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2021 Week 4 Iowa Hawkeyes Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
AlphaH4wk 1
arrowfan624 1
studio_sally 1
Apep86 2
Blazeth 2
fireinvestigator113 2
Harmbert_ 2
jchurch8073 2
jrichardh 2
LiptonCB 2
orboth 2
trumpet_23 2
12panther 3
_fastball 3
A-Stu-Ute 3
bakonydraco 3 84.87
BamaPride95 3
bgr308 3
boonamobile 3
bretticus33 3 The defense is legit and maybe the best in the country.  Offense is decent but I would have liked to see more this past weekend.  Still one of the best teams in the country.
BugsSuck 3
chweris 3
croosht_hoost 3
DafoeFoSho 3
Darth_Ra 3
Disregardskarma 3
Ersatzself 3
esoterik 3
ExternalTangents 3 18.74
GenialGiant 3
Hey_Its_Roomie 3
hythloday1 3
Inkblot9 3
jjjoebox 3
jmac_21 3
Laschoni 3
Lex_Ludorum 3
Maladroit44 3
MoneyManeVick 3
nbingham196 3 Best overall resume, but think they have been more lucky than good (compared to Bama and Georgia)
No11223456 3
noodlethebear 3
OKgolfer 3
peachios 3 ez week
Pieisgood186 3
plannedsickdays 3
practicallybert 3
PumpSmash 3
roaddogg 3
RobertNeyland 3
RollWarTideEagle 3
sasmith2015 3
ScarletFever333 3
SlaminSammons 3
Spalliston 3
spasm01 3
spsellers 3
srs_house 3
Striker743 3
tallg8tor 3
thomasosu 3
ToeInDigDeep 3
TossedRightOut 3
ucieaters33 3
velociraptorfarmer 3
WarEagle9 3
Wurst_Law 3
admiraltarkin 4
ALStark69 4 +1
andrewthestudent 4
arrow_dynamics 4
badgers4194 4
Bank_Gothic 4
beerslingerjay 4
Blooblod 4
BosskOnASegway 4
bwburke94 4
Cassiyus 4
Cecil_Hardboner 4
Ch-i-ef 4 Iowa fans definitely don't mind being in the top 5, but they sure wish for a somewhat dynamic offense. Oh well, that defense is carrying you past most of your entire schedule with missing out on Maryland's scary September powers and a weaker Wisconsin. The Penn State game is perhaps the one and only big hurdle.
ChickenTaco 4
cinciforthewin 4
conchobor 4
Conglossian 4
coogs35 4
corundum9 4
creative_penguin 4
dabul-master 4
Daigotsu 4
dan4223 4
DarkLegend64 4 B Tier
DarthYoda2594 4
DeceptiveSpeed 4
dogwoodmaple 4
Drexlore 4
drgnlis 4
e8odie 4
Extra_Excrement 4
fadingthought 4
Feral_Squirrel 4
Fmeson 4
fourpinz8 4
fshi 4
GeauxAllDay 4
Geauxpack81 4
goodnames679 4
Hackasizlak 4
HarbingerOfFun 4
hascogrande 4
Helifino 4
icklebush 4
Jakesnake42 4 Read Above.Last Week: 3
JaxofAllTrades13 4
Joester09 4
Keener1899 4
LEGEN--wait_for_it 4
LeWoofle 4
lillipup03 4
Longvols 4
mjacksongt 4
mnmmatt 4
monkeymatt1836 4
Mr_Brews 4
MrTheSpork 4
myghtymouse 4
ndbroski 4
nin478 4
njm1314 4
not_folie 4
NyquillusDillwad20 4
Omegaus492 4
Our-Gardian-Angel 4
outthawazoo 4
owl-bears 4
pileatedloon 4
Polarbear1914 4
qacha 4
RavenclawWiz816 4
RegulatorRWF 4
RiffRamBahZoo 4
ryseing 4
scrotes_magotes 4
Shrektastic28 4
Sometimeswelose 4
soonerfreak 4
Staind075 4
strikersteve60 4
T-nawtical 4
tabelz 4
teddythe3rd 4
The-Gothic-Castle 4
TheReformedBadger 4
tks231 4
ToLongDR 4 If they drop a game but win the BIg Ten, I could see them getting the 4 spot.
TopGoose 4
topher3003 4
TopheryG8er 4
turkishguy 4
UNC_Samurai 4
wameron 4
wesman212 4
Xtremeloco 4
311polo 5
52hoova 5
Acm0028 5
BabyBladder 5
BallSoHerd 5
BigBoutros 5
Bill3ffinMurray 5 Iowa has wins against Indiana and Iowa State, which are better wins than other teams around this can claim. Cincinnati can actually claim the same win, but they don't have another win like the Hawkeyes have against the Cyclones. 
