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2022 Week 11 NC State Wolfpack Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Arteza147 9
dabul-master 9
luckroy 9 Pot 4
practicallybert 10
BUSean 12
Striker743 12 Up 3
HarbingerOfFun 13
Hey_Its_Roomie 13
ShamusJohnson13 13
theb52 13
YellowSkarmory 13
Cecil_Hardboner 14
PrimalCookie 14 2.621
vanburen1845 14
aggiebruin27 15
AlphaH4wk 15
BabyBladder 15
Branzilla91 15
chweris 15
crownebeach 15
e8odie 15
fourpinz8 15
G-manP 15
huskerfan4life520 15
King-Clover 15
Knightro2011 15
Lex_Ludorum 15
noahthearc 15
one98d 15
Pikachu1989 15
PumpSmash 15
RegulatorRWF 15
retnuh101 15
SteemieRayVaughn 15
UNC_Samurai 15
52hoova 16
arrow_dynamics 16
Bank_Gothic 16
blahblehblahwhoru 16
BosskOnASegway 16
Buckeyes2010 16
Ch-i-ef 16
ChickenTaco 16
CockADoodleBOOM 16
cota1212 16
d_mcc_x 16
DampFrijoles 16
DavoinShower-handle 16
DrKennethJNoisewater 16
ExternalTangents 16 4.08%
fshi 16
GatorRich 16
GoBlueScrewOSU7 16
Helifino 16
hypercube42342 16
IAmAChemicalEngineer 16
Inkblot9 16
JCiLee 16
jeedf 16
joebob431 16
kflinderman 16
LEGEN--wait_for_it 16
MahjongDaily 16
malowry0124 16
monkeymatt1836 16
ndbroski 16
not_folie 16
OKgolfer 16
Pablo49 16
Polarbear1914 16
PromEmperorHarbaugh 16
puffadda 16
rain_parkour 16
Rakarei 16
RollWarTideEagle 16
scronko 16
SCRx 16
SpadeRyker 16
tauzeta 16
Techwid 16
Texasagsman 16
THECrew42 16
TossedRightOut 16
Xtremeloco 16
311polo 17
Acm0028 17
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 17 Tier 4
Bill3ffinMurray 17
Blazeth 17
boxbeat 17
boxman151515 17
bretticus33 17 NC State got it’s biggest win of the season at home over Wake Forest. Their defense held Wake to just 21 points and forced star QB Sam Hartman to throw another 3 INTs. Meanwhile MJ Morris came into his own and had a huge day.
CambodianDrywall 17
captain_sasquatch 17
Casaiir 17
Cassiyus 17
CFBHurts 17
Chris-P-Creme 17
creative_penguin 17
cyclonepsycho 17
Daigotsu 17
DarkLegend64 17 D Tier
darkra01 17
dicky_________seamus 17
dogwoodmaple 17
EpicSchwinn 17
fadingthought 17
falconlover79 17
frumious88 17
galacticdude7 17
GeauxTri 17
GenialGiant 17
GilBrandt 17
I_am_bot_beep_boop 17
JonesUCF34 17
jrichardh 17
Laschoni 17
Maladroit44 17
myghtymouse 17
nburt13 17
nemoran 17
noodlethebear 17
olmsted 17
Omegaus492 17
peachios 17 bit of teams in here that just kinda belong? no great wins but only losing to good teams really
physedka 17
Pollaski 17
realclean 17
RheagarTargaryen 17
RiffRamBahZoo 17
roaddogg 17
sasmith2015 17
SCsprinter13 17
soonersthebetter 17
Sophocles5 17
SportingMoose 17
spsellers 17
stesser 17
Stoneador 17
strikersteve60 17
T-Thugs 17 NC State is 7-2. Best win is over Florida State (6-3)
tallg8tor 17
TaylorLeprechaun 17 +1
tdoger 17
teddythe3rd 17
The-Gothic-Castle 17
thegreendalegelf 17
thexraptor 17
TheZachster 17
Ticklebump 17
tjstanley 17
tmothy07 17
ToLongDR 17
TopGoose 17
TrojanMan35T 17
velociraptorfarmer 17 .691
VerySeriousBanana 17
WarEagle9 17
Wescat 17
wesman212 17
ya111101 17
Zloggt 17
12panther 18
admiraltarkin 18
ALStark69 18 +2
BamaPride95 18
bties 18
Cars-and-Coffee 18
conchobor 18
Corporal_Hicks 18
