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2024 Week 9 Texas Longhorns Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
ExternalTangents 1 Net Rating: 41; O: 18.79, O Rank: 6; D: -22.21, D Rank: 1
studio_sally 1
zenverak 1
Fmeson 2
fo13 2
Hackasizlak 2
r0sco 2
dan4223 3
ehoefler 3 98.10 | -2
JeromesNiece 3
redrumsoxLoL 3
RobertNeyland 3
TheZachster 3
tjstanley 3
Tman450x 3
udubdavid 3
ya111101 3
12panther 4
BorisNumber1 4
cinciforthewin 4
colton_97 4
Conglossian 4 -3
cyclonepsycho 4
djowen68 4
DrKennethJNoisewater 4
e8odie 4
eclectic_tastes 4
esoterik 4
falconlover79 4
goodnames679 4
Harpua99 4
hascogrande 4
Hugefootballfan44 4 LW: 1
MahjongDaily 4
noahthearc 4
PHubbs 4
Pollaski 4
practicallybert 4
shadowwingnut 4
sirgippy 4
stripes361 4
tdeff19 4
The-Gothic-Castle 4
the_lost_carrot 4
TimeBroken 4 Rank: #6
TouchdownHeroes 4
Wescat 4
WolverineDDS 4
_fastball 5
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 5
AlphaH4wk 5
ALStark69 5 -4
BenchRickyAguayo 5
Buckeyes2010 5
captain_sasquatch 5
Cars-and-Coffee 5
Cassiyus 5
ChickenTaco 5
Colton3690 5
conchobor 5
creative_penguin 5
DarkLegend64 5
darkra01 5
dasani3x 5
Doogitywoogity 5 Hahahahaha / Hahahahahahaha / Hahahahaha
ewolfy13 5 Still a top tier team. QB play was a bit worrying. If they’re willing to toss Quinn to the side like that for Arch, does that show a lack of confidence?
Extra_Excrement 5
fadingthought 5
fredmerc111 5 LW: 1
galacticdude7 5
GoBlueScrewOSU7 5
HarbingerOfFun 5
HelioOne 5
icklebush 5
ikindalikelemons 5
JBonkies 5 (-4)
jeedf 5
jjjoebox 5
JustinMSU21 5
justsaynotoreddit 5 1.014
kflinderman 5
KirbyDumber88 5
monkeymatt1836 5
myghtymouse 5
ndbroski 5
No11223456 5
Noelthemexican 5
oghawks18 5
OldCoaly 5
one98d 5
Our-Gardian-Angel 5
PalmettoFace 5
Player_1_has_Joined 5
Polarbear1914 5
puffadda 5
PumpSmash 5
Pure_Protein_Machine 5
Pyroblockx 5
rain_parkour 5
Rakarei 5
ReallyCreative 5
RegionalBias 5 Unstoppable Texas sure looked stoppable
RegulatorRWF 5
RollWarTideEagle 5
royrules22 5
sasmith2015 5
scronko 5
seaotter2 5
Sometimeswelose 5
SteemieRayVaughn 5
stew_pac 5 -4
SwissArmyScythe 5 -4
tauzeta 5
TDenverFan 5
teddythe3rd 5
texas2089 5
ThaCarter 5
The_Good_Constable 5
thomasosu 5
titansfan174 5
TopGoose 5
TossedRightOut 5
ucieaters33 5
UMeister 5
w8w8 5
washington_jefferson 5
woakley 5
Zloggt 5 That was a BAD loss...but alas, I guess it pays to have only one BAD loss if you've looked rather decent otherwise...
10catsinspace 6
Acm0028 6
BabyBladder 6
bernkastel87 6
Bill3ffinMurray 6
BlueSCar 6
Cecil_Hardboner 6
Ch-i-ef 6 Always knew you were looking ahead to Vandy. Can't forget the trap game with Georgia.
