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2016 Week 3 Iowa Hawkeyes Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
spsellers 4
KobeOrNotKobe 6
atchemey 7 +2: Float, but with the consideration that they beat Iowa State.
digdat0 7
FellKnight 7
monkeymatt1836 7
NeauxRegrets 7
TotalEconomist 7
trumpet_23 7
alsonamedbort87 8
BUSean 8
Cecil_Hardboner 8
cfbguy 8
laminak 8
Polarbear1914 8
SCsprinter13 8
ToLongDR 8 1629.11
twosheepforanore 8
XSavageWalrusX 8
admiraltarkin 9
emueagles 9
galacticdude7 9
hokies220 9 Never can tell what will happen in a rivalry game, but the Hawkeyes destroyed ISU as they should've. Interesting game against NDSU up next.
Khavanon 9
Luriker 9
njm1314 9
plannedsickdays 9
Quentanamo_Bay 9
ReallyCreative 9
snwidget 9
stephenbawesome 9
the5thpixel 9
TheTeamCubed 9
wazoheat 9 Another "why not" top 10 team. No glaring flaws to be seen yet. Though it'll be more than a few weeks before they get a real test from the looks of it.
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 10
Caedus 10
ChickenTaco 10
deadtofall12 10
Harry_B_C_Dresden 10
icklebush 10
ilovecfb 10
jeedf 10
MammothMan34 10
remwin 10
TDenverFan 10
Techwid 10
tmart12 10
wackywiener 10
WarEagle9 10
Austinperroux 11
Balrog_of_Morgoth 11
Branzilla91 11
eclectic_tastes 11
GilBrandt 11 Both Iowa and Colorado have handily taken down their in-state rivals.  I don't know if either will end the season ranked (especially with Colorado's past seasons), but I'm happy with what y'all have done so far.
grjohnst 11
huskerfan4life520 11
Keener1899 11
mgmfa 11
monotonemr 11
NatecUDF 11
OskeewowwowIL 11
PureCFR 11
rabid_communicator 11
AaronRodgers16 12
Acm0028 12
alextoyalex 12
Atoodope 12
BaldEagle88 12
BallSoHerd 12
BlueFalcon89 12
CraftyConsumer 12
CSU_Mike 12
Daigotsu 12
DarthYoda2594 12
djowen68 12
EastPowdermilk 12
Fifth_Down 12
gohuskies 12
groggydog 12
longhorn2015 12
Mario_Speedwagon 12
mellolizard 12
Mythic514 12
puffadda 12
scotsworth 12
slntkilla 12 I don't like putting Iowa here because I'm still not exactly sure what the Hawkeyes are this season. Sure they beat Miami (OH) and Iowa State handily through the first two weeks, but their upcoming games against against North Dakota State, Rutgers, Northwestern, Minnesota, and Purdue. If Iowa loses any of those games, expect to see them plummet. 
strikersteve60 12
SurpriseSalami 12
tallg8tor 12
thatwasntveryraven 12
TheReformedBadger 12
Wescat 12
A-Stu-Ute 13
aguyfromthewest 13
BabyBladder 13
BoboIsDead 13
BorisNumber1 13
bties 13
CambodianDrywall 13
Cheeseish 13
cmdrcaboose2 13
coreyfra 13
d_mcc_x 13
flyingcrayons 13
funtubs 13
HelioOne 13
IAmAChemicalEngineer 13
KingKliffsbury 13
mynameisjona 13
orangeslash 13
owl_man 13
PromoPimp 13
SmokingCricket 13
solo_22 13
Stockz 13
Texasagsman 13
The_DHC 13
TopheryG8er 13
03040905 14
buckeyegold 14
buckeyes75 14
captain_sasquatch 14
chweris 14
corundum9 14 I've been down on Iowa, starting to feel a bit more confident after their blowout victory of their in-state rival. Really like how their offensive line has played this year.
DafoeFoSho 14
dupreesdiamond 14
halldaylong 14
HarbingerOfFun 14
Jeric_B 14
JonesUCF34 14
keytide22 14
meatfrappe 14
nemoran 14
No_Way_Pablo 14
Pikachu1989 14
Pope_Jake 14
pufan321 14
SCRx 14
seaotter2 14
Smidgens 14
swanky-k 14
swodaem2005 14
Tvwatcherr 14
WaffleIron278 14
warm_warmer_disco 14
Wurst_Law 14
aubieismyhomie 15
bakonydraco 15
brobroma 15
BrutonGaster77 15
CFSparta92 15
DavoinShower-handle 15 For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.
fshi 15
G-manP 15
jzorbino 15
Mr_Storm 15
myghtymouse 15
OhGad 15
scootmcgroot 15
Sophocles5 15
SpeedxKills 15
topher3003 15
ucieaters33 15
UNC_Samurai 15
BugsSuck 16
goblue10 16
Marvolo_Mescudi 16
PalmettoFace 16
pbjork 16
qacha 16
RiffRamBahZoo 16
RobertNeyland 16
runujhkj 16
scronko 16
sideoutpar 16
ssnider23 16
tabelz 16
taloncarde 16
theb52 16
theCANCERbat 16
bluegrassborn 17
boxbeat 17
Colton3690 17
DFWTooThrowed 17
DoctorWhosOnFirst 17
Dropbackandpunt 17
esoterik 17
G-Aardvark 17
kamikazeguy 17
Laschoni 17
LEGEN--wait_for_it 17
MrTheSpork 17 I really still don't know what to do with Iowa. Rivalry games can get weird, so it's impressive they looked as good as they did, but NDSU next week will probably be a tougher game - and still won't say enough about the team for me to get a good sense of them. Miami's loss to EIU hurts, but that game wasn't close, either. It may take until late October before there's enough to say "Iowa is a great team," unless every game before Wisconsin is a blowout.
retnuh101 17
seanosaur 17
TheFlyingBoat 17 They beat a weak Iowa St side convincingly. As they enter conference schedule, I'll be willing to bump them up as they pick up solid victories against strong teams.
52hoova 18
LeinadSpoon 18
SantiagoRamon 18
uwbjb 18
polydorr 19
SenorPuff 19
THECrew42 19
fitzmauricet 20
JCiLee 20
kdbvols 20 2-0, nothing special though
nickknx865 20
ruwisc 20
kdcoltred 21
r0sco 21
TimeBroken 21
Xtremeloco 21
marcellnation 22
mickeyquicknumbers 22
pmartin0079 22
ThaCarter 22
BosskOnASegway 23 Score: 26/125 Human Rank: #13
chceman 23
CockADoodleBOOM 23 Moving up! Slowly!
dabul-master 23
vanburen1845 23
antiherowes 25
CantHousewifeaHo 25
Zerosa 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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