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2023 Week 8 Iowa Hawkeyes Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
skuhlke 7
shadowwingnut 9 439.40
A_Rolling_Baneling 11
PrimalCookie 11 2.262 - Iowa is very lucky that offensive stats aren’t a part of this
fo13 12
hythloday1 12
jalexjsmithj 12 13.5
NyquillusDillwad20 12
ACCBiggz 13
DavoinShower-handle 13
OKgolfer 13
ShogunAshoka 13
tauzeta 13
udubdavid 13
70stang 14 Iowa takes second in Tier 4, with 4 P5 wins, 1 G5 win, and 1 FCS win as well as 1 ranked P5 loss away to be 6-1. It's honestly hilarious at this point how good this defense is, and how terrible the offense. They take precedence over USC due to their loss being to a ranked team, and over Utah due to having played one more game, over G5 competition.
BabyBladder 14
DylanCarlson3 14
halldaylong 14
infinitempg 14 0.786
SearonTrejorek 14 0.79270
confirmd_am_engineer 15
HHcougar 15
Inkblot9 15
LiptonCB 15
spsellers 15
Stoneador 15
tks231 15
Apep86 16
cyberchaox 16
HieloLuz 16 Points: 73.11 | Wins: 1 T3, 1 T4, 3 T5, 1 T6 | Losses: 1 T2 | 3 WP | 1 LP |
MarlinsGuy 16
Meany_Vizzini 16 15.5, NR
ryseing 16
bwburke94 17 +12.9631604 (LW: #26)
CPiGuy2728 17
NotSoSuperNerd 17 3.64
The_Good_Constable 17 28.4
311polo 18
AudiieVerbum 18
Buckeyes2010 18
crownebeach 18
DisraeliEers 18
frumious88 18
HarbingerOfFun 18
outthawazoo 18
YellowSkarmory 18
Bill3ffinMurray 19
bties 19
Casaiir 19
Charlemagne42 19 88
cota1212 19
eSpiritCorpse 19 0.9228
fshi 19
hascogrande 19
Helifino 19
jjjoebox 19
jthomas694 19
Knightro2011 19
luckroy 19 Pot 3
MahjongDaily 19 This team is infuriating to watch
mellolizard 19
noahthearc 19
Noy_Telinu 19
T-Thugs 19 Iowa is weird. Their defense is very good, and they may end up 11-1. I think the Big ten west is awful. When they played Penn State, they got stomped. They're lucky to not play Michigan or Ohio State this year. I just dont believe they'd win against many actually good teams because i dont know that they can score. Best win is probably Wisconsin (4-2).
tallg8tor 19
Texasagsman 19
vanburen1845 19
Archaic_1 20
ChickenTaco 20
Corporal_Hicks 20
D1N2Y 20 +5
GilBrandt 20
HelioOne 20
I_am_bot_beep_boop 20
ikindalikelemons 20
kdcoltred 20
plannedsickdays 20
retnuh101 20
thomasosu 20
trumpet_23 20
AlexanderComet 21
BigBoutros 21
blahblehblahwhoru 21
Blazeth 21
BlueFalcon89 21
BorisNumber1 21
BugsSuck 21
ChaseTheFalcon 21
Chris-P-Creme 21
DaewooLanosMFerrr 21
e8odie 21
EpicSchwinn 21
Foxmcbowser42 21
icklebush 21
JaxofAllTrades13 21
myghtymouse 21
one98d 21
peachios 21 who needs offense
pileatedloon 21
posiitively 21
studio_sally 21
texas2089 21
UNC_Samurai 21
velociraptorfarmer 21
washington_jefferson 21
woakley 21
AlphaH4wk 22
arrowfan624 22
bannista7 22
BosskOnASegway 22
CambodianDrywall 22
captain_sasquatch 22
Conglossian 22 U/R
CptCheese 22
Daigotsu 22
ewolfy13 22 This putrid offense keeps getting helped out by the defense. The anti-USC if you will
GenialGiant 22
Hugefootballfan44 22 LW: NR
Jakesnake42 22 66.77 Last Week: NR
JCiLee 22
joebob431 22
JohnWickStuntDouble 22
