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2023 Week 9 Iowa Hawkeyes Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
shadowwingnut 15 399.74, Down 6, Top 25 Wins: 18 Wisconsin; Losses to 11 Penn St and 23 Minnesota
theb52 16 44.438
A_Rolling_Baneling 18
hythloday1 20
OKgolfer 20
skuhlke 20
srs_house 20
NotSoSuperNerd 21 3.48
luckroy 22 Pot 5
udubdavid 22
fo13 23
Meany_Vizzini 23 10.6 (-4.9), -7; SOR: 13.2 (23rd), MOV: 8.0 (33rd)
YellowSkarmory 23
jrichardh 24
ShogunAshoka 24
AudiieVerbum 25
Conglossian 25 -3
eSpiritCorpse 25 0.9016
Inkblot9 25
realclean 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
why_doineedausername 2
readonlypdf 13
penix4heisman 14
Jacob_Sumner 16
squibby 18
andy-022 20
Financial_Lime_252 21
Noelthemexican 21
Ok-Assumption8991 21
PlactusTX 21 (13) L Minnesota
bethe2ndmouse 22
RJEP22 22 (6-2) - 108.405pts
TadKosciuszko 22
BenchRickyAguayo 23 Honestly, pretty satisfied with the ranking except this. Iowa has lower raw scores than both Tennessee and Duke, so I imagine the win percentage factor is enough to tip the scales since they've played 8 games (.750) while Duke and Tennessee both have played 7.
ehoefler 23 70.66 | -7
qwer546 23 1040
TheFalconGuy 23
Effective-Lead-6657 24
owl-bears 24
RealignmentJunkie 24
BobSapp 25
cirtnecoileh 25
Dontworryaboutit1 25
johnjones55 25
visor841 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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