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2024 Preseason Notre Dame Fighting Irish Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
aggiebruin27 1
CommodoreN7 3
Corgi_Koala 4
magnumweiner 4
mellolizard 4
skuhlke 4
the_lost_carrot 4
titansfan174 4
Zloggt 4 I have not, and likely STILL not consider myself to be a Notre Dame fan...but since I have family that will now be working in the great big Amazon project thingy in Mishawaka(?) - therefore making the House of Zloggt have a presence in the South Bend area for at least the next two years, if not more - I suppose that I will have to apply a "Fighting Irish FOLLOWER" label to my chest now. So therefore, in my first act as a psuedo-ND fan, is the choice to slightly overrate them above other teams whom I lack the same level of light connection! But hey, Notre Dame is still Notre Dame, and even in this increasingly unfamiliar college football landscape, they remain a constant in a consistently changing world. And sure, their persistence to NOT sell out and stay indie does make for a more difficult path to the Playoffs (especially since they cannot rely on AQs and whatnot)...but hey, Freeman's a swell coach, and they always be having good players no matter what, so they have the potential. And with that, I give them my...moderate support!
goodnames679 5
Ruhrgebietheld 5
The_Good_Constable 5
12panther 6
bwburke94 6
cornholesurfer 6
darkra01 6
fourpinz8 6
GilBrandt 6
Hackasizlak 6
Helifino 6
ikindalikelemons 6
kamiller2020 6
Muffinnnnnnn 6
nbingham196 6
NyquillusDillwad20 6 I think this team is getting overlooked. They should be very well-balanced, although losing their project starter at LT made me hesitant to put them this high. But Notre Dame never seems to have OL issues.
Pure_Protein_Machine 6
spmartin1993 6
the_neverdoctor 6
tmothy07 6
_fastball 7
arrowfan624 7
BosskOnASegway 7
CambodianDrywall 7
Cassiyus 7
coletheredditer 7 First wild card, overreactions will be had week 1 vs A&M
dan4223 7
Due_Connection179 7
ehoefler 7
fadingthought 7
grjohnst 7
IceColdDrPepper_Here 7
jeedf 7
JeromesNiece 7
jjjoebox 7
JustinMSU21 7
Klaassy23 7
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 7
monkeymatt1836 7
RegulatorRWF 7
RiffRamBahZoo 7
SpadeRyker 7
tdeff19 7
TheNSAAgent777 7
ToeInDigDeep 7
UNC_Samurai 7
w8w8 7
Xtremeloco 7
bannista7 8
Branzilla91 8
buckeyes75 8
CFBHurts 8
ChaseTheFalcon 8
Drexlore 8
HelioOne 8
Jakesnake42 8
jrluhn 8
Lex_Ludorum 8
Longvols 8
manbeardawg 8
Meany_Vizzini 8 19.7
NotSoSuperNerd 8 0.907 (9.8-2.2)
OldCoaly 8
outthawazoo 8
owl_man 8
Pikachu1989 8
Player_1_has_Joined 8
Pollaski 8
retnuh101 8
rocco2246 8
SharkMovies 8
SteemieRayVaughn 8
T-Thugs 8
texas2089 8
TheZachster 8
VerySeriousBanana 8
ard8 9
bakonydraco 9 74.854
BamaPride95 9
BananaBouquet 9
Bank_Gothic 9
BearsAreGreat1 9
Blooblod 9
CockADoodleBOOM 9
colton_97 9
diehardcubforever 9
DrKennethJNoisewater 9
EpicSchwinn 9
jaybigs 9
jmac_21 9
MahjongDaily 9
malowry0124 9
MemeofMemeJTG999999 9 End of Last Season: #13 (10-3) Next Week: @ #21 Texas A&M Bowl Projection: Playoff R1 @ Oregon
one98d 9
RJEP22 9 77.42
seaotter2 9
shadowwingnut 9
Terminal_BAS 9
vanburen1845 9
woakley 9 Recruiting Rank #8 Poll Rank #12 Production Rank #24 Overall Weighted Number 14.6
Acm0028 10
BenchRickyAguayo 10
Corporal_Hicks 10
DarkLegend64 10
Darth_Ra 10
Dropbackandpunt 10
ewolfy13 10 I believe in Riley Leonard, but not sure how the rest of the team will do
galacticdude7 10
GeauxTri 10
GoBlueScrewOSU7 10
grtgbln 10
halldaylong 10
jthomas694 10
Megalomanizac 10
spsellers 10
ya111101 10
ALStark69 11 +2
AudiieVerbum 11
BallSoHerd 11
CptCheese 11
djowen68 11
dogwoodmaple 11
plannedsickdays 11
PrimalCookie 11
Staind075 11
SwissArmyScythe 11
frone 12
MoneyManeVick 12
owlalwaysloveyew 12
Rakarei 12
sasmith2015 12
WarEagle9 12
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 13
BigBoutros 13
ch1l1_ch33s3 13
Daigotsu 13
lillipup03 13
noahthearc 13
nw____ 13
tdoger 13
52hoova 14
A_Rolling_Baneling 14
Blazeth 14
bretticus33 14 I don’t understand why we keep putting Notre Dame in the preseason top 10. A good team? Yes. A top 10 team? Doubtful. Until Notre Dame can actually live up to the top 10 expectations, let’s stop putting the Irish up there.
deadtofall12 14
eclectic_tastes 14
Striker743 14
Charlemagne42 15 Normally, you don't want to play @ Texas A&M early in the season. It's hot, it's wet, and the Aggies are in their "we're gonna win a 17-0 national championship" era. Usually that era doesn't end until week 6 or so, when other teams accustomed to hot, wet, and talent that doesn't work hard show up on A&M's schedule. Notre Dame will put an end to that Tradition (TM). However, they'll drop a couple late, including to Florida State, and without a conference title as that Thirteenth Data Point (TM) they'll miss the playoff in its first-ever controversy of the 12-team format. They still won't join a conference.