ChaseTheFalcon 6 -5
chweris 6
CockADoodleBOOM 6
coletheredditer 6 Didn't look good, but not terrible
cornholesurfer 6
CPiGuy2728 6
d_mcc_x 6
DataDrivenPirate 6
DavoinShower-handle 6
deadtofall12 6
diehardcubforever 6
eSpiritCorpse 6 0.9411
Feral_Squirrel 6
G-Aardvark 6
GatorBolt 6 Texas has been moved up to Number 1 after they threw trash at me.
GenialGiant 6
Helifino 6
HHcougar 6
JamoRedhead 6
jaybigs 6
JonesUCF34 6
jrluhn 6
jthomas694 6
Keener1899 6
lillipup03 6
Longvols 6
MADBuc49 6 -5. Would be the #7 playoff seed in this scenario, hosting #10 Indiana in the first round
malowry0124 6
Megalomanizac 6
mellolizard 6
MemeofMemeJTG999999 6 (6-1) (down 5) L: 15-30 vs #7 Georgia (6-1) Next Week: @ #26 Vanderbilt (5-2) Projected Bowl: Playoff R1 vs Indiana
MoneyManeVick 6
MrTheSpork 6
nburt13 6
posiitively 6
Red261 6
ScarletFever333 6
SearonTrejorek 6 0.82385
Striker743 6 Down 4 - played UGA closer than Clemson
strikersteve60 6
T-nawtical 6
tallg8tor 6
TaylorLeprechaun 6 -4
Techwid 6
Texasagsman 6
vanburen1845 6
VerySeriousBanana 6
visor841 6
WillWorkForSugar 6
A_Rolling_Baneling 7
Apep86 7
BallSoHerd 7
BosskOnASegway 7
boxbeat 7
buckeyes75 7
Casaiir 7
ch1l1_ch33s3 7
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 7 (-6)
Corgi_Koala 7
Darth_Ra 7
DarthYoda2594 7
DisraeliEers 7
EpicSchwinn 7
GilBrandt 7
grtgbln 7
IceColdDrPepper_Here 7
Inkblot9 7
jalexjsmithj 7
jimbobbypaul 7
JustAManAndHisLaptop 7
Lex_Ludorum 7
nbingham196 7
NotSoSuperNerd 7 1.385 (10.1-1.9)
outthawazoo 7
Pikachu1989 7
RheagarTargaryen 7
RJEP22 7 292.696 pts
romulusjsp 7
SlaminSammons 7
Sproded 7
Staind075 7
Terminal_BAS 7
WarEagle9 7
AlexanderComet 8
bannista7 8
Blooblod 8
bretticus33 8
BUSean 8
CFBHurts 8
cyberchaox 8
D1N2Y 8
frumious88 8
GeauxTri 8
Hobbes_121 8
huskerfan4life520 8
PrimalCookie 8 Key Wins: @ Michigan 31-12, vs. Oklahoma 34-3, Louisiana-Monroe 51-3 Losses: #2 Georgia 15-30 Lmao at ULM being a key win by my definition. But anyway, before the Georgia game Texas had looked like world beaters, and I'll give them the benefit of the doubt against a really good team, even if it was at home.
RiffRamBahZoo 8
the_neverdoctor 8
Xtremeloco 8
52hoova 9
BearsAreGreat1 9
Blazeth 9
BlueFalcon89 9
Branzilla91 9
cfbguy 9
Charlemagne42 9 142
fshi 9
HieloLuz 9 Falls from the top after a blowout loss to Georgia. Best win right now is ULM 62
Klaassy23 9 (LW Change: -7)
MarlinsGuy 9
MemeLovingLoser 9
nemoran 9
olmsted 9
owlalwaysloveyew 9
Pablo49 9 2419
retnuh101 9
rocco2246 9
velociraptorfarmer 9
Bank_Gothic 10
Chris-P-Creme 10
corundum9 10
Due_Connection179 10 Last Week #1 vs #10 Georgia // Lost 15 - 30 // Texas was finally tested against a true top 25 team, and they completely crapped the bed offensively. Their defense actually played well, but their offense just kept putting them on the field and you could tell that it wore them down at some points during the game.
