User | Rank | Reason |
nebsA1 | 16 | |
cartierboy25 | 17 | |
oneforthehaters | 17 | |
redrumsoxLoL | 18 | |
DillyDillySzn | 19 | |
GhostDosa | 19 | |
JustYourAvrageWorker | 19 | |
Key_Spinach | 19 | |
maknasty09 | 19 | |
patriots230 | 19 | |
Protoco2 | 19 | |
Sebene | 19 | |
True_Ad5324 | 19 | |
Viselli | 19 | The Gators look like they have put their ugly loss to Utah behind them. |
ziggysaysnada | 19 | |
Beck4ou | 20 | |
BoilerUp28 | 20 | |
ChBass | 20 | |
Consistent_Train128 | 20 | |
Dan20698 | 20 | |
J4ckiebrown | 20 | |
JustinMSU21 | 20 | |
Shion314 | 20 | |
Small_Bet_9433 | 20 | |
thatoneguyD13 | 20 | |
TheFalconGuy | 20 | |
TheGlassRemains | 20 | |
thejawa | 20 | |
WRSpill | 20 | (25) |
10catsinspace | 21 | |
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ | 21 | A less than stellar win, but they get the advantage over the Vols for obvious reasons. |
AlphaMemory2 | 21 | |
CaptainScuttlebottom | 21 | The loss to the Utes looks like less of a concern with each passing week |
CheekyRasta2023 | 21 | |
cmcabrera | 21 | |
colton_97 | 21 | |
EmotionalAd4185 | 21 | |
evil_muffins_5436 | 21 | |
ianmcmoney | 21 | |
JamoRedhead | 21 | |
josh55134 | 21 | |
MemeofMemeJTG999999 | 21 | (3-1) (up 5) W: 22-7 vs Charlotte (1-3) Next Week: @ #26 Kentucky (4-0) |
Midnight-Mustang | 21 | Charlotte?????? |
mikecsiy | 21 | |
Mini-Mussolini | 21 | |
Morrgs | 21 | |
mport97 | 21 | |
PythonLemon | 21 | |
SpursUpSoundsGudToMe | 21 | IDK what to do with these guys or Tennessee, but they made Tennessee look pretty pedestrian so they are in the 18-32 "Pretty good I guess" Shrug Zone. Kentucky is almost certainly better than Charlotte on defense so we'll see. |
visor841 | 21 | |
Aidanj927 | 22 | |
AnAngryPanda1 | 22 | |
ard8 | 22 | |
BoukenGreen | 22 | |
bruhstevenson | 22 | |
demolisty24 | 22 | |
donbagert | 22 | |
ETHTrillionaire | 22 | |
FlashSpider-man | 22 | Tennessee may be ranked tomorrow still. But I don't get why. They haven't done anything. But it works to Florida's benefit. |
Foriegn_Picachu | 22 | |
FsuNolezz | 22 | |
IDropFatLogs | 22 | |
journey1986 | 22 | Will be ranked above Tennessee until they lose again. |
Loopylime | 22 | |
losbullitt | 22 | |
NINFAN300 | 22 | |
OG_Felwinter | 22 | |
ReadySetMeow | 22 | |
Scott72901 | 22 | |
soonertiger | 22 | |
spaceblev11 | 22 | Ricky Pearsall made one of the best catches of all time. |
Thehomelessguy11 | 22 | |
Xy13 | 22 | |
Cascadia-Rising | 23 | |
diehardcubforever | 23 | |
FloridaBoy317 | 23 | |
frone | 23 | |
MuhMuhManRay | 23 | |
newSomberMan | 23 | |
OSU_Shecter | 23 | |
OSUfan88 | 23 | |
PattyKane16 | 23 | |
PlactusTX | 23 | (—) W Charlotte |
PSUMediaPA | 23 | |
StumpVanDerHuge | 23 | |
swdanley17 | 23 | |
TommyTwoTaps | 23 | |
UnkelEarl | 23 | |
WBLwiffleball | 23 | |
Yung_Carrot | 23 | |
666haha | 24 | |
ActuallyJasonPrice | 24 | |
CallingUagoatUgoat | 24 | T-23 1 SP+ T-25 win. 1 SP+ T-25 loss. Florida played and beat an FCS team (no points awarded) - this is why they aren't above Iowa. |
dubkent | 24 | |
knon24 | 24 | |
ManiacalBlazer | 24 | |
mubert | 24 | |
Pylon-Cam | 24 | |
Pyroblockx | 24 | |
roll2tide | 24 | |
ScaratheBear | 24 | |
Swaggy-7 | 24 | |
TheNSAAgent777 | 24 | |
throwaway_6786 | 24 | Wasn't a great win for Florida, but they got the job done against Charlotte. Utah beating UCLA + Tennessee beating UTSA + breaking free of their 6-7 2022 record gives Florida the boost necessary to make it to #24 for now. |
TinderForMidgets | 24 | |
70277027 | 25 | |
Arvandu | 25 | Another filler team since a lot of teams in the 15-35 region lost |
Astone1996 | 25 | |
cfbpeoplespoll | 25 | Next 10: 26 - Kentucky 27 - Oregon State 28 - Tulane 29 - Louisville 30 - Tennessee 31 - Colorado 32 - Wisconsin 33 - Kansas State 34 - TCU 35 - Texas A&M |
cirtnecoileh | 25 | |
JoeFreshwata | 25 | |
Piptit | 25 | |
siggyrambler | 25 | |
TheSlyPudding | 25 | |
Tylex123 | 25 |