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2024 Week 2 Michigan Wolverines Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
BUSean 1
bwburke94 1
ColombianInIowa24 1 The prior national champions walk by Fresno State. The real challenge is this week to see if they survived the cheating allegations.
HarbingerOfFun 1
HelioOne 1
MemeLovingLoser 1 92.67 - IMO, they shouldn't be here. The "sour mash" is propping them up for now, but shouldn't for long.
Pikachu1989 1
PlactusTX 1 (1) W Fresno State
bakonydraco 2 79.268
cvsprinter1 2
NotSoSuperNerd 2 1.193 (9.5-2.5)
romulusjsp 2 (-)
hypercube42342 3
jimbobbypaul 3 LY: 1 | TY: 20
placid_salad 3 LW: #2
lillipup03 4
Maladroit44 4
Red261 4
ch1l1_ch33s3 5
A_Rolling_Baneling 6
JustAManAndHisLaptop 6
owlalwaysloveyew 6
Player_1_has_Joined 6
RJEP22 6 (1-0) - 77.176 pts
ScarletFever333 6
TDenverFan 6
the_lost_carrot 6
TheNSAAgent777 6
ToeInDigDeep 6
VerySeriousBanana 6
52hoova 7
Darth_Ra 7
ewolfy13 7 Shaky performance against what could be a sneaky good Fresno st team. Not ready to write off Michigan yet, but they may have a QB battle raging
halldaylong 7
mellolizard 7
practicallybert 7
RegionalBias 7
Striker743 7
TaylorLeprechaun 7 +1
the_neverdoctor 7
Acm0028 8
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 8
captain_sasquatch 8
D1N2Y 8
Feral_Squirrel 8
fourpinz8 8
Hackasizlak 8
JamoRedhead 8
jaybigs 8
MemeofMemeJTG999999 8 (1-0) (down 1) W: 30-10 vs Fresno State (0-1) Next Week: vs #2 Texas (1-0) Projected Bowl: Playoff R1 @ Alabama
Mr_Brews 8
MrTheSpork 8
one98d 8
ReallyCreative 8
RegulatorRWF 8
SpadeRyker 8
strikersteve60 8
UNC_Samurai 8
vanburen1845 8
_fastball 9
BananaBouquet 9
BearsAreGreat1 9
BosskOnASegway 9
Branzilla91 9
bties 9
CommodoreN7 9
CptCheese 9
diehardcubforever 9
Drexlore 9
galacticdude7 9
grjohnst 9
hascogrande 9
jjjoebox 9
jrluhn 9
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 9
Lex_Ludorum 9
magnumweiner 9
nemoran 9
PHubbs 9
Pollaski 9
sasmith2015 9
SteemieRayVaughn 9
tdeff19 9
Terminal_BAS 9
Zloggt 9
12panther 10
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 10
ALStark69 10 -3
CambodianDrywall 10
Cars-and-Coffee 10
Conglossian 10
dan4223 10
Extra_Excrement 10
frone 10
Harpua99 10
JeromesNiece 10
Klaassy23 10 (LW Change: -1)
Longvols 10
manbeardawg 10
Meany_Vizzini 10 17.4, -6, -7.6
Megalomanizac 10
Noelthemexican 10
nw____ 10
NyquillusDillwad20 10
outthawazoo 10
PrimalCookie 10
RiffRamBahZoo 10
RollWarTideEagle 10
scronko 10
T-nawtical 10
Techwid 10
wesman212 10
bannista7 11
ChaseTheFalcon 11
colton_97 11
corundum9 11
Daigotsu 11
grtgbln 11
icklebush 11
MahjongDaily 11
Rakarei 11
shadowwingnut 11
spmartin1993 11
SwissArmyScythe 11 -1
tauzeta 11
Blazeth 12
Cassiyus 12
Ch-i-ef 12 Uhh yikes? Better shape up for USC in 2 weeks
CockADoodleBOOM 12
coletheredditer 12 Questionable first half led into a good enough second half. Texas poses a real threat to their win streak
Corgi_Koala 12
Corporal_Hicks 12
cyberchaox 12
DarkLegend64 12
GilBrandt 12
huskerfan4life520 12
IceColdDrPepper_Here 12
plannedsickdays 12
Pure_Protein_Machine 12
Staind075 12
tks231 12
Tman450x 12 I'm not high on Michigan. Great defense, lots of O question marks.
w8w8 12
washington_jefferson 12
bretticus33 13 It was a win, and Fresno State isn’t a pushover, but this wasn’t an inspiring performance from the Michigan offense. Defense is great though.
dogwoodmaple 13
Doogitywoogity 13 That Fresno State game was far closer than the score shows. Wolverines better do better this coming week vs texas, that’s all I ask of you.
ehoefler 13 92.30
falconlover79 13
jthomas694 13
KirbyDumber88 13
malowry0124 13
noahthearc 13
Shootit_Rockets 13
stew_pac 13
TheZachster 13
titansfan174 13
Xtremeloco 13
ya111101 13
zenverak 13
buckeyes75 14
Charlemagne42 14 The offense and defense will both need to show more signs of life next week when the Longhorns come to town.