frone 10
IAmAChemicalEngineer 10
Joester09 10
Maladroit44 10
Muffinnnnnnn 10
nin478 10
placid_salad 10 LW: #1
ShogunAshoka 10
skuhlke 10
tmothy07 10
UNC_Samurai 10
BananaBouquet 11
CptCheese 11
Jakesnake42 11 77.08 Last Week: #1
JaxofAllTrades13 11
owl_man 11
pileatedloon 11
ruwisc 11
SpadeRyker 11
spmartin1993 11
tdoger 11
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 12
blahblehblahwhoru 12
CambodianDrywall 12
Daigotsu 12
Dropbackandpunt 12
hythloday1 12
LiptonCB 12
NyquillusDillwad20 12
soonerfreak 12
spsellers 12
srs_house 12
tks231 12
YellowSkarmory 12
bakonydraco 13 87.822
Corporal_Hicks 13
digdat0 13
grjohnst 13
Meany_Vizzini 13 18.2, -11, -11.8; SoR: 17.2 (20th), MoV: 19.2 (8th)
OKgolfer 13
wameron 13
arrowfan624 14
ChemicalOle 14
Drexlore 14
Hey_Its_Roomie 14
plannedsickdays 14
realclean 14 -13
Ruhrgebietheld 14
ryseing 14
TadKosciuszko 14
aggiebruin27 15
bwburke94 15
KJdkaslknv 15
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 15
Mr_Brews 15
PlactusTX 15 (3) L 11 Georgia
SCsprinter13 15
cvsprinter1 16
dabul-master 16
infinitempg 16 0.868, -14
70stang 17 TIER 5 - 1 Loss Teams with 3 P5 Wins Texas is 6-1 with 3 P5 wins including one away and one neutral, as well as 3 G5 wins and a home loss to last week's #9 UGA. They top this tier due to not playing an FCS team. (UL Monroe at 5-1 and receiving votes this week is actually their highest quality win at this point, hilariously)
luckroy 17 Pot 3
Noy_Telinu 17 Wow that looked bad vs Georgia. And schedule looks pretty bad in hindsight. Best win is Michigan? Oklahoma? Both have 3 losses and look to lose even more. They can still right the ship, but Vandy beat Bama who beat Georgia who beat Texas, so...
T-Thugs 17 Texas drops in my poll after losing to Georgia. Also, their win over Michigan isn't looking as impressive anymore. Best win is Michigan (4-3). Next best win is Oklahoma (4-3).
manbeardawg 18
spasm01 19
ToeInDigDeep 20
Stoneador 21
ColombianInIowa24 22 Absolutely embarrassing loss to Georgia plummets them. Up next Swaggerbilt, the highest ranked 2-loss team.
TheNSAAgent777 24

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
ALToidzz 2
drewscottt 2 -1
grahamca 2 T11ᵗʰ W/L, T5ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 1ˢᵗ Team Strength, 2ⁿᵈ Quality of Wins
mthompson2320 2 LW: 1
spencej98 2
The_Stratman 2
_Junk_Rat_ 3
aredna 3
charmingcharles2896 3
donbagert 3
Effective-Lead-6657 3 (-2)
FrontRunner51 3
HideNZeke 3
JoshuaMan024 3 253.53
Laschoni 3
OkAppointment5691 3
Rcfan0902 3 1361.44
tvjbowe571 3 Texas doesn't fall below Penn St. because of better wins. Not going to push them far down for losing to Georgia.
BoilerUp28 4
carsonivey72 4
Chipsahoy523 4
ConstantPause1239 4
DaewooLanosMFerr 4
dterp13 4
gavinw24 4
GavRunsTheTrap 4
hoovereatscowpoop 4
jalapeno_nips 4
JJones927 4
journey1986 4
kcvtdc 4
MainPeanut25 4 SEC
maxwell6233 4
Milflover69cbb 4 I’m not sure wtf went wrong but a lot did
msonar623 4 7th performance, 68th SOS
notsaying123 4
PattyKane16 4
quantum_jedi 4 (-3) Texas o-line got mauled all night by Georgia. Now the Longhorns get a sneaky good Vanderbilt team.
