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2021 Week 10 Wake Forest Demon Deacons Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
JoshDaws 1
velociraptorfarmer 2
ChemicalOle 3
igloo27 3
jrichardh 3
luckroy 3 Pot 3
MarlinsGuy 3
relax_on_the_mat 3
spsellers 3
ThaCarter 3
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 4
BigBoutros 4
Blazeth 4
CFBHurts 4
DeceptiveSpeed 4
dicky_________seamus 4
eSpiritCorpse 4 0.9481
ExternalTangents 4 0.58%
fo13 4
GeauxTri 4
Hey_Its_Roomie 4
I_am_bot_beep_boop 4
infinitempg 4
Joester09 4
Noy_Telinu 4
owl-bears 4
RobertNeyland 4
spasm01 4
Stoneador 4
113milesprower 5
badgers4194 5
Bank_Gothic 5
boonamobile 5
CambodianDrywall 5
Daigotsu 5
Ersatzself 5
esoterik 5
goblue10 5
HelioOne 5
JustAManAndHisLaptop 5
KommanderKeen-a42 5
LeinadSpoon 5
Maladroit44 5
MammothMan34 5
MoneyManeVick 5
ndbroski 5
olmsted 5
orboth 5
Red261 5
retnuh101 5
RiffRamBahZoo 5
SantiagoRamon 5
SCsprinter13 5
ShogunAshoka 5
soonerfreak 5
soonersthebetter 5
Spalliston 5
strikersteve60 5
theReluctantHipster 5
ToeInDigDeep 5 Undefeated, best win at unranked Virginia 
topher3003 5
ucfskuba 5
311polo 6
ACCBiggz 6
BlueSCar 6
cfbguy 6
Charlemagne42 6 584
chweris 6
cms186 6
confirmd_am_engineer 6
DataDrivenPirate 6
DisraeliEers 6
Foxmcbowser42 6
Greflingorax 6
Harmbert_ 6
hythloday1 6
IAmAChemicalEngineer 6
ItsZizk 6
JaxofAllTrades13 6
nbingham196 6
one98d 6
pascha 6
Sometimeswelose 6
T-Thugs 6 Wake Forest is 8-0. Best wins are over Virginia (6-3) and Syracuse (5-4)
tdoger 6
teddythe3rd 6
VerySeriousBanana 6
Apep86 7
arrow_dynamics 7
BabyBladder 7
bakonydraco 7 80.43
bgr308 7
BlueFalcon89 7
buckeyegold 7
BUSean 7
Corporal_Hicks 7
creative_penguin 7
Darth_Ra 7
DrKennethJNoisewater 7
frumious88 7
GenialGiant 7
HarbingerOfFun 7
icklebush 7
jlh2b 7
kflinderman 7
LiptonCB 7
notyogrannysgrandkid 7
plannedsickdays 7
qacha 7
r0sco 7
ruwisc 7
ryseing 7
ShamusJohnson13 7
srs_house 7
Staind075 7
Striker743 7 Up 3
tks231 7
UNC_Samurai 7
A-Stu-Ute 8
andrewthestudent 8
BallSoHerd 8
BamaPride95 8
bretticus33 8 Wake Forest is the lone CFP hope now for the ACC.  They're the surprise team of the season and Sam Hartman is throwing his name into the Heisman race.  Can Wake Forest keep it up and finish the season undefeated?  Only time will tell but Wake Forest is the best team in the ACC right now.
brobroma 8
bwburke94 8 My model isn't really sure what to do with Wake Forest. It just throws them at the back of the "okay, these teams are good" pile.
Cars-and-Coffee 8
Cassiyus 8
CFSparta92 8
ChickenTaco 8
Colton3690 8
conchobor 8
crimsonlaw 8
DarkLegend64 8 B Tier
digdat0 8
dogwoodmaple 8
Drexlore 8
Extra_Excrement 8
fadingthought 8
Feral_Squirrel 8
fshi 8
GatorRich 8
GeauxAllDay 8
GilBrandt 8
goodnames679 8
hascogrande 8
huskerfan4life520 8
JamesBCrazy 8 swiggity swoogity top 10 Wake Forest coming for your boogity
jchurch8073 8
JCiLee 8
jjjoebox 8
jnoobs13 8
King-Clover 8
laminak 8
Laschoni 8
LeWoofle 8 Undefeated with a P5 schedule, even if slightly weaker.
