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2024 Week 5 Texas Longhorns Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
10catsinspace 1
_fastball 1
A_Rolling_Baneling 1
Acm0028 1
AlexanderComet 1
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 1
AlphaH4wk 1
ALStark69 1 0 from last week
arrowfan624 1
AudiieVerbum 1
BabyBladder 1
bakonydraco 1 86.189
BallSoHerd 1
BananaBouquet 1
Bank_Gothic 1
bannista7 1
BearsAreGreat1 1
bernkastel87 1
Bill3ffinMurray 1
blahblehblahwhoru 1
Blazeth 1
BlueFalcon89 1
BlueSCar 1
BorisNumber1 1
boxbeat 1
Branzilla91 1
bretticus33 1 No Quinn, no problem. Not the cleanest first start from Arch but he’ll probably be good when he becomes the full time starter. Open up SEC play against Miss State next week.
buckeyes75 1
BUSean 1
CambodianDrywall 1
captain_sasquatch 1
Cars-and-Coffee 1
Casaiir 1
Cecil_Hardboner 1
CFBHurts 1
Ch-i-ef 1 Arch looked like a highly touted QB that was making his first start. Shouldn't have any real road bumps until Red River...(the Georgia game)
ch1l1_ch33s3 1
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 1 (+0)
chaser676 1
ChaseTheFalcon 1 --
ChemicalOle 1
ChickenTaco 1
Chris-P-Creme 1
cinciforthewin 1
coletheredditer 1 Good.
Colton3690 1
colton_97 1
conchobor 1
Conglossian 1
Corgi_Koala 1
corundum9 1
cota1212 1
CPiGuy2728 1
cvsprinter1 1
cyberchaox 1
D1N2Y 1
dabul-master 1
Daigotsu 1
DampFrijoles 1
DarkLegend64 1
DarthYoda2594 1
DavoinShower-handle 1
deadtofall12 1
diehardcubforever 1
digdat0 1
dogwoodmaple 1
Doogitywoogity 1
Drexlore 1
DrKennethJNoisewater 1
Dropbackandpunt 1
Due_Connection179 1 Last Week #1 vs UL Monroe // Won 56 - 7 // Went as expected.
e8odie 1
eclectic_tastes 1
ehoefler 1 100 | -
EpicSchwinn 1
esoterik 1
ewolfy13 1
ExternalTangents 1 Net Rating: 46.8; O: 24.3, O Rank: 1; D: -22.5, D Rank: 4
Extra_Excrement 1
fadingthought 1
falconlover79 1
Feral_Squirrel 1
fourpinz8 1
frone 1
frumious88 1
fshi 1
G-Aardvark 1
galacticdude7 1
GatorBolt 1 Took care of business against ULM. And now for the anticipated first SEC Conference game for the Longhorns..... against Mississippi State. Well, it's always nice when your conference games still function as cupcakes.
GenialGiant 1
goblue10 1
GoBlueScrewOSU7 1
grjohnst 1
grtgbln 1
Hackasizlak 1
halldaylong 1
hascogrande 1
Helifino 1
HHcougar 1 Arch is so good. Ewers is so good. Is this the best QB room of the past 15 years?
Hobbes_121 1
Hugefootballfan44 1 LW: 1
huskerfan4life520 1
hypercube42342 1
IAmAChemicalEngineer 1
IceColdDrPepper_Here 1
icklebush 1
ikindalikelemons 1
infinitempg 1 1.000 (+5)
Inkblot9 1
Jakesnake42 1 93.42 Last Week: #1
JamoRedhead 1
jaybigs 1
JBonkies 1 (-)
jeedf 1
JeromesNiece 1
jimbobbypaul 1
jjjoebox 1
joebob431 1
JonesUCF34 1
jrluhn 1
JustinMSU21 1
kamiller2020 1
kflinderman 1
KJdkaslknv 1
Klaassy23 1 (LW Change: 0)
Lex_Ludorum 1
lillipup03 1
LiptonCB 1
MADBuc49 1 Currently slotted ro #1 seed
magnumweiner 1
MahjongDaily 1
manbeardawg 1
MarlinsGuy 1
Meany_Vizzini 1 32.4, -, +2.7
Megalomanizac 1
MemeLovingLoser 1
MemeofMemeJTG999999 1 (4