RadiationRichard 4 LW - 1
samtaylor92 4
sconbon 4
SpursUpSoundsGudToMe 4
stealingchairs 4
swdanley17 4
tms42206 4
TolkienFan71 4
Tortillero96 4
Underground_Bread 4
yesiambear 4
BeyondLiesTheWub 5 -3
bolts_win_again 5
BoukenGreen 5
brucewaynewins 5
buccaneerboy22 5
CaptainGordan 5
cookie__monster___ 5
daredassdude 5
dee3Poh 5
dheck2016 5
DownshiftGD 5
dubscurry30 5
EBuckhouse 5
energydan 5
Fantastic-Calendar-9 5 LW: 1
Fghjkdid911 5
FsuNolezz 5
geauxsaints777 5
gonshpreds1 5
ihatepineapples 5
isrealball 5
Jay_Dubbbs 5
JazzYotesRSL 5
jibberishdhyukl 5
Josh_historybuff 5 15-30 vs Georgia
jwrtf 5
KansasChaser2021 5
LonghornInNebraska 5
Luigiatl 5
MajikSix 5
Mascorn 5
mcdsmaster8824 5
mikecsiy 5
Miserable-Chart-9479 5
MPotato23 5 This team is still looking good, although an ugly game against Georgia hurts their ranking. Maybe don't throw your trash on the field next time.
munchermode 5
ndbfsu22 5
No_Particular_746 5 (6-1) Lost to UGA.
Noahsince2002 5
ntny 5
Omegaus492 5
PeteyNice 5
pl02pl 5
PSUMediaPA 5
PsychologicalFox8660 5
pvadali 5 Every game has been dominated until they ran into Georgia. Not fully sure who they are yet.
RecordingSure5405 5
RedBarracuda25 5 I finally relent and rank the longhorns #1 once and they lay an egg. WTF Texas??
requiemsux 5
SaguaroCactus19 5
samspopguy 5
saquad69 5
SignificanceFirm2398 5
slashbopzing 5
SortaDecent 5
SpeddyDawg 5
sroach91 5
tbutrie1916 5
thatoneguyD13 5 Tier 2. First real test and didn't exactly ace it. Still a very good team.
thehornedlamb 5
ThompsonCreekTiger 5
tisofold 5 Didn't look great in loss to Georgia but had a decent defensive performace and showed signs of life in the 2nd half. Very strong otherwise and has flexibility at QB.
TommyWiseau22 5
trust_the_process__ 5
twr96 5
Tylex123 5
usernamegoeshere763 5
WebfootTroll 5
willbill182 5
Windoge_Master 5
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 5 Really kind of weird how they were unable to do anything on offense. 30 points on defense isn't good either but its manageable. This makes Michigan look even worse then they did before.
70277027 6
ab317 6
Aidanj927 6
Airweldon 6
androonfl 6 probably good just got eaten by kirby
Austin_LSU_Fan22 6
balconesescarpment 6 Poor nonconference, large win over Oklahoma.
bigred91224 6
blaisek 6
brihimia 6
BuckeyeForLife95 6
Burnsite 6
corona779 6
Dawg-Bite 6
dawgfan24348 6
DillyDillySzn 6
divey043 6
dubkent 6
ElyxUW 6
Fhaksfha794 6
forkedravioli 6
FoRtNiteizBAD 6
FuzzyDunlop911 6
Hastronaut 6 The loss moves Texas back to 6. They don't have any impressive wins
hftfohio 6
ianmcmoney 6
jackmc04 6 (-5) surprising showing from them. disappointed.