justsaynotoreddit 22
kflinderman 22
MADBuc49 22 It’s a style match-up
malowry0124 22
nbingham196 22
nburt13 22
oghawks18 22
Pablo49 22
PalmettoFace 22
Pollaski 22
puffadda 22
Red261 22
RegulatorRWF 22
ruwisc 22 2.42
ScarletFever333 22
SCsprinter13 22
Sophocles5 22
SpadeRyker 22
SwissArmyScythe 22 NR
TaylorLeprechaun 22 -4
thegreendalegelf 22
TimeBroken 22 Rank #22
tmothy07 22
typicaliconoclast 22
UMeister 22
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 23
BamaPride95 23
bernkastel87 23
Cars-and-Coffee 23
CFBHurts 23
ChemicalOle 23
cinciforthewin 23
conchobor 23
eclectic_tastes 23
Feral_Squirrel 23
fredmerc111 23
galacticdude7 23
GoBlueScrewOSU7 23
Hey_Its_Roomie 23
Hobbes_121 23
jimbobbypaul 23 20.7279
jmac_21 23
LeWoofle 23
Maladroit44 23
Megalomanizac 23
MoneyManeVick 23
Nathanael-Greene 23
nin478 23
Pure_Protein_Machine 23
realclean 23
RiffRamBahZoo 23
royrules22 23
Striker743 23 New
T-nawtical 23
ucieaters33 23
WolverineDDS 23
Xtremeloco 23
ya111101 23
_fastball 24
_n8n8_ 24
ALStark69 24 NR New to poll: 23 James Madison, 24 Iowa, 25 Tulane
boxbeat 24
Branzilla91 24
buckeyes75 24
corundum9 24
d_mcc_x 24
DampFrijoles 24
DarkLegend64 24
darkra01 24
Darth_Ra 24
dogwoodmaple 24
Hackasizlak 24
IAmAChemicalEngineer 24
IceColdDrPepper_Here 24
JonesUCF34 24
kamiller2020 24
Lex_Ludorum 24
lillipup03 24
monkeymatt1836 24
Mr_Brews 24
MWiatrak2077 24
olmsted 24
Omegaus492 24
owl_man 24
owlalwaysloveyew 24
PHubbs 24
placid_salad 24 LW #32
PromEmperorHarbaugh 24
ReallyCreative 24
RheagarTargaryen 24
RollWarTideEagle 24
romulusjsp 24
SlaminSammons 24
Sometimeswelose 24
Sproded 24
SteemieRayVaughn 24
strikersteve60 24
tdeff19 24
TDenverFan 24
TopGoose 24
ttsci 24
VerySeriousBanana 24
wameron 24
Wescat 24
Acm0028 25
BUSean 25
Cassiyus 25
Cecil_Hardboner 25
Ch-i-ef 25
coletheredditer 25 Beat Wisconsin, I'm a Badger fan, I've seen worse!
CommodoreN7 25
cyclonepsycho 25
dan4223 25
dasani3x 25
digdat0 25
Due_Connection179 25
Extra_Excrement 25
fourpinz8 25
GatorBolt 25 I feel nasty and absolutely disgusted giving Iowa a rank. They are in the driver's seat to win the Big Ten West. Gross. Ew.
GeauxTri 25
hendarvich 25 NEW | I hate putting them in, but I also think they'd beat Clemson and UCLA?
jrluhn 25
KirbyDumber88 25
Longvols 25
ndbroski 25
noodlethebear 25
Our-Gardian-Angel 25
Pikachu1989 25
PumpSmash 25
RegionalBias 25 The Anti-USC
Ruhrgebietheld 25
sirgippy 25
teddythe3rd 25
thexraptor 25
w8w8 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Jacob_Sumner 6
squibby 6
CallingUagoatUgoat 9 1 SP+ T-25 win (Wisconsin). 1 SP+ T-10 loss (Penn State). Is Iowa seriously doing this again?
andy-022 10 1181.32 6 - 1 7 6.0 (21) Wisconsin (3) Penn State
johnjones55 11
Noelthemexican 11
StannisGrammarMannis 11
1Subject 12
BenchRickyAguayo 12 High: 12 Low: 14 Avg.: 13.2
readonlypdf 12
RJEP22 12 (6-1) - 117.518pts
SleepsWithBlindsOpen 12
cirtnecoileh 13
debaterthatchases 13
good4steve 13
LonghornInNebraska 13
PlactusTX 13 (—) W Wisconsin
qwer546 13 1153
ChBass 14
visor841 14
big_thunder_man 15 Beat a 4-2 Wisconsin without an offense. How?