cornholesurfer 14
eclectic_tastes 14
EpicSchwinn 14
JBonkies 14
JustinMSU21 14
Muffinnnnnnn 14
nburt13 14
RobertNeyland 14
rocco2246 14
udubdavid 14
BenchRickyAguayo 15
Blooblod 15
Cecil_Hardboner 15
djowen68 15
fadingthought 15
nbingham196 15
OldCoaly 15
tjstanley 15
Bank_Gothic 16
owl_man 16
DarthYoda2594 17
DrKennethJNoisewater 17
Dropbackandpunt 17
ikindalikelemons 17
monkeymatt1836 17
PumpSmash 17
SlaminSammons 17
Sometimeswelose 17
BallSoHerd 18
fredmerc111 18 LW: 17
lookglen 18
seaotter2 18
skuhlke 18
tallg8tor 18
arrowfan624 19
MoneyManeVick 19
spsellers 19
Helifino 20
CFBHurts 21
kamiller2020 21
RheagarTargaryen 22
TouchdownHeroes 22 LW: 20
DisraeliEers 23
Hey_Its_Roomie 23
T-Thugs 24 Michigan defeated Fresno State to start the season 1-0. They have a huge matchup with Texas this week. A win could push them up to the top of my rankings.

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
big_thunder_man 1 Champions stay at #1 until defeated. Beat a meh Fresno.
penix4heisman 1
RealignmentJunkie 1
dubscurry30 2
LongjumpingState9635 2
CallMeTheKing 3 1-0-132
silfarion10 3
camus69x 4
FigletPiglet 4 =
Greyson04 4
ShefCrl 4
wittingtarsier 4
grahamca 5 T1ˢᵗ W/L, T5ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 3ʳᵈ Team Strength, 9ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
PersianGuitarist 5
Prof_Pie 5 I think this offense is very strong, they just need more of a break from the field. So, a bit of an unbalanced team relative to both sides of the ball, but with room to improve regardless.
twr96 5
BeyondLiesTheWub 6
brucewaynewins 6
ConstantPause1239 6
leadbymight 6
slashbopzing 6
soonertiger 6
Sp1cyRice 6 (+3) Very anemic win. Still goes up since Fresno State is entered as one of the better G5 teams preseason
ziggysaysnada 6
alttabbins 7
cookie__monster___ 7
Coteup 7
dawgfan24348 7
ETHTrillionaire 7
ianmcmoney 7
iHasMagyk 7
Josh_historybuff 7 30-10 vs Fresno State
TheFalconGuy 7
tumadrelover 7
tyy1117 7
Burnsite 8
CriterionCrypt 8
donbagert 8
dubkent 8
Luigiatl 8
MajikSix 8
mauliknshah 8
munchermode 8
sammyt21 8
samtaylor92 8
thejus10 8
TheReformedBadger 8
Underground_Bread 8
Wumbology724 8
70277027 9
ActuallyJasonPrice 9
Airweldon 9 Win at home over G5 team.
bolts_win_again 9
bruhstevenson 9
ckubi 9
Dan20698 9
Fghjkdid911 9
geauxsaints777 9
GeyWeyner12 9
hurricaneatx 9 (1-0) -
JJones927 9
jonstark19 9 -2
journey1986 9
jwrtf 9
KansasChaser2021 9
NA_Faker 9 Need to get offense fixed before Texas goes to Ann Arbor next week or this game could get ugly. Stays at #9 due to defending champs and talent they still have on roster.
nebsA1 9
newSomberMan 9
PeteyNice 9
Scruggerboy 9
sirvalkyerie 9
SomerandomIDFBfan 9
SquadPoopy 9 It definitely feels like if anything is going to hold Michigan back this year it's going to be that offense. It's up to whether Sherrone Moore can bring that offense up to even just last year's level. If he can do that, Michigan is definitely looking at the playoffs.
STL_12 9 Michigan jumps Georgia Tech compared to computer
supercon21 9
TheQuakinator 9
trust_the_process__ 9
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 9 Fresno State is an underrated program, but coming off a title win you should probably do more to them? oh well. just week 1, who cares.
_JustinTheGreat_ 10
AdministrativeAnt683 10
AnAngryPanda1 10
Arvandu 10
Bereft13 10 Power: 13, SoR: 8; LW: 8
BertGallagher 10
BoukenGreen 10
brihimia 10
dheck2016 10
divey043 10
dr_funk_13 10 Looked shaky against Fresno State, but I'm willing to grant a little bit of grace given the new coaching staff and new faces on offense
FsuNolezz 10
ManiacalBlazer 10
McIntyre2K7 10
NastyWideOuts 10
OCD3ds 10
OSU_Shecter 10
PsychologicalFox8660 10
quantum_jedi 10 Some struggles against a good Fresno St team. About as expected so far: defense good and offense is still a question.
