3
WarEagle9 3
zenverak 3
BabyBladder 4
BananaBouquet 4
Casaiir 4
ChickenTaco 4
Chris-P-Creme 4
ColombianInIowa24 4 The state will burn. Hosts #3 Indiana in a CFP match.
cyclonepsycho 4
dan4223 4
DarkLegend64 4
Dropbackandpunt 4
ehoefler 4 87.20 | -1
grtgbln 4
Hackasizlak 4
KJdkaslknv 4
LiptonCB 4
Maladroit44 4
Noelthemexican 4
one98d 4
PHubbs 4
PlactusTX 4 (3) idle
PrimalCookie 4
Rakarei 4
redrumsoxLoL 4
retnuh101 4
RheagarTargaryen 4
RJEP22 4
RobertNeyland 4
romulusjsp 4
sirgippy 4
skuhlke 4
srs_house 4
stew_pac 4 -
Stoneador 4
strikersteve60 4
titansfan174 4
tks231 4
ToeInDigDeep 4 11-1, no CCG.
TossedRightOut 4
udubdavid 4
washington_jefferson 4
YellowSkarmory 4
Acm0028 5
BearsAreGreat1 5
blahblehblahwhoru 5
Cars-and-Coffee 5
Cecil_Hardboner 5
cinciforthewin 5
Corporal_Hicks 5
dabul-master 5
Daigotsu 5
dasani3x 5
e8odie 5
ewolfy13 5
Feral_Squirrel 5
galacticdude7 5
GilBrandt 5
JBonkies 5
JustinMSU21 5
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 5
lillipup03 5
Longvols 5
MahjongDaily 5
malowry0124 5
manbeardawg 5
OKgolfer 5 Notre Dame desperately hopes no one remembers the NIU game. They haven't beaten a 10 win team, but they've beaten Texas's and SMU's best wins, and therefore are just ahead of both.
olmsted 5
PalmettoFace 5
practicallybert 5 #7 Seed vs. SMU
PumpSmash 5
scronko 5
SCsprinter13 5
ShogunAshoka 5
soonerfreak 5
stripes361 5
Techwid 5
Terminal_BAS 5
the_neverdoctor 5
TimeBroken 5
tjstanley 5
Wescat 5
woakley 5
Blooblod 6
Cassiyus 6
ch1l1_ch33s3 6
digdat0 6
frone 6
GenialGiant 6
ikindalikelemons 6
Klaassy23 6 (LW Change: -1)
Mr_Brews 6
Red261 6
spmartin1993 6
SwissArmyScythe 6 --
TaylorLeprechaun 6 -1
VerySeriousBanana 6
70stang 7
ChemicalOle 7
Darth_Ra 7
Drexlore 7
jmac_21 7
nbingham196 7
Noy_Telinu 7 Home playoff game!
owl_man 7
Pikachu1989 7
RollWarTideEagle 7
shadowwingnut 7
Staind075 7
TheNSAAgent777 7
DampFrijoles 8
MADBuc49 8 -1. #9 playoff seed in this scenario playing at #8 Tennessee in the first round
NotSoSuperNerd 8 1.733 (11-1)
Pyroblockx 8
ya111101 8
cvsprinter1 9 1-loss program
Joester09 9
nin478 9
nw____ 9
NyquillusDillwad20 9
TheZachster 9
kamiller2020 10
spsellers 10
w8w8 10
cornholesurfer 12
deadtofall12 12
visor841 19
HarbingerOfFun 22

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
forkedravioli 1
ArlyntheAwesome 2
beaulnej 2
Bushken 2 77.39
CallMeTheKing 2
daredassdude 2
DarthBerry 2 Rank Score: 74.647
DillyDillySzn 2
fm22fnam 2 +0 Stays where they are
g_trechel 2
gavinw24 2
grahamca 2 T3ʳᵈ W/L, T5ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 2ⁿᵈ Team Strength, 3ʳᵈ Quality of Wins
HouseShowTights 2
jackmc04 2
Josh_historybuff 2 Bye Week
jwrtf 2
Lefunnymaymays4lief 2
loganisfresh 2
MainPeanut25 2 +1, severely underrated, can definitely beat Georgia imo
ManiacalBlazer 2
mountain_troop86 2
nebsA1 2
owl-bears 2
quantum_jedi 2 (+1) Idle during Championship week. The Irish get to host Indiana is what should be an electric atmosphere in South Bend.
RadiationRichard 2
RedBarracuda25 2
redleg86 2 wins [Texas A&M: 0.689, Purdue: 0.189, Miami (OH): 0.56, Louisville: 0.723, Stanford: 0.321, Georgia Tech: 0.611, Navy: 0.687, Florida State: 0.287, Virginia: 0.466, Army: 0.828, USC: 0.527] losses [Northern Illinois: -0.48]
Repulsive_Rub6443 2
SNjr 2
Spazzatack 2
StFuzzySlippers 2
taborthevirginian 2
thealbinotitan1 2 Notre Dame is untested and will play week 1 on the new playoff but would have a bye if it were available
ThompsonCreekTiger 2
Versigot 2
WebfootTroll 2
ziggysaysnada 2
zmp1924 2
1Subject 3
androonfl 3
Arvandu 3
Astone1996 3
BoilerUp28 3
brucewaynewins 3
bryophyta_insolitam 3 Bye
BuckeyeForLife95 3
Burns2211 3
Burnsite 3
buzzingoffthetuffy 3
chillmagic420 3
ConstantPause1239 3 LW: 4 Playoff: 5
coop3345 3
dawgfan24348 3
donbagert 3
dterp13 3
fellohuman77 3
FrontRunner51 3 Looking forward to the Indiana State Championship!
