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2016 Week 4 Texas A&M Aggies Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Saxasaurus 2
DonnieNarco 3
LeinadSpoon 3
was_saying_boo_urns 3
bread_buddy 4
DelphicLike 4
hythloday1 4
spasm01 4
theb52 4
ToxicSteve13 4 80.13
gbuntin 5
kflinderman 5
Rapsca 5
Apep86 6
Cars-and-Coffee 6
Colton3690 6 Two good wins as well for A&M has them a spot below Stanford. Though one win did come on the road, these games were a little bit closer than Stanford
dabul-master 6
DafoeFoSho 6
GilBrandt 6 Woohoo! Had A&M ranked over Texas by one spot and luckily my Aggies won their unranked P5 game! I'll take it...for now...for when they inevitably bring reality crashing down on us for the third season in a row. *suppressing hype*
gms212 6
jrichardh 6
spsellers 6
tallg8tor 6
Acm0028 7
CantHousewifeaHo 7
flipadelphia17 7
gohuskies 7 Texas A&M is stacking up the solid wins.
hokies220 7 The Aggies have a better win over Auburn and a ranked win over UCLA. Better performance than Clemson through three games.
indexspartan 7 2.0833
mickeyquicknumbers 7
NeauxRegrets 7
nemoran 7
njm1314 7
RagingWombats 7
remwin 7
SantiagoRamon 7
theCANCERbat 7
Zerosa 7
BrutonGaster77 8
Cheeseish 8
ChickenTaco 8
cliffhanger407 8 1.33
CSU_Mike 8
DeKaF 8
fadingthought 8 Trevor Knight is a QB that has the arms and legs to make some waves in SEC conference play. Miles Garrett and the Aggies D are poised to give more SEC QBs a hard time. Their difficulty scoring TDs will be something to keep an eye on, but they have been looking good so far.
kelling928 8
KobeOrNotKobe 8
puffadda 8
retnuh101 8
RobertNeyland 8
Sophocles5 8
the5thpixel 8
tmart12 8
ucieaters33 8
uwbjb 8
WeenisWrinkle 8
03040905 9
ack30297 9
Atoodope 9
BallSoHerd 9
Balrog_of_Morgoth 9
CambodianDrywall 9
cfbguy 9
coreyfra 9
Corporal_Hicks 9
CraftyConsumer 9
DavoinShower-handle 9
Disregardskarma 9
DoctorWhosOnFirst 9
dupreesdiamond 9
fitzmauricet 9
GeneralGBO 9
hawkspur1 9
HelioOne 9
ilovecfb 9
JCiLee 9
jzorbino 9
Keener1899 9 I'm a believer in Texas A&M this year. The Chief has their defense in order and it looks like the offense is getting in shape.I still think the win over UCLA is impressive.
Laschoni 9
LiptonCB 9
MrDoctorSmartyPants 9
myghtymouse 9
pascha 9
pmartin0079 9
Pope_Jake 9
Red261 9
roneman815 9
ryumast3r 9
SmokingCricket 9
tabelz 9
TopheryG8er 9
ttsci 9
tylerbc 9
vanburen1845 9
52hoova 10
admiraltarkin 10
aguyfromthewest 10
Andaldo 10
boonamobile 10
BosskOnASegway 10 Score: 68/125 Human Rank: #13
boxbeat 10
chceman 10
corundum9 10
CountryRoads8 10
Daigotsu 10
DFWTooThrowed 10
djowen68 10
dybuell 10
eclectic_tastes 10
Emperor_of_Orange 10
epmatsw 10
esoterik 10
FatWhiteGuy49 10
G-manP 10
Gryfer 10
gsuhooligan 10
Harry_B_C_Dresden 10
huskerfan4life520 10
IAmAChemicalEngineer 10
icklebush 10
kamikazeguy 10
kelctex 10
key_lime_pie 10
KingKliffsbury 10
Mario_Speedwagon 10 #10-20 is kind of crazy right now but here we are. The Aggie hype machine begins.