Salmon-Dude 10
saquad69 10
Shion314 10
tbutrie1916 10
The_Candler 10
TheGlassRemains 10
TheSleaze22 10
throwaway_6786 10 Not a huge confidence-inspiring win, but Fresno State has been a tough G5 for many teams over the years and Michigan, to their credit, turned it on in the 4th quarter to run away with it. I could've moved them more, but they face Texas next week, so we'll get a much better sense of just how good the Wolverines are real soon.
Tylex123 10
willbill182 10
_TGT7 11 Michigan had a slower game against Fresno State, so I decided to drop them out of the top 10 for now.
BuckeyeForLife95 11
Chipsahoy523 11
Crelc3 11
DaewooLanosMFerr 11
daredassdude 11 Not enough of a good performance to impress me that Michigan could finish with more than 8 wins, but not bad of a performance to give up hope. Michigan's games vs Texas and USC will decide whether Michigan is a CFP contender or pretender.
drneilpretenamen 11
dterp13 11
FlashSpider-man 11
ftskeebo 11 Up 2 spots thanks to LSU and FSU losses
GreenAndYellow12 11 +2
inconvenientpoop 11
irishGOP413 11
Minnesnowtaaa 11
Mossed26 11
Omegaus492 11
Piptit 11
Serenityy8 11
slatibartifast3 11
SpursUpSoundsGudToMe 11
tcomn 11 Group B
thatoneguyD13 11 Tier 3. Offense struggled but defense still excellent.
usernamegoeshere763 11
WebfootTroll 11
Xy13 11
666haha 12
BoilerUp28 12
DillyDillySzn 12
doctrhouse 12
DragonFire101Gamer 12
Fantastic-Calendar-9 12 LW: 10
hoovereatscowpoop 12 Tier - Good, but probably not great
jackmc04 12 (-1)
josh55134 12
LonghornInNebraska 12
luciusetrur 12 LW: #11
ndbfsu22 12
OG_Felwinter 12
OSUfan88 12
SaguaroCactus19 12
ScooterLeShooter 12
spaceblev11 12
Spazzatack 12
spencej98 12
ALToidzz 13
chillmagic420 13
daa4th 13
DownshiftGD 13
Effective-Lead-6657 13
HideNZeke 13
Jacob_Sumner 13
mathmanhale 13
mcdsmaster8824 13
Menktenk 13
Midnight-Mustang 13
MuhMuhManRay 13
notsaying123 13
Protoco2 13
schneeplehoppen 13
sconbon 13
SignificanceFirm2398 13
tatteredgnome_23 13
Thehomelessguy11 13
tisofold 13
Tornadohunter24 13 [-2] [1-0] Okay, listen - you guys aren't bad... on defense. And you played a decent opponent in Fresno State. But that QB play... woof. "Needs improvement" is an understatement. At least you're not relying on DJU?
Yelich04 13 Up 2
atlbluedevil 14
CallingUagoatUgoat 14
EBuckhouse 14
MainPeanut25 14
Middle_Wheel_5959 14
Milflover69cbb 14 They will not be ranked at a point in the season
mthompson2320 14 LW: 12
sroach91 14
_Junk_Rat_ 15
charmingcharles2896 15 Michigan is exactly what i'd thought they'd be... flawed on offense, nasty on defense. Davis Warren is the quarterback, he's reasonably accurate, but it remains to be seen if he's a playmaker at all.
ChBass 15
chief_sitass 15
enneper4 15
Jay_Dubbbs 15
kevinsdomain 15
maxwell6233 15
mill1634 15
Sflabuckeye13 15
vindictivejazz 15
WRSpill 15
cnpeters 16
Kirkwood641 16
Laschoni 16
loganisfresh 16 Onto what others may consider the worst played game of the week for any of the top 25 teams. The trio of Davis Warren, Alex Orji, and Donovan Edwards were for the most part, abysmal to watch, with the only saving grace of the offense at times being tight end Colston Loveland. Fresno State may end up being a solid team as the season plays out, but in no way is it excusable for Michigan to only be leading this game 16-10 at one point in the fourth quarter, and if not for a Will Johnson pick six with Fresno State in the redzone, could have very well turned into just a 24-17 Michigan lead with less than 5 minutes of game time remaining. Speaking of Will Johnson and the defense, while overall they played a good game, it was obvious at times that they had given up uncovered zones and passing lanes that were not taken advantage of, whether it was missed reads or missed throws by Mikey Keene. More experienced and talented quarterbacks with better teams around them, such as Quinn Ewers and the Longhorns will take advantage of those defensive deficiencies if they are not fixed soon. As for offensively, if this same unit is trotted out onto the field this Saturday afternoon, Michigan needs to pray that Texas's defensive gameplan revolves around ignoring Colston Loveland as much as possible (it won't) if they want any chance at surpassing more than 17 offensive points.
mikecsiy 16
RadiationRichard 16
thehornedlamb 16
gavinw24 17
RubbleHome 17
True_Ad5324 17
Living_Human 18
mountain_troop86 18 Gross
ilikepie145 20
cfbpeoplespoll 21 10 pts
SpeddyDawg 21
youngs2309 21
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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