FsuNolezz 3
geordieColt88 3
gonshpreds1 3
HHunko13 3
hoovereatscowpoop 3
JamesDontPlayNoGames 3
jibberishdhyukl 3
josh55134 3
JoshuaMan024 3 242
JustAGuy7915 3
Life-Veterinarian699 3
MajikSix 3
manbeqrpig 3
mcdsmaster8824 3
MotherQuocer 3
mport97 3
mstr_yda 3 Idle. Excellent form down the stretch keeps them ahead of the P2 runner ups.
mthompson2320 3 LW: 3
Mynameisdiehard 3
NA_Faker 3
No_Particular_746 3
Omegaus492 3
PattyKane16 3
PsychologicalFox8660 3
Rcfan0902 3 2650.40
Redbogey98 3
requiemsux 3
Resolve-Opening 3
RJTrey 3
SBMVPJustinHerbert 3
scsd4222 3
SignificanceFirm2398 3
sirvalkyerie 3
SomerandomIDFBfan 3
sroach91 3
STL_12 3 Points: 31.676 LW: 3
swdanley17 3
tcomn 3
TheQuakinator 3
TheReformedBadger 3
TheSleaze22 3
TolkienFan71 3
TommyWiseau22 3
Tylex123 3
wittingtarsier 3
133112 4 LW=3(#7)
70277027 4
ab317 4
balconesescarpment 4
Blazemaster77 4 LW: 5 Notre Dame moves up by doing absolutely nothing. Their win over Army looks better. 3 ranked-tier wins is 2 more than the two below them in this tier. Obviously a terrible loss but the wins outweigh it imo.
BoukenGreen 4
Crelc3 4
divey043 4
dubscurry30 4
GloryReaper_ 4
IT_JUST_MEANS_JORT 4 💃🏻 Playoff Contender - Seed 6 v 11 SMU
leadbymight 4
Luigiatl 4
RevoRebel 4
Sflabuckeye13 4
spaceblev11 4
SufferingfOrLife 4
twr96 4
Underground_Bread 4
willbill182 4
Yelich04 4 -
buccaneerboy22 5
DownshiftGD 5
EmpressElaina024 5 246
Fantastic-Calendar-9 5 LW: 4
GavRunsTheTrap 5
geauxsaints777 5
GenuineBoss 5
Holyachilles04 5
hurricaneatx 5 (11-1) - ✅ 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗼𝗳𝗳 𝗦𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 - After losing to Northern Illinois in Week 2, Notre Dame had zero margin for error. In my estimation, any additional loss would probably kick them out of the top 12 and somewhere in the Alabama/Ole Miss fuzz zone. The Fighting Irish didn't exactly have a great schedule and were picked early to go undefeated after clearing their greatest test on paper (Texas A&M) anyways, but they do have at least some wins against decent competition among otherwise dominant victories to bolster their resume and allow them to be ranked fairly highly and be a lock for the playoffs despite bearing the worst loss (86th FPI!) of any team in this region of the rankings. That loss does hold some sway, so I have the Fighting Irish still ranked behind some of the other 11 win teams teams. Quality wins: @Texas A&M, Louisville, Army
iamaustincince 5
JackWK_Gaming 5
journey1986 5
Nath0leon 5
Norleras 5
PSUMediaPA 5
RealignmentJunkie 5
Salmon-Dude 5
saquad69 5
scrambolambo 5
SpectralHydra 5
timpredmore 5 113.2
0010MK 6
ChBass 6 Performance Score: 7, Wins:+23, Losses:-13.4, Ranking Score: 16.6
DeerPrison 6
jcdehoff 6
jonstark19 6
Middle_Wheel_5959 6
Shion314 6
smartkeg 6
SpeddyDawg 6
Tippyshortmouth 6
asbestosman2 7
cfbpeoplespoll 7
Chipsahoy523 7
Electronic_Nail 7
FlashSpider-man 7 My 9 seed. Reconsidered their resume and decided to drop them a bit. Definitely better entertainment wise to have them at 6 for IU
luciusetrur 7 LW: #5 Change: -2
PersianGuitarist 7
Piptit 7
Real_TSwany 7
ianmcmoney 8
mccainjames11 8
samtaylor92 8
Sp1cyRice 8 (-2, CFP 9 seed facing IU)
inconvenientpoop 9
Bereft13 11 Power: 4, SoR: 12; LW: 13
HopefulReb76 11
soonertiger 11
SaveTheCombees10 12
The_Good_General 12
Noah__Webster 16 12
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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