monkeymatt1836 10 The Aggies went into Jordan Hare and took out a solid Auburn. Auburn's offense may be a mess, but they might have one of the better defenses in the SEC. The Aggies are doing everything right to start this season. At this point in time they might be the second best team in the SEC West. 
monotonemr 10
MrTheSpork 10
Mythic514 10
neovenator250 10
nin478 10
No_Way_Pablo 10
noodlethebear 10
OhGad 10
orangeslash 10
OskeewowwowIL 10
plannedsickdays 10
ProbablyRickSantorum 10
PromoPimp 10
ReallyCreative 10
RiffRamBahZoo 10
ruwisc 10
SCRx 10
SCsprinter13 10
seaotter2 10
sirgippy 10
ssnider23 10
stephenbawesome 10
swanky-k 10
Techwid 10
Texasagsman 10
The_DHC 10
TheCid 10
TheFlyingBoat 10 Prev 16They have done well against their schedule the far, but don't have any marquee wins yet. Their first challenge against Arkansas will tell us a lot about this Aggie team.
topher3003 10
TossedRightOut 10
trumpet_23 10
warm_warmer_disco 10
Wescat 10
A-Stu-Ute 11
AGSattack 11
Austinperroux 11
BoboIsDead 11 Record: 3-0
Caedus 11
captain_sasquatch 11
Dasboot123 11
deadtofall12 11
diastereomer 11
djmoody90 11
EastPowdermilk 11
FellKnight 11
flyingcrayons 11
freebirdcrowe 11
funtubs 11
GoldenHawk07 11
grjohnst 11
halldaylong 11
HarbingerOfFun 11
LEGEN--wait_for_it 11
marcellnation 11
mellolizard 11
milesgmsu 11
mynameisjona 11
nolez 11
Pikachu1989 11
pitchesandthrows 11
Quentanamo_Bay 11
rabid_communicator 11
Smidgens 11
smills79 11
snwidget 11
solo_22 11
SpeedxKills 11
srs_house 11
steinman17 11
strikersteve60 11
ThaCarter 11
TimeBroken 11
wazoheat 11 We're good, but maybe not *that* good. For sure we need to start getting touchdowns in the red zone.
Wurst_Law 11
AaronRodgers16 12
alextoyalex 12
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 12
brobroma 12
Buckeyes2010 12
buckeyes75 12
BugsSuck 12
Cecil_Hardboner 12
CFSparta92 12
chweris 12
d_mcc_x 12
ExternalTangents 12
jeedf 12
jlh2b 12
kdbvols 12
laminak 12
longhorn2015 12
meatfrappe 12
nuxenolith 12
owl_man 12
Polarbear1914 12
polydorr 12
pufan321 12
scotsworth 12
seanosaur 12
SPRX97 12
Stockz 12
UNC_Samurai 12
WarEagle9 12
BabyBladder 13
BorisNumber1 13
bties 13
buckeyegold 13
ChemicalOle 13
CockADoodleBOOM 13
groggydog 13
JonesUCF34 13
Luriker 13
runujhkj 13
scronko 13
slntkilla 13
thatwasntveryraven 13
wackywiener 13
XSavageWalrusX 13
Xtremeloco 13
antiherowes 14
bluegrassborn 14
Branzilla91 14
Fifth_Down 14
kdcoltred 14 SEC #3
PalmettoFace 14
pbjork 14
SenorPuff 14
sunburn_on_the_brain 14
TheTeamCubed 14
bakonydraco 15
digdat0 15
keytide22 15
Khavanon 15
mildlypeeved 15
qacha 15
TDenverFan 15
THECrew42 15
alsonamedbort87 16
DarthYoda2594 16
SurpriseSalami 16
emueagles 17
Plneapple 17
twosheepforanore 17
BlueFalcon89 18
jayhawx19 18
nickknx865 18
sideoutpar 18
taloncarde 18
Californie_cramoisie 19
turtle_flu 19
BUSean 20
f0gax 20
galacticdude7 20
Fcc4life 21

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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