Lex_Ludorum 8
Longvols 8
Nathanael-Greene 8
nburt13 8
No11223456 8
NyquillusDillwad20 8
OKgolfer 8
outthawazoo 8
owl_man 8
owlalwaysloveyew 8 I know it was against Duke, but Wake Forest looked like a complete team. The schedule is stacked with better ACC teams in the next four weeks
peachios 8 this is probably the end of the hard to rank 3-8, though most have it as 3-7 then wake is arguing with the next couple. why? well undefeated is good, but opposition hasn't been
Pikachu1989 8
puffadda 8
PumpSmash 8
Rakarei 8
ReallyCreative 8
roaddogg 8
ryumast3r 8
scrotes_magotes 8
SearonTrejorek 8
Shrektastic28 8
tabelz 8
Techwid 8
TehAlpacalypse 8
thexraptor 8
thomasosu 8
tjstanley 8
ToLongDR 8
TopheryG8er 8
ttsci 8
turkishguy 8
ucieaters33 8
WarEagle9 8
WeenisWrinkle 8
Wescat 8
zacheiny 8
Acm0028 9
admiraltarkin 9
AlphaH4wk 9
ALStark69 9 +3
bernkastel87 9
Bill3ffinMurray 9
Blooblod 9
bobsled_time 9
Branzilla91 9
Buckeyes2010 9
Cecil_Hardboner 9
Chris-P-Creme 9
corundum9 9
d_mcc_x 9
dan4223 9
darkra01 9
deadtofall12 9
Disregardskarma 9
Dropbackandpunt 9
eclectic_tastes 9
fourpinz8 9
GoBlueScrewOSU7 9
Hobbes_121 9
iliketoupvotepuns 9
Inkblot9 9
Jakesnake42 9 Last Week: 12
jeedf 9
jmac_21 9
JonesUCF34 9
LEGEN--wait_for_it 9
lillipup03 9
mellolizard 9
mnmmatt 9
monkeymatt1836 9
noodlethebear 9
Omegaus492 9
PalmettoFace 9
pileatedloon 9
Polarbear1914 9
RegulatorRWF 9
RollWarTideEagle 9
royrules22 9
ScarletFever333 9
SCRx 9
SlaminSammons 9
Sophocles5 9
Spiral-Pilot 9
stripes361 9
T-nawtical 9
tauzeta 9
TaylorLeprechaun 9 +5
TDenverFan 9
Texasagsman 9
The-Gothic-Castle 9
TheJeemTeam 9
TheReformedBadger 9
TopGoose 9
vanburen1845 9
wameron 9
wesman212 9
Xtremeloco 9
52hoova 10
arrowfan624 10
BorisNumber1 10
BosskOnASegway 10
boxbeat 10
boxman151515 10
bties 10
cajunaggie08 10
captain_sasquatch 10
chrisb19 10 as we all suspected, Wake and Pitt are the pride of the ACC.
cinciforthewin 10
cmdrcaboose2 10
CockADoodleBOOM 10
Conglossian 10 +6
DafoeFoSho 10
DarthYoda2594 10
drgnlis 10
G-Aardvark 10
G-manP 10
GoBeaversOSU 10
Helifino 10
hypercube42342 10
justsaynotoreddit 10
kdcoltred 10
malowry0124 10
moistats_ 10
Mr_Brews 10
MrTheSpork 10
myghtymouse 10
nemoran 10
nin478 10
noahthearc 10
not_folie 10
Pollaski 10
practicallybert 10
RagingWombats 10
sasmith2015 10
sirgippy 10
steelcitygator 10
studio_sally 10
thegreendalegelf 10
tmothy07 10
typicaliconoclast 10
woakley 10
Zloggt 10
blahblehblahwhoru 11
DampFrijoles 11
galacticdude7 11
joebob431 11
jputna 11
RavenclawWiz816 11
RMathis13 11 679
scronko 11
Sproded 11
SPRX97 11
StevvieV 11
toocleverbyhalf 11
ya111101 11
YellowSkarmory 11 Wake has managed to stay undefeated so far, one of 6 undefeated teams left. Their best win is a road win against Virginia, but really, they don't have much of a standout win or really much of a solid win overall. They had to go to OT at Syracuse, which was a scare. I'm not really sure how to evaluate them, especially in comparison to Notre Dame and Ohio State, especially because after their Virginia win, they really don't have anything that good. I do give them respect for being undefeated though, but it's not enough to put them above those two.
dabul-master 12
dasani3x 12
Hackasizlak 12
halldaylong 12
jchall3 12
kamiller2020 12
ProbablyRickSantorum 12
tallg8tor 12
TheZachster 12
12panther 13
physedka 13
theb52 13 47.125
NotSoSuperNerd 14 12.11
seaotter2 14
TimeBroken 15
THECrew42 18
TouchdownHeroes 18 LW: 22
Fmeson 19
JeromesNiece 20

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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