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2017 Week 4 West Virginia Mountaineers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
BosskOnASegway 8 0.906092648
Nathanael-Greene 13 The 2-1 Mountaineers are still playing just as well as they in Week One and have played strong against all their foes thus far, so Conference Play against fellow Big 12 teams is sure to be interesting.
ttsci 13 Only loss was a highly competitive game against VT. I honestly feel that WVU is a good team and a loss against another good team shouldn't mean that they're relegated to the 20s or unranked.
SSJRoshi 14 Have dominated much lesser teams two weeks in a row (I actually had to double check that they played again this week because their score this week was almost identical to their score last week), and their only loss came in an extremely close game with a very good Hokies team.
CarbonCamaroZL1 15 +4 spots (previously 19). WVU continues to look very strong. Underrated team considering they barely lost to a tough Virginia Tech in an away game and have been offensively very tough.
G-Aardvark 15
Mr_Storm 15
slntkilla 15
TaylorLeprechaun 15 +3: Sometimes I like to imagine how differently UF's 2015 (and maybe 2016) season would have gone had Grier not been suspended.
Zerosa 15
Fifth_Down 16
hawkspur1 16
neovenator250 16
smills79 16
TheFlyingBoat 16
TheZachster 16
blahblehblahwhoru 17 They seem decent, but not sure again, depends on conference play, which will sort out more data for the B12.
conchobor 17
deadtofall12 17
diastereomer 17
mellolizard 17
ReallyCreative 17
solo_22 17
admiraltarkin 18
aguyfromthewest 18
BoboIsDead 18 (+4)
BrutonGaster77 18
ChemicalOle 18
jmac_21 18 WVU beat a lesser opponent next week, and I may be slightly high on them, but I like what Will Grier and that offense are capable of. 
Mario_Speedwagon 18 I think WVU is getting punished for that loss to VT way too much. I think they're definitely a top 25 team.
thedrowsyowl 18
Wescat 18
alsonamedbort87 19
BabyBladder 19
DarkLegend64 19
DarthYoda2594 19
DavoinShower-handle 19
funtubs 19
Grimbo_Reaper 19
HelioOne 19
remwin 19
Smidgens 19
SPRX97 19
ThaCarter 19
theeguy 19
Ticklebump 19
aubieismyhomie 20
Bukowskified 20 The offense has stepped it up since the week 1 loss to Virginia Tech, but East Carolina and Delaware State aren't going to impress anyone this year. WVU should get a shot to climb with a game against TCU in three weeks.
calidoc 20 This team has looked good each game.
CFSparta92 20
galacticdude7 20
gbuntin 20
Mythic514 20
nin478 20
noodlethebear 20
Our-Gardian-Angel 20
PalmettoFace 20
scronko 20
TheReformedBadger 20
topher3003 20
WarEagle9 20
Wurst_Law 20
52hoova 21
CertifiedSheep 21
Extra_Excrement 21
MarlinsGuy 21
orboth 21
SCRx 21
tabelz 21
TheTeamCubed 21
toocleverbyhalf 21
WeenisWrinkle 21
Austinperroux 22
bernkastel87 22
Cecil_Hardboner 22
Ghost_of_Dude 22 A close loss to Virginia Tech and sound victories against everybody else. I'm still not 100% convinced about this team, but they'll have plenty of opportunities to prove themselves against a good looking Big XII this year.
Harry_B_C_Dresden 22
tallg8tor 22
Tvwatcherr 22
boxbeat 23
cmdrcaboose2 23
dicky_________seamus 23
flyingcrayons 23
fshi 23
kdcoltred 23
Keener1899 23
mjacksongt 23
noahthearc 23
pileatedloon 23
pmartin0079 23
runujhkj 23 that first loss of the season might have been a blessing in disguise. this team will fly under the radar for at least a weekeyes ahead to WVU @ TCU
Stockz 23
swanky-k 23
TanzaniaMagic 23
alextoyalex 24
beerslingerjay 24 Isn't this offense fun to watch? Right now, a nail-biting loss to Va Tech is the only thing keeping WVU out of many polls, but I think they've done enough in their games to still warrant a spot in mine.
bties 24
chceman 24
coreyfra 24
G-manP 24
groggydog 24
halldaylong 24
MrTheSpork 24
polydorr 24
r0sco 24
SCsprinter13 24
seaotter2 24
SurpriseSalami 24
ToLongDR 24
AGSattack 25
buttforaface 25
cliffhanger407 25
Corporal_Hicks 25
corundum9 25
CountryRoads8 25
dupreesdiamond 25
GiovanniElliston 25
huskerfan4life520 25
jayhawx19 25
JonesUCF34 25
marcellnation 25
Pope_Jake 25
prof1le 25
puffadda 25
scotsworth 25
Sophocles5 25
Techwid 25
typicaliconoclast 25
vanburen1845 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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