boomersooner222 15
CallMeTheKing 15 109-1-22
owl-bears 15
camus69x 16
Effective-Lead-6657 16
ehoefler 16 80.77 | +3
grahamca 16 T12ᵗʰ W/L, T5ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 29ᵗʰ Team Strength, 27ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
leadbymight 16
Player_1_has_Joined 16
Bereft13 17 Power: 22, SoR: 10; LW: NR
funt9rtle 17
ManiacalBlazer 17 77.249
penix4heisman 17
rocco2246 17
TadKosciuszko 17
tomdawg0022 17
bethe2ndmouse 18
CaptainScuttlebottom 18 If USC can be #18 with no defense, Iowa can be #19 with no offense. It's only fair.
ColombianInIowa24 18 Offense is overrated for the Hawkeyes who continue to grind through against teams after laying an egg against Penn State. Up next the Floyd of Rosedale.
Dontworryaboutit1 18
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 18
losbullitt 18
samtaylor92 18
silfarion10 18
spmartin1993 18
ViewFrom209 18
ActuallyJasonPrice 19
DillyDillySzn 19
hurricaneatx 19 (6-1)
ianmcmoney 19
Protoco2 19
sconbon 19
The_Stratman 19
thehornedlamb 19
thejawa 19
WillWorkForSugar 19
Yung_Carrot 19
_TGT7 20 NEW, I don’t have any trust in Iowa, I feel like they are absolute crap, but they did get a 15-6 win against a good Wisconsin team, and Iowa State is looking better as the season progresses. Iowa’s defense is elite, and that is the only reason they aren’t like 1-6, there is a nonzero chance that Iowa goes 12-2 and ends up firing Brian Ferentz, and I am very interested in that reality.
boblovespi 20
cfbpeoplespoll 20 Tough defense and great special teams are going to carry an awful Offense. Iowa should be 11-1 by the end of the season.
Chipsahoy523 20
Cooliamabeast 20
JBGolden 20
Milflover69cbb 20
mthompson2320 20 LW: 25
OldCoaly 20
RealignmentJunkie 20
RootBeerBloat 20
TheSunsNotYellow 20 .570
Viselli 20
Weekly_Flatworm5707 20
Xy13 20
ziggysaysnada 20
Arvandu 21 (NR)
BoilerUp28 21
bryophyta_insolitam 21 W 15-6 @ Wisconsin
ch1l1_ch33s3 21
chief_sitass 21
chillmagic420 21
heelxtiger 21 62.6
jaowerpower 21
JetoGrov 21 have you spoken to your family about 11-1 Iowa?? Kings of the B10 West in it's swan song....wouldn't have it any other way.
KansasChaser2021 21
Piptit 21
PSUMediaPA 21
redrumsoxLoL 21
Sflabuckeye13 21
soonertiger 21
tcomn 21 Top notch defense and an offense that wish I didn't have eyes. Congrats Hawkeyes on continuing tradition.
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 21 an affront to god, yet still 6-1
Aggravating-Steak-69 22
bruhstevenson 22
corona779 22
Dan20698 22
diehardcubforever 22
Fantastic-Calendar-9 22 LW: NR
FlashSpider-man 22 Assuming I can read correctly, this is the last p5 team with 1 loss. So here they are.
jakepadres23 22
Jay682002 22
Jay_Dubbbs 22
MajikSix 22
maknasty09 22
mill1634 22
nebsA1 22
Ok-Assumption8991 22
OSU_Shecter 22
pianoprofiteer 22
PythonLemon 22
saquad69 22
sleemoislife 22 I don't think this team is very good, but they only have one loss to PSU (a blowout still) so I'll give them some love.
sly2bfox 22
StumpVanDerHuge 22 All D but I guess that's all they need
The_Candler 22
thefarsideinside 22
tisofold 22 This team is 6-1. It is entirely possible they go 11-1. This sickens and disgusts me.