BorisNumber1 5
boxman151515 5
Branzilla91 5
CambodianDrywall 5
captain_sasquatch 5
Charlemagne42 5 Computer ranking: 15
ChemicalOle 5
Chris-P-Creme 5
cmdrcaboose2 5
Colton3690 5
crownebeach 5
d_mcc_x 5
darkra01 5
deadtofall12 5
digdat0 5
DisraeliEers 5
Dropbackandpunt 5
eclectic_tastes 5
eSpiritCorpse 5
Foxmcbowser42 5
G-manP 5
GatorRich 5
GoBeaversOSU 5
Greflingorax 5
halldaylong 5
HanSoIoque 5
huskerfan4life520 5
hypercube42342 5 Nothing notable about this week for Iowa. They hold steady.
I_am_bot_beep_boop 5
IAmAChemicalEngineer 5
iliketoupvotepuns 5
ItsZizk 5
joebob431 5
JustAManAndHisLaptop 5
kdcoltred 5
kflinderman 5
KittiesHavingSex 5
KommanderKeen-a42 5
laminak 5
LeinadSpoon 5
MammothMan34 5
nburt13 5
nemoran 5
ninetimesoutaten 5 I was not impressed in Iowas win, it was slow and to a team I consider inferior. But they eventually pulled it together.
notyogrannysgrandkid 5
Noy_Telinu 5
owlalwaysloveyew 5 Iowa handled Kent State with ease. They play Colorado State next weekend before diving into conference play.
physedka 5
Pollaski 5
puffadda 5
Rakarei 5
relax_on_the_mat 5
RMathis13 5 682
royrules22 5
ruwisc 5
scotsworth 5
SCsprinter13 5
seaotter2 5
soonersthebetter 5
Sophocles5 5
SPRX97 5
steelcitygator 5 Their winning margins are better but, technically, neither Indiana (best 7-5 team of all time) nor Iowa State are currently ranked so Penn State gets the nod in front.  They play each other in 3 weeks though to really decide this.
stesser 5
T-Thugs 5 Iowa has wins over Iowa State and Indiana. Indiana win is a little bit less impressive this week after they got beat by Cincinnati and are now 1-2, but Iowa State is still 2-1. 
TDenverFan 5
TehAlpacalypse 5
Ticklebump 5
TimeBroken 5
tmothy07 5
ttsci 5
typicaliconoclast 5
VerySeriousBanana 5
Wescat 5
woakley 5 Iowa jumped way up for me this week even though they only played Kent State. This was due to a combination of factors, Indiana and Iowa State showed that they're better than I thought, and Oklahoma, Clemson, Cincinnati, and Ohio State all struggled. 
boxbeat 6
bties 6
Chucky1539 6
Corporal_Hicks 6
dicky_________seamus 6
DrKennethJNoisewater 6
falconlover79 6
fo13 6
g0d0fm15ch13f 6
GatorAndrew 6
GilBrandt 6
GoBlueScrewOSU7 6
grjohnst 6
Hobbes_121 6
jchall3 6
JCiLee 6
Johnnycockseed 6
Mario_Speedwagon 6
MarlinsGuy 6
mellolizard 6
ndhuskerpower 6
owl_man 6
PHubbs 6
Pikachu1989 6
r0sco 6
RatherBeYachting 6
rmp0005 6
safariari 6
ShamusJohnson13 6
SSJRoshi 6
TaylorLeprechaun 6 +0
tdoger 6
TheFlyingBoat 6 Prolly overrated but meh, it's early and anything can happen. Iowa State is also overrated imp
ucfskuba 6
vanburen1845 6
Zloggt 6
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 7
BlueSCar 7
buckeyegold 7
cajunaggie08 7
dasani3x 7
DavoinShower-handle 7
djowen68 7
Frognosticator 7
G-Aardvark 7
JamesBCrazy 7
Nathanael-Greene 7
noahthearc 7
one98d 7
ReallyCreative 7
Red261 7
Seneca_Was_In 7
Techwid 7
Texasagsman 7
thegreendalegelf 7
TheZachster 7
tjstanley 7
zacheiny 7
CockADoodleBOOM 8
crimsonlaw 8
DampFrijoles 8
DataDrivenPirate 8
JeromesNiece 8
malowry0124 8
PalmettoFace 8
Papytendo 8
retnuh101 8
scronko 8
StevvieV 8
thexraptor 8
WeenisWrinkle 8
113milesprower 9
blahblehblahwhoru 9
CFBHurts 9
doggo816 9
Knightro2011 9
ryumast3r 9
ya111101 9
BUSean 10
Spiral-Pilot 10
galacticdude7 11
GeauxTri 11
jputna 11
justsaynotoreddit 11
sirgippy 11
stripes361 11
theb52 11 46.500
THECrew42 11
Cars-and-Coffee 12
jlh2b 12
TouchdownHeroes 12 Last week: 10
frumious88 13
Papalew32 14
TheJeemTeam 23
Stoneador 24 4 ['Indiana', 'Iowa State', 'Kent State', 'UNLV']

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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