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2021 Final Notre Dame Fighting Irish Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
boonamobile 5
DataDrivenPirate 5
BlueSCar 6
deadtofall12 6
JeromesNiece 6
r0sco 6
_fastball 7
bakonydraco 7 85.67
bobsled_time 7
cinciforthewin 7
dicky_________seamus 7
GilBrandt 7
jnoobs13 7
Joester09 7
luckroy 7 Pot 3
ndbroski 7
owl-bears 7
owlalwaysloveyew 7
SlaminSammons 7
Striker743 7
The-Gothic-Castle 7
vanburen1845 7
12panther 8
52hoova 8
ACCBiggz 8
Acm0028 8
AlphaH4wk 8
arrowfan624 8
BallSoHerd 8
BamaPride95 8
BigBoutros 8
bretticus33 8 Notre Dame did Notre Dame things to open up the Marcus Freeman era by blowing a 21 point lead and losing the Fiesta Bowl to OK State.  This makes ND 0-8 in BCS/NY6 games and 0-10 in major bowl games since 1994.  Freeman will have a tall and tough task with continuing to keep Notre Dame a staple in the Top 25 next season with a tougher schedule than what the Irish had this season.
Buckeyes2010 8
CambodianDrywall 8
Cars-and-Coffee 8
CFBHurts 8
cmdrcaboose2 8
cms186 8
CockADoodleBOOM 8
creative_penguin 8
dabul-master 8
DarkLegend64 8 B Tier
DarthYoda2594 8
Disregardskarma 8
DrKennethJNoisewater 8
Dropbackandpunt 8
eSpiritCorpse 8 0.9343
Extra_Excrement 8
fadingthought 8
frumious88 8
G-Aardvark 8
G-manP 8
galacticdude7 8
GatorRich 8
GoBlueScrewOSU7 8
Hackasizlak 8
Helifino 8
HelioOne 8
I_am_bot_beep_boop 8
IAmAChemicalEngineer 8
icklebush 8
JaxofAllTrades13 8
JCiLee 8
JoshDaws 8
jputna 8
JustAManAndHisLaptop 8
justsaynotoreddit 8
Laschoni 8
LEGEN--wait_for_it 8
LiptonCB 8
mellolizard 8
mjacksongt 8
mnmmatt 8
monkeymatt1836 8
MrTheSpork 8
Nathanael-Greene 8
nbingham196 8
nemoran 8
nin478 8
No11223456 8
noodlethebear 8
Our-Gardian-Angel 8
Pikachu1989 8
Polarbear1914 8
Pollaski 8
PumpSmash 8
qacha 8
RMathis13 8 597
RobertNeyland 8
royrules22 8
ScarletFever333 8
scronko 8
seaotter2 8
ShogunAshoka 8
stesser 8
StevvieV 8
Stoneador 8
stripes361 8
tabelz 8
tallg8tor 8
TDenverFan 8
ThaCarter 8
thexraptor 8
thomasosu 8
tjstanley 8
ToeInDigDeep 8
TouchdownHeroes 8 LW: 6
typicaliconoclast 8
311polo 9
A-Stu-Ute 9
ALStark69 9 -4
BabyBladder 9
Bill3ffinMurray 9
Blazeth 9
Blooblod 9
BorisNumber1 9
boxman151515 9
bties 9
buckeyegold 9
BugsSuck 9
bwburke94 9
Ch-i-ef 9 Biggest blown lead in Notre Dame history. Oof. That's rough, but when will you join a conference? All the cool kids are doing it!
ChemicalOle 9
corundum9 9
d_mcc_x 9
djowen68 9
doggo816 9
GeauxTri 9
Greflingorax 9
halldaylong 9
jeedf 9
jjjoebox 9
joebob431 9
Johnnycockseed 9
kflinderman 9
Knightro2011 9
malowry0124 9
moistats_ 9
nburt13 9
not_folie 9
Omegaus492 9
orboth 9
peachios 9
PHubbs 9
physedka 9
plannedsickdays 9
RagingWombats 9
Rakarei 9
RatherBeYachting 9
relax_on_the_mat 9
RiffRamBahZoo 9
RollWarTideEagle 9
ruwisc 9
strikersteve60 9
T-nawtical 9
tauzeta 9
tdoger 9
Techwid 9
theb52 9 53.577
tmothy07 9
TopGoose 9
TossedRightOut 9
ttsci 9
velociraptorfarmer 9
WarEagle9 9
wesman212 9
andrewthestudent 10
bgr308 10
blahblehblahwhoru 10
conchobor 10
Corporal_Hicks 10
crownebeach 10
DafoeFoSho 10
DampFrijoles 10
DavoinShower-handle 10
Drexlore 10
drgnlis 10
eclectic_tastes 10
Fmeson 10
fo13 10
fourpinz8 10
fshi 10
Hey_Its_Roomie 10
huskerfan4life520 10
ItsZizk 10
jmac_21 10
lillipup03 10
Maladroit44 10
NotSoSuperNerd 10 20.17
Noy_Telinu 10
RavenclawWiz816 10
roaddogg 10
ryseing 10
SantiagoRamon 10
Sophocles5 10
srs_house 10
T-Thugs 10
TaylorLeprechaun 10 -2
teddythe3rd 10
TehAlpacalypse 10
thegreendalegelf 10
TheZachster 10
TimeBroken 10
tks231 10
toocleverbyhalf 10
UNC_Samurai 10
YellowSkarmory 10
Apep86 11
arrow_dynamics 11
BlueFalcon89 11
Ersatzself 11
Hobbes_121 11
Inkblot9 11
Mr_Brews 11
practicallybert 11
SCRx 11
tdeff19 11
VerySeriousBanana 11
dasani3x 12
Wescat 12
Zloggt 12
113milesprower 13
Charlemagne42 13 284
Jakesnake42 13 73.43
NyquillusDillwad20 13
olmsted 13
wameron 13
ya111101 13
admiraltarkin 14
infinitempg 14
SSJRoshi 14
Staind075 14
Frognosticator 15
digdat0 16
HarbingerOfFun 17
emueagles 19

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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