WBLwiffleball 22
10catsinspace 23
AdministrativeAnt683 23
bostonboy08 23
cookie__monster___ 23
DeerPrison 23 LW: NR
Doogitywoogity 23 You shouldn’t be ranked but for some ungodly reason you’ll be in the B1G championship game
Esb5415 23 If they keep winning, I'll be forced to move them up
JHallquist 23
josh55134 23
kevinsdomain 23
Klaassy23 23 (LW Change: NR)
mauliknshah 23
Mini-Mussolini 23
MrSirPablo 23 Similar to Louisville i think they will coast to a 1 loss season but overall not an impressive coaching job and a lack of talent on the offensive side of the ball
Ok_Elderberry7070 23
PerfectZeroKnowledge 23
Scott72901 23
SignificanceFirm2398 23
Soggy_Seagull 23
SpursUpSoundsGudToMe 23
thatoneguyD13 23 Defense continues to be smothering, despite the offensive issues. A ten win season is not hard to imagine.
TheBeekman8 23 Iowa looked good on defense and still bad on offense but they are 5-1 so it’s working I guess
Thehomelessguy11 23
TheNSAAgent777 23
TheRedKing75 23
Underground_Bread 23
VietnameseAnglo 23
WRSpill 23 (NR)
Yelich04 23
70277027 24
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 24 I had Iowa dead to rights after the Penn State loss. I still do, but I think they’re a little better than JMU
AnAngryPanda1 24
BananaBouquet 24
Beck4ou 24
birdh0useinyours0ul 24
BoukenGreen 24
daredassdude 24
Dobbins 24
donbagert 24
DownshiftGD 24
DragonFire101Gamer 24
dterp13 24
ETHTrillionaire 24
evil_muffins_5436 24
Foriegn_Picachu 24
FsuNolezz 24
geauxsaints777 24
Got_That_WeeFee 24
Harpua99 24
JamoRedhead 24
JBonkies 24
Josh_historybuff 24
Luarean 24
luciusetrur 24 LW: NR
mithrandir2398 24
Mossed26 24
moyboi2112 24
RadiationRichard 24 LW - 32
ScaratheBear 24
Shion314 24
SNjr 24
soneill06 24
SpencoDaMainMan 24 I hope I never have to watch Iowa play this year.
stew_pac 24 +7
swdanley17 24
throwaway_6786 24 Well, it never looks pretty with this team, but they are 6-1 with a nice win on the road against a decent Wisconsin team and their only loss on the road against #7 PSU. Their schedule isn't much to look at from this point on, so they'll have to keep winning to stay ranked and hope that Wisconsin continues to play well.
Tight_Discipline_134 24
TommyTwoTaps 24
bthombeast 25
Dawg-Bite 25
dawgfan24348 25
drneilpretenamen 25
frone 25
grtgbln 25
IDropFatLogs 25
JustinMSU21 25
Loopylime 25
manbeardawg 25
maxwell6233 25
MemeofMemeJTG999999 25 (6-1) W: 15-6 @ #25 Wisconsin (4-2) Next Week: vs Minnesota (3-3) Projected Bowl: Citrus Fell out of T30: Washington State (4-2) (was 21) Wisconsin (4-2) (was 25) Wyoming (5-2) (was 27) Maryland (5-2) (was 28) Kentucky (5-2) (was 30)
mikecsiy 25
newSomberMan 25 Dropped: #17 UCLA, #18 Washington State, #24 Kansas Considered: UCLA, Washington State, Fresno State, Florida
PattyKane16 25
samspopguy 25
samuelbassett 25 No offense to speak of, but Iowa's defense should carry the team to the B1G CCG. Instead of setting the line at 25 PPG, maybe 20 would be a better goal.
schneeplehoppen 25 26-30: Toledo, LSU, Miami (OH), Wyoming, Georgia State
Serenityy8 25
siggyrambler 25
SortaDecent 25
tbutrie1916 25
titansfan174 25
Tornadohunter24 25 (NEW) [6-1] Credentials: 2022 B1G West Joint Runners-Up, Music Bowl Champs, Final AP Rank: Unranked [8-5] || 2023 Results So Far: 24-14 vs Utah State [3-4], 20-13 @ Iowa State [4-3], 41-10 vs Western Michigan [2-5], 0-31 @ Penn State [6-0], 26-16 vs Michigan State [2-4], 20-14 vs Purdue [2-4], 15-6 @ Wisconsin [5-2]
twr96 25
Tylex123 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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