Harpua99 15
PlactusTX 15
practicallybert 15
JBonkies 16
romulusjsp 16
T-nawtical 16
TaylorLeprechaun 16
Hey_Its_Roomie 17
BUSean 18
ReallyCreative 19
MemeLovingLoser 20
Noelthemexican 20
placid_salad 24

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Mini-Mussolini 2
Minnesnowtaaa 3
Spazzatack 3
ianmcmoney 4
ndbfsu22 4
asbestosman2 5
cookie__monster___ 5
coolguyrealcool 5
EBuckhouse 5
ftskeebo 5
MajorPhoto2159 5
spaceblev11 5
Ute32 5
WebfootTroll 5
AdministrativeAnt683 6
BoilerUp28 6
brihimia 6
chief_sitass 6
cnpeters 6
demolisty24 6
DillyDillySzn 6
Fantastic-Calendar-9 6
grahamca 6 T1ˢᵗ W/L, T4ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 6ᵗʰ Team Strength, T1ˢᵗ Quality of Wins
Jay_Dubbbs 6
journey1986 6
lowcontrol 6
MainPeanut25 6
mthompson2320 6
Sflabuckeye13 6
Shion314 6
Underground_Bread 6
AnAngryPanda1 7
bruhstevenson 7
charmingcharles2896 7 Shrug
Chipsahoy523 7
CriterionCrypt 7
Dan20698 7
dheck2016 7
dinkytown42069 7
donbagert 7
drneilpretenamen 7
dubkent 7
hurricaneatx 7 (Last year: 10-3, #14)
Kirkwood641 7
mcdsmaster8824 7
Midnight-Mustang 7
MuhMuhManRay 7
Scruggerboy 7
SignificanceFirm2398 7
soonertiger 7
spencej98 7
True_Ad5324 7 Wild card
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 7 Good ole Notre Dame. To me, they're like Texas A&M and Miami (FL); have lots of talent income and hype surrounding the team every season, just to eventually stumble and fall somewhere along the way to a 8-4 - 10-2 season. Maybe this year will be different? Probably not. Based on their schedule, I think anything less then 11-1 is a disappointment, but I'm 20 and Notre Dame has been nationally elite maybe twice in my conscious lifetime? I'm not holding out hope for them
70277027 8
akyankee 8
brucewaynewins 8
bthombeast 8
BuckeyeForLife95 8
chillmagic420 8
dawgfan24348 8
DownshiftGD 8
FsuNolezz 8
jonstark19 8
kevinsdomain 8
luciusetrur 8
ManiacalBlazer 8
maxwell6233 8
mountain_troop86 8 Can't do the annual fall out of Top 10 without starting there
mport97 8
nebsA1 8
oneforthehaters 8
SNjr 8
Sp1cyRice 8 Hopefully their team culture doesn't copy their men's swimming team
STL_12 8
TheBeekman8 8
Aggravating-Steak-69 9
DaewooLanosMFerr 9
dubscurry30 9
FlashSpider-man 9
GreenAndYellow12 9 Reload on defense, take a slight hit at O-Line and in the backfield but Freeman will still lead them to be a good team. Most Important Game: Aug. 31 @Texas A&M
iHasMagyk 9
KansasChaser2021 9
Mossed26 9
narwhalz27 9
newSomberMan 9
Ok_Welcome_6684 9
Protoco2 9
PunishedLeBoymoder 9
saquad69 9
ScraaaaaaaambledEggs 9
sroach91 9
tbutrie1916 9
why_doineedausername 9
willbill182 9
ActuallyJasonPrice 10
Dawg-Bite 10
Dobbins 10
Effective-Lead-6657 10
Esb5415 10
FigletPiglet 10 +1
funt9rtle 10
mill1634 10
supercon21 10
TheQuakinator 10
twr96 10
Arvandu 11
bethe2ndmouse 11
ConstantPause1239 11
gavinw24 11
hoovereatscowpoop 11 Tier - Good, but probably not great
schneeplehoppen 11
ScooterLeShooter 11
slashbopzing 11
slatibartifast3 11
thatoneguyD13 11 Tier 3
TheSleaze22 11
throwaway_6786 11
TxCincy 11
Bereft13 12 Power: 13
boomersooner222 12
FloridaBoy317 12
Noahsince2002 12
pianoprofiteer 12
Salmon-Dude 12
sly2bfox 12
Tornadohunter24 12
666haha 13 I like the coach, and they are still really talented.
doctrhouse 13
IDropFatLogs 13
inconvenientpoop 13
RedBarracuda25 13 This team honestly feels the exact same as last year. Talented senior ACC North Carolina school QB comes in to fix their QB woes, now where have I seen this before. Oh yeah. Didn't work out tremendously last time but who knows. What's the definition of insanity again? Still a talented team tho
camus69x 14
Coteup 14
MajikSix 14
Menktenk 14
silfarion10 14
The_Stratman 14
Got_That_WeeFee 16
sconbon 16
tatteredgnome_23 16
Milflover69cbb 17 Will almost certainly make the playoffs I just don’t want to put them too high at the start of the season
mathmanhale 18
WaterRat13 18
samtaylor92 19
seantgs 19
ChBass 22
Phoenix0114 22
SomerandomIDFBfan 22
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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