corundum9 18
dan4223 18
Disregardskarma 18
esoterik 18
Foxmcbowser42 18
halldaylong 18
icklebush 18
ikindalikelemons 18
infinitempg 18 0.693
ItsZizk 18
jmac_21 18
JustAManAndHisLaptop 18
LeWoofle 18
mjacksongt 18
molodyets 18
MoneyManeVick 18
Mr_Brews 18
Nathanael-Greene 18
nbingham196 18
nin478 18
njm1314 18
NyquillusDillwad20 18
Our-Gardian-Angel 18
PalmettoFace 18
PHubbs 18
pileatedloon 18
ProbablyRickSantorum 18
sirgippy 18
Sometimeswelose 18
TDenverFan 18
ttsci 18
ucieaters33 18
wameron 18
WolverineDDS 18
113milesprower 19
_fastball 19
A_Rolling_Baneling 19
ACCBiggz 19
arrowfan624 19
BallSoHerd 19
BigBoutros 19
Blooblod 19
bwburke94 19 +11.3947795 (LW: #17)
cmdrcaboose2 19
cornholesurfer 19
DarthYoda2594 19 I was low on NC state with Leary, even lower after that awful Syrcause game, but that won me over. Great win
grjohnst 19
Hackasizlak 19
hythloday1 19
Jakesnake42 19 68.08
JohnWickStuntDouble 19
Keener1899 19
mellolizard 19
ndhuskerpower 19
owlalwaysloveyew 19
plannedsickdays 19
relax_on_the_mat 19
RobertNeyland 19
ScarletFever333 19
soonerfreak 19
Staind075 19
studio_sally 19
The_Horse_Joke 19
typicaliconoclast 19
ucfskuba 19
Chucky1539 20
Colton3690 20
coogs35 20
CptCheese 20
digdat0 20
eclectic_tastes 20
Extra_Excrement 20
hascogrande 20
Hobbes_121 20
LiptonCB 20
NotSoSuperNerd 20 17.90
ryseing 20
ShogunAshoka 20 Points: 22
SlicksterRick 20 69.7
woakley 20
badgers4194 21
bakonydraco 21 76.120
Charlemagne42 21 328
Dropbackandpunt 21
fo13 21
jjjoebox 21 +4
kamiller2020 21
kdcoltred 21
Longvols 21
Noy_Telinu 21
RavenclawWiz816 21
ReallyCreative 21
ruwisc 21
seaotter2 21
SlaminSammons 21
spasm01 21
ThePelvicWoo 21
ToeInDigDeep 21
BorisNumber1 22
cinciforthewin 22
G-Aardvark 22
KJdkaslknv 22
Meany_Vizzini 22 12.0, -1.0, -, 15.5 (13th), 8.4 (31st). Despite beating Wake Forest, NC State fails to rise due to Clemson’s defeat. Their margin of victory suggests that they are lucky to still be ranked.
moistats_ 22
SearonTrejorek 22 0.68199
tks231 22
TouchdownHeroes 22
BugsSuck 23
Fmeson 23
Johnnycockseed 23
lillipup03 23
MarlinsGuy 23
RegionalBias 23
TimeBroken 23
deadtofall12 24
djowen68 24
Drexlore 24
Corgi_Koala 25
DisraeliEers 25
eSpiritCorpse 25 0.8694
posiitively 25
tdeff19 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Spacesurfer6 11
_n8n8_ 12
cirtnecoileh 13
HieloLuz 13
professorberrynibble 13
redrumsoxLoL 13
1Subject 14 0.0470129
colby983 14
frone 14
hershculez 14
ManiacalBlazer 14 74.805
mikecsiy 14
Noelthemexican 14
ThompsonCreekTiger 14
washington_jefferson 14
10catsinspace 15
BearsAreGreat1 15
CallMeTheKing 15
catman1256 15
Chipsahoy523 15
cmcabrera 15
maxwell6233 15
ActuallyJasonPrice 16
AdministrativeAnt683 16
Archaic_1 16
asbestosman2 16
BananaBouquet 16
bannista7 16
bocraw 16
bruhstevenson 16
Comit22 16 Speaking of NC State, the Wolfpack's loss to #10 Clemson doesn't look bad, but their loss to a currently unranked Syracuse does. And none of NC State's wins are against opponents that are currently ranked. This is definitely one of the more mediocre 2-loss teams, and that likely won't change without a big performance against UNC.
