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2021 Week 10 Wisconsin Badgers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
JamesBCrazy 10
theb52 10 51.125
infinitempg 12
bwburke94 13 I'm unsure what's going on here. Maybe it's garbage in, garbage out, but more likely it's a fluke in my model.
eSpiritCorpse 13 0.8991
sirgippy 14
Stoneador 14
THECrew42 14
hascogrande 15
kflinderman 15
qacha 15
Sproded 15
The-Gothic-Castle 15
bakonydraco 16 80.88
confirmd_am_engineer 16
dabul-master 16
halldaylong 16
Spiral-Pilot 16
bretticus33 17 Wisconsin finally looked like the team that we expected to see in the pre-season.  Their defense dominated (although Iowa helped out a lot) and the offense with Graham Mertz looked stronger.  I would like to see more from them offensively but Wisconsin is still starting to look much scarier.
Fmeson 17
galacticdude7 17
RMathis13 17 633
RobertNeyland 17
Conglossian 18 U/R
drgnlis 18
hythloday1 18
ndbroski 18
studio_sally 18
TimeBroken 18
52hoova 19
Blooblod 19
boonamobile 19
ExternalTangents 19 11.17%
NotSoSuperNerd 19 10.32
RavenclawWiz816 19
Striker743 19 NR
TouchdownHeroes 19 LW: HM
Bill3ffinMurray 20
deadtofall12 20
eclectic_tastes 20
g0d0fm15ch13f 20
GilBrandt 20
LeinadSpoon 20
TheJeemTeam 20
TheReformedBadger 20
BlueSCar 21
cfbguy 21
Hackasizlak 21
MarlinsGuy 21
Pollaski 21
practicallybert 21
stripes361 21
thomasosu 21
BigBoutros 22
CockADoodleBOOM 22
crownebeach 22
digdat0 22
GoBlueScrewOSU7 22
hypercube42342 22
justsaynotoreddit 22
kdcoltred 22
12panther 23
Blazeth 23
DarkLegend64 23 G Tier
DeceptiveSpeed 23
Harmbert_ 23
orboth 23
woakley 23
arrow_dynamics 24
bobsled_time 24
fshi 24
G-manP 24
JeromesNiece 24
tallg8tor 24
Texasagsman 24
tmothy07 24
YellowSkarmory 24 Wisconsin sits right below Penn State due to losing the head to head matchup and having a pretty similar resume. They did beat Iowa at home, and knocked off Purdue on the road, but they do have three home losses, to Penn State, Notre Dame and Michigan.
ALStark69 25 NR Next 5: Iowa, Penn State, San Diego State, Minnesota, Coastal Carolina
arrowfan624 25
badgers4194 25
cajunaggie08 25
cmdrcaboose2 25
Jakesnake42 25 Last Week: NRDropped: #17 Iowa State, #19 SMU, #21 Pitt, #25 Arizona State.Btw. If you hate the backend of my top do I finding teams to round out the Top 25 sucked ass this week.
Maladroit44 25
MrTheSpork 25
not_folie 25
ProbablyRickSantorum 25
PumpSmash 25
r0sco 25
ruwisc 25
tabelz 25
TaylorLeprechaun 25 NR
topher3003 25
wameron 25
zacheiny 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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