Jay682002 6
jonstark19 6 -5
JordanDean04 6
JustAGuy7915 6
Kirkwood641 6
loganisfresh 6
ManiacalBlazer 6
mill1634 6
newSomberMan 6
Piptit 6
Repulsive_Rub6443 6
RipRaycom 6
scsd4222 6
Sflabuckeye13 6
silfarion10 6
SomerandomIDFBfan 6
soonertiger 6
Sp1cyRice 6 (-5)
spaceblev11 6
TheBeekman8 6
True_Ad5324 6 Finally lost when they played a real team
unused13 6
WRSpill 6 (1)
Bereft13 7 Power: 3, SoR: 15; LW: 2
BG-WestyC 7
bruhstevenson 7
drneilpretenamen 7
Electronic_Nail 7
funt9rtle 7
geordieColt88 7
hurricaneatx 7
iamaustincince 7
KansasEF5Tornado 7
Minnesnowtaaa 7
redleg86 7 Minimal punishment for Georgia loss
Serenityy8 7
sirvalkyerie 7
Spazzatack 7
SufferingfOrLife 7
TheReformedBadger 7
WBLwiffleball 7
ziggysaysnada 7 -6
zmp1924 7 1 loss against UGA but looked good
chillmagic420 8
CriterionCrypt 8
GeyWeyner12 8
HHunko13 8
Living_Human 8
LoCh0_xX 8
Protoco2 8
RealignmentJunkie 8
wittingtarsier 8
AdministrativeAnt683 9
Aggravating-Steak-69 9
CallingUagoatUgoat 9 1 Tier 2 win (Michigan). 1 Tier 1 loss (Georgia).
JackWK_Gaming 9
kevinsdomain 9
Lefunnymaymays4lief 9
Middle_Wheel_5959 9
mountain_troop86 9 So you played a real team, at home and....
Mynameisdiehard 9 Loss to Georgia brings them here. Further proves my belief that the SEC is not as strong as they national pundits would like to make you believe.
SaveTheCombees10 9
Shion314 9
thealbinotitan1 9 Losses to Georgia but didn’t look like a good team doing it. Offense was bad and defense probably played good enough to win if it wasn’t for the offense spotting great field position to the bulldogs but they played better than Clemson and Georgia is a really good loss compared to Arkansas
throwaway_6786 9 It was a triple whammy for the Longhorns this week: they lost, Michigan lost, and Oklahoma got crushed (although I'm sure it gave Texas fans a bit of a reprieve to watch the Sooners get slammed, it hurts their resume). All of a sudden, the dominance that Texas has showed against everyone except Georgia is honestly the only thing keeping them so high because their wins have aged somewhat poorly (except ULM, surprisingly). Now, Texas has to get back in the saddle as they go to Nashville to face a confident Vanderbilt team.
Blazemaster77 10 Loss at home to UGA. No ranked wins anymore so behind Tennessee. might be a bit of a knee jerk to move them down so much but there still are undefeated teams
cirtnecoileh 10
Dan20698 10
dukemetoo 10
FlashSpider-man 10 Nice to not have to rank them 1, though they'll prob get back by the end of the season.
g_trechel 10
HopefulReb76 10
Jeff_Banks_Monkey 10
patriots230 10
StFuzzySlippers 10
tcomn 10
TheQuakinator 10
TheSleaze22 10
Tornadohunter24 10 (-8)
Arvandu 11
cbusalex 11 [[[W: #22 ULM, #38 Oklahoma, #45 Michigan, #91 Colorado St., #110 UTSA, #117 Mississippi St.]]] [[[L: #13 Georgia]]]
cfbpeoplespoll 11 204 points. Prev rank 4
ChBass 11 The Georgia game not only negated the value of double the season's wins, it also changed the scale of my entire model, since they proved you can score more than 14 points on them. The road ahead is full of sneaky good teams.
DeerPrison 11
enneper4 11
GenuineBoss 11
Greyson04 11
pianoprofiteer 11
0010MK 12
1Subject 12
big_thunder_man 12
bryophyta_insolitam 12 L 15-30 vs. Georgia
Bushken 12 62.39
camus69x 12
mr_longfellow_deeds 12
owl-bears 12
The_Good_General 12
broyo209 13 Lost to a UGA team that's lost to Bama. Not a good look. Next up: Vandy
doctrhouse 13
josh55134 13
SNjr 13
Stags304 13
boomersooner222 14
Yelich04 14 v13
CallMeTheKing 15
133112 19 Now, conference wins against you do hurt you. A lot.
CakeEaters 20
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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