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2023 Week 9 Fresno State Bulldogs Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
70stang 17 Fresno State is last in Tier 4, with 2 P5 wins, 3 G5 wins, 1 FCS win, and 1 P5 unranked loss to be 6-1.
BUSean 17
MADBuc49 19
Arteza147 20
JaxofAllTrades13 20
jlh2b 20
Noy_Telinu 20
Stoneador 20
ChargerFan2121 21
olmsted 21
SearonTrejorek 21 0.73871
Apep86 22
Cecil_Hardboner 22
DisraeliEers 22
owl_man 22
ToeInDigDeep 22
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 23
BallSoHerd 23
G-Aardvark 23
grjohnst 23
KJdkaslknv 23
Staind075 23
BugsSuck 24
DampFrijoles 24
nbingham196 24
Ruhrgebietheld 24
TDenverFan 24
tks231 24
ACCBiggz 25
Colton3690 25
corundum9 25
Muffinnnnnnn 25
OKgolfer 25
trumpet_23 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
BeyondLiesTheWub 19 -2
tomdawg0022 19
RootBeerBloat 21
Tornadohunter24 21 (+1) [6-1] Credentials: 2022 Mountain West Champs, LA Bowl Champs, Final AP Rank: #24 [10-4] | 2023 Results So Far: 39-35 @ Purdue [2-5], 34-31(2OT) vs Eastern Washington [FCS, 3-4], 29-0 @ Arizona State [1-6], 53-10 vs Kent State [1-7], 27-9 vs Nevada [1-6], 19-24 @ Wyoming [5-2], 37-32 @ Utah State [3-5]
Viselli 21
JBonkies 22 NEW
mathmanhale 22
rocco2246 22
boomersooner222 23 NR
cfbpeoplespoll 23
ColombianInIowa24 23 I like the Mountain West this year an awful lot. Let's see if UNLV is actually the decent team I think they are.
dubkent 23
Klaassy23 23 (NR)
Luarean 23
samuelbassett 23
CallMeTheKing 24
frone 24
youngs2309 24
Dan20698 25
JetoGrov 25 Wins @Purdue and @AzState are better than most G5 teams have. Big (surprisingly) showdown with UNLV this week...the winner of which will definitely be in next week's edition of the rankings!
newSomberMan 25 Dropped: #17 Tennessee, #18 Duke, #25 Iowa Considered: Liberty, Tennessee, Duke, Toledo
TxCincy 25
Yelich04 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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