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2023 Final Oregon State Beavers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
confirmd_am_engineer 13
practicallybert 16
falconlover79 17
halldaylong 17
Longvols 17
MADBuc49 17
crownebeach 18
Fmeson 18
galacticdude7 18
GeauxTri 18
Polarbear1914 18
thomasosu 18
Ticklebump 18
GilBrandt 19
Meany_Vizzini 19 11.1; SOR: 10.0 (27th); MOV: 12.2 (17th)
Terminal_BAS 19
BallSoHerd 20
bretticus33 20 Another team killed by opt-outs in bowl season. The Beavers lost not just their HC but so many important players that the team that played Notre Dame wasn't the same team we saw all season. I'm not holding the bowl game against the Beavers.
bwburke94 20 +8.6576704 (LW: #23)
CFBHurts 20
d_mcc_x 20
darkra01 20
DataDrivenPirate 20
djowen68 20
JCiLee 20
kdcoltred 20
RheagarTargaryen 20
shadowwingnut 20
The-Gothic-Castle 20
Arteza147 21
creative_penguin 21
dabul-master 21
Hugefootballfan44 21 LW: 18
JeromesNiece 21
Lex_Ludorum 21
Sproded 21
stripes361 21
aggiebruin27 22
CPiGuy2728 22
hascogrande 22
ikindalikelemons 22
SlaminSammons 22
SpadeRyker 22
teddythe3rd 22
The_Good_Constable 22
UNC_Samurai 22
arrowfan624 23
bakonydraco 23 78.233
BugsSuck 23
Cecil_Hardboner 23
chweris 23
CptCheese 23
deadtofall12 23
fshi 23
goblue10 23
Pollaski 23
PrimalCookie 23
ReallyCreative 23
sirgippy 23
Striker743 23
tdeff19 23
TossedRightOut 23
w8w8 23
washington_jefferson 23
_n8n8_ 24
Cars-and-Coffee 24
cinciforthewin 24
Hackasizlak 24
huskerfan4life520 24
hypercube42342 24
Inkblot9 24
kflinderman 24
Megalomanizac 24
Our-Gardian-Angel 24
Pikachu1989 24
posiitively 24
romulusjsp 24
sasmith2015 24
Sophocles5 24
Texasagsman 24
thexraptor 24
TheZachster 24
wameron 24
Wescat 24
wesman212 24
Acm0028 25
bties 25
CambodianDrywall 25
Casaiir 25
ChemicalOle 25
conchobor 25
Daigotsu 25
dasani3x 25
DavoinShower-handle 25
EpicSchwinn 25
Extra_Excrement 25
hendarvich 25
hythloday1 25
I_am_bot_beep_boop 25
jlh2b 25
jmac_21 25
KirbyDumber88 25
noodlethebear 25
pileatedloon 25
Pure_Protein_Machine 25
rain_parkour 25
RegionalBias 25 Another candidate for "not punished for people leaving before their bowl."
RollWarTideEagle 25
royrules22 25
soonerfreak 25
SwissArmyScythe 25 -2 (They top 25 all year not holding sun bowl against them) (Dropped Out: 16 JMU, 18 Liberty, 20 SMU, 25 Troy -> resumes fall of cliff after adding another loss)
the_neverdoctor 25
TopGoose 25
ttsci 25
WolverineDDS 25
ya111101 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
chillmagic420 13
Jadenflo 16
swdanley17 16
divey043 17
hoovereatscowpoop 17
luciusetrur 17 LW: 16
chief_sitass 18
PattyKane16 18
readonlypdf 18
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 19 It was up and down for the Beavers and their future looks a little bleak, but they played hard every game.
big_thunder_man 19
cant_stop_the_crooks 19
dterp13 19
Milflover69cbb 19
OSU_Shecter 19
BoukenGreen 20
brihimia 20
Doogitywoogity 20
JamoRedhead 20
spencej98 20
Weekly_Flatworm5707 20
WillWorkForSugar 20
DillyDillySzn 21
DownshiftGD 21
leadbymight 21
nebsA1 21
SortaDecent 22
TallBear69 22
Xy13 22
Cascadia-Rising 23
cookie__monster___ 23
EmotionalAd4185 23
grtgbln 23
jibberishdhyukl 23
Klaassy23 23
maxwell6233 23
narwhalz27 23
simplygabi 23
SNjr 23
Arvandu 24
CriterionCrypt 24
daredassdude 24
fellohuman77 24
frone 24
thehornedlamb 24
Additional-Stick6374 25
diehardcubforever 25
ianmcmoney 25
JustinMSU21 25
mountain_troop86 25 Rough stretch to end the year. Team just quit like FSU.
ndbfsu22 25
OldCoaly 25
RadiationRichard 25
samuelbassett 25
soonertiger 25
TheNSAAgent777 25
Tylex123 25
Underground_Bread 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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