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2021 Week 4 Maryland Terrapins Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Stoneador 1 12 ['West Virginia', 'Illinois', 'Virginia Tech', 'Nebraska', 'North Carolina', 'Middle Tennessee', 'Buffalo', 'Georgia State', 'Virginia', 'Charlotte', 'Duke', 'Northwestern']
tdoger 7
LeinadSpoon 8
owl-bears 8
spasm01 8
velociraptorfarmer 8
DeceptiveSpeed 9
tallg8tor 9
AlphaH4wk 10
bwburke94 10
dabul-master 10
frumious88 10
T-Thugs 10 Maryland seems very overrated sitting in this position, but the terms are 3-0 and have a nice win over West Virginia.
relax_on_the_mat 11
DisraeliEers 13
ScarletFever333 13
tks231 14
fo13 15
HarbingerOfFun 15
Hey_Its_Roomie 15
hythloday1 15
soonersthebetter 15
TheJeemTeam 15
DafoeFoSho 16
djowen68 16
LiptonCB 16
njm1314 16
IAmAChemicalEngineer 17
jchurch8073 17
jrichardh 17
Bill3ffinMurray 18 Maryland sneakliy has 2 P5 wins. Albeit those wins have come against West Virginia (which is looking better) and Illinois (which is looking worse), but that is 1 more P5 win than Michigan can claim.
chweris 18
deadtofall12 18
Pieisgood186 18
corundum9 19
grjohnst 19
Jakesnake42 19 I know this team will collapse the second the clock hits October but they'll looked good so far with a win over WVU.Last Week: NR
JustAManAndHisLaptop 19
kflinderman 19
No11223456 19
theb52 19 35.500 - tied with UNC and UTSA
Apep86 20
beerslingerjay 20
Maladroit44 20
steelcitygator 20 This team still doesn't feel top 20 good. Struggling against Illinois better be an aberration or the B10 schedule will eat them alive.
Blazeth 21
CFBHurts 21
Ch-i-ef 21 September Maryland looked mortal for a minute there. The end of September must be closing in.
Colton3690 21
conchobor 21
Daigotsu 21
doggo816 21
Geauxpack81 21
goblue10 21
I_am_bot_beep_boop 21
laminak 21
practicallybert 21
tabelz 21
TaylorLeprechaun 21 NR
VerySeriousBanana 21
52hoova 22
Bank_Gothic 22
Longvols 22
ndhuskerpower 22
NyquillusDillwad20 22
ReallyCreative 22
RobertNeyland 22
seaotter2 22
StevvieV 22
ucfskuba 22
113milesprower 23
ALStark69 23 NR Dropped out: 17 Virginia Tech, 21 Arizona State, 24 Auburn, 25 UCF
Papytendo 23
RMathis13 23 534
rmp0005 23
spsellers 23
srs_house 23
TheFlyingBoat 23 Beat a West Virginia team that beat a Virginia Tech team that beat a UNC team that isn't half bad
ya111101 23
CockADoodleBOOM 24
croosht_hoost 24
GeauxTri 24
GilBrandt 24
iliketoupvotepuns 24
nburt13 24
T-nawtical 24
TopGoose 24
bgr308 25
DarkLegend64 25 F Tier (Maryland always falls off after early September but their win over WVU looks good so until they actually lose, they've earned being ranked.)
DarthYoda2594 25
dogwoodmaple 25
falconlover79 25
GoBeaversOSU 25
Helifino 25
hypercube42342 25 See UCLA
icklebush 25
MarlinsGuy 25
PalmettoFace 25
puffadda 25
Red261 25
safariari 25
woakley 25 There are so many teams that could be at 25 this week. I went with Maryland because they're 3-0 with 2 wins against P5 teams (even if they aren't the best P5 teams).

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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