DaewooLanosMFerrr 16
decencymoss 16 W vs. Wake Forest, 30-21
Dontworryaboutit1 16
FeliceDot27 16
FrolfAholic 16
FsuNolezz 16
hendarvich 16
JamoRedhead 16
jthomas694 16
MemeofMemeJTG999999 16
nebsA1 16
perspicacious_crumb 16
Pure_Protein_Machine 16
sam00121 16
Shion314 16
thatoneguyD13 16 Solid win over WF after a few rough weeks.
The_Good_Constable 16
throwawayaccount5030 16
titansfan174 16
Yelich04 16
70277027 17
AlexanderComet 17
AnAngryPanda1 17
ballstar03 17
Bereft13 17 Power: 21, SOR: 16; LW: 20
brobroma 17
CheapTrickIsOkay 17 2181
Dan20698 17
Dawg-Bite 17
diehardcubforever 17
DownshiftGD 17
drneilpretenamen 17
Due_Connection179 17 Last Week #24 vs #16 Wake Forest Won 30-21. Honestly a bigger upset than most realize, so a very solid win late in the year for the Wolfpack. This Week vs Boston College.
dusklord1 17
GoCardinals74 17
Harpua99 17
Is_Flacco_Elite 17
jaybigs 17 .9739
JBonkies 17
KrispyKangaroo96 17
LamarcusAldrige1234 17
losbullitt 17
mauliknshah 17
newSomberMan 17
noffinater 17
Protoco2 17
PSUMediaPA 17
rocco2246 17
sconbon 17 Tier #4
Serenityy8 17
swdanley17 17
tapswitch 17
tbutrie1916 17
TrashGamer_ 17
w8w8 17
_Hououin_Kyouma_ 18
boomersooner222 18
cyberchaox 18 (23)
D1N2Y 18 NR
DJ_Bradlezzz 18
ewolfy13 18
GatorBolt 18
Grizzly_96 18
HideNZeke 18
IMissMW2Lobbies 18
jimbobbypaul 18
jrluhn 18
just-regular-I-guess 18
JustYourAvrageWorker 18
Loopylime 18
magnumweiner 18
Megalomanizac 18
moyboi2112 18
muzikjamr 18
OutRiteWite 18
pianoprofiteer 18
Piptit 18
PythonLemon 18
RJEP22 18 (7-2) 127.151 pts
romulusjsp 18 NR
Sebene 18
Sflabuckeye13 18
SkiFlashing 18
soneill06 18
SwissArmyScythe 18 NR
texas2089 18
TheRedKing75 18
True_Ad5324 18
WBLwiffleball 18
adj3691 19
entropy888 19
Fantastic-Calendar-9 19 LW: NR
iDevourer 19
Jaymoney00 19
JustinMSU21 19
MADBuc49 19 They and Liberty are 50/50, depends on injuries
OldCoaly 19
qwer546 19
ReadySetMeow 19
russdb 19 w ur wf
SwitchingC 19
the_neverdoctor 19
TheSlyPudding 19
TimJressel 19
UrashibaKazukoto 19
Xarathustria 19 227.797
zenverak 19
ColombianInIowa24 20 Barely beat ECU and Virginia Tech. Permissible losses to Clemson and Syracuse. No great wins.
fredmerc111 20
jibberishdhyukl 20
JmGrim 20
Sidewinder83 20
TheFalconGuy 20
TheSunsNotYellow 20 7.398
usernamegoeshere763 20
59brad 21
AlphaMemory2 21
dterp13 21
maknasty09 21
MrOrcaDood 21
RealignmentJunkie 21
tcomn 21
the_lost_carrot 21
tomdawg0022 21
Cooliamabeast 22
grtgbln 22
mcdsmaster8824 22
Muffinnnnnnn 22
Pyroblockx 22
RootBeerBloat 22
saquad69 22
TadKosciuszko 22
TheBeekman8 22
TheGred03 22
ViewFrom209 22
ChaseTheFalcon 23
NielsensFourth 23 2718elo
PattyKane16 23
shadowwingnut 23 775.73
skuhlke 23
BertGallagher 24
BuckNuts937 24
camus69x 24
Terminal_BAS 24
Devintheroaster 25
ianmcmoney 25
Matthias382 25
Ruhrgebietheld 25
stew_pac 25 +5
Strog18 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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