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2020 Week 十 Wisconsin Badgers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
crownebeach 1 Covid mulligan. I've been high on Wisconsin since the preseason.
52hoova 4
JeromesNiece 5
SometimesY 5
Cars-and-Coffee 6
tks231 6
Harmbert_ 7
Maladroit44 7
MrTheSpork 7
puffadda 7
TDenverFan 7
Wescat 7
BUSean 8
corundum9 8
Helifino 8
Miami_da_U 8 Well if they ever play I expect them to be ranked higher. But it just seems kinda bad to keep them ranked so high if they don't play. So if they play and dominate Michigan, I'll bump them back up - even though Michigan isn't very good.
No11223456 8
NyquillusDillwad20 8
TheJeemTeam 8 1/2 in Tier D
TheReformedBadger 8
bgr308 9
BosskOnASegway 9
CockADoodleBOOM 9
DarkLegend64 9 B Tier
ExternalTangents 9
galacticdude7 9
GilBrandt 9
goodnames679 9
Hobbes_121 9
Lex_Ludorum 9
Longvols 9
Our-Gardian-Angel 9
RatherBeYachting 9 Poor Wisconsin. At least they ease back into football with a warm up game against the Wolverines before a brutal stretch of Northwestern and Indiana.
scotsworth 9
zacheiny 9
alextoyalex 10
DrKennethJNoisewater 10
Hackasizlak 10
huskerfan4life520 10
JCiLee 10
malowry0124 10
PaulWall31 10
PHubbs 10
r0sco 10
Staind075 10
steelcitygator 10
TaylorLeprechaun 10 +0
Texasagsman 10
thegreendalegelf 10
Chucky1539 11
DampFrijoles 11
DavoinShower-handle 11
eclectic_tastes 11
keytide22 11
King-Clover 11
MoneyManeVick 11
monkeymatt1836 11
nemoran 11
pileatedloon 11
Polarbear1914 11
Red261 11
ucieaters33 11
Blazeth 12
Blooblod 12
D1amondDude 12
d_mcc_x 12
dicky_________seamus 12
Ersatzself 12
fireinvestigator113 12
GenialGiant 12
icklebush 12
jmac_21 12
Johnnycockseed 12
kamiller2020 12
nbingham196 12
retnuh101 12
royrules22 12
Spalliston 12
Techwid 12
ThaCarter 12
ToLongDR 12
wesman212 12
Xtremeloco 12
4thPlumlee 13
Acm0028 13
BallSoHerd 13
CambodianDrywall 13
Ch-i-ef 13
chrisb19 13
cinciforthewin 13
Disregardskarma 13
dogwoodmaple 13
e8odie 13
Feral_Squirrel 13
GoBlueScrewOSU7 13
IAmAChemicalEngineer 13
jeedf 13
JonesUCF34 13
JoshDaws 13
nburt13 13
PalmettoFace 13
practicallybert 13
ScarletFever333 13
scronko 13
seaotter2 13
soonerfreak 13
soonersthebetter 13
studio_sally 13
ucfskuba 13
UNC_Samurai 13
Zloggt 13
_fastball 14
bakonydraco 14 65.27
cajunaggie08 14
Cassiyus 14
Charlemagne42 14
cmdrcaboose2 14
DafoeFoSho 14
dan4223 14
DarthYoda2594 14
Dropbackandpunt 14
emueagles 14
G-manP 14
I_am_bot_beep_boop 14
Jakesnake42 14 Last Week: 15
jlh2b 14
Mario_Speedwagon 14
Mr_Brews 14
orbania 14
peachios 14 off week again due to covid, idk what to do with this team
rmp0005 14
tdeff19 14
thexraptor 14
tmothy07 14
typicaliconoclast 14
vanburen1845 14
VerySeriousBanana 14
darkra01 15
digdat0 15
fadingthought 15
halldaylong 15
hascogrande 15
RollWarTideEagle 15
SCRx 15
strikersteve60 15
bwburke94 16
Cecil_Hardboner 16
CFBHurts 16
deadtofall12 16
notyogrannysgrandkid 16
Pikachu1989 16
ToeInDigDeep 16
coogs35 17
Corporal_Hicks 17
crimsonlaw 17
jjjoebox 17
owl_man 17
spsellers 17
TopGoose 17
ttsci 17
joebob431 18
jputna 18
myghtymouse 18
Rakarei 18
stesser 18
T-Thugs 18 Wisconsin has only played the one game against 0-3 Illinois but is 1-0. 
ChemicalOle 19
FellKnight 19
ThePUNisher96 19
TheUrbanRenewal 19
T-nawtical 21
BigBoutros 22
one98d 22
dabul-master 23

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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