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2016 Week 3 Nebraska Cornhuskers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
DisraeliEers 2
dybuell 4
TotalEconomist 6
dabul-master 11
theCANCERbat 11
niperwiper 12
atchemey 13 +3: I was high on them last week. I ranked the Huskers 16th, vs an /r/CFB ranking of 32nd. I'm just going to brag briefly about them getting a huge win over Wyoming, which, while not a world-beater, is no slouch. They can run over everybody.
Saxasaurus 13
theb52 13
GilBrandt 14 Nebraska and Arizona State are two teams I'm pretty unsure about.  Nebraska has had solid wins, but against weak teams.  ASU now has a win over Texas Tech, but I'm still a little unsettled at ranking ASU.  On one hand you beat an offense that I believe is very good, but on the other hand, this was obviously a zero-defense game.  I guess we'll see with you two as the season goes on.
kdcoltred 14
Zerosa 14
hokies220 15 Fourth quarter Nebraska is a sight to behold. Unfortunately having a slow start against Oregon likely will leave them too deep of a whole to crawl out of. 
wazoheat 15 If you're wondering how I did these rankings, I just took the pool of still undefeated teams and worked from there. I tried not to look at the AP rankings, but I am fully aware that lots of these deviate greatly from the wise ranks of AP voters. This early in the season I know pretty much as much as they do.
Apep86 16
tallg8tor 17
tmart12 17
BosskOnASegway 18 Score: 46/125 Human Rank: #22
ChickenTaco 18
f0gax 19
CFSparta92 20
Daigotsu 20
SurpriseSalami 20
HelioOne 21
Jeric_B 21
LeinadSpoon 21
njm1314 21
smills79 21
mgmfa 22
qacha 22
SantiagoRamon 22
SmokingCricket 22
thatwasntveryraven 22
BabyBladder 23
corundum9 23
gbuntin 23
MrTheSpork 23 Wyoming and Fresno State are not going to be great this year. They're also not going to be bad. Nebraska made them look it. Next week's a low-key ranked matchup against one slot up, so there's certainly some potential for movement.
owl_man 23
rabid_communicator 23
TheReformedBadger 23
WaffleIron278 23
chweris 24
Colton3690 24
DarthYoda2594 24
funtubs 24
huskerfan4life520 24
Khavanon 24
laminak 24
seaotter2 24
topher3003 24
Austinperroux 25
myghtymouse 25
OskeewowwowIL 25
scotsworth 25
the5thpixel 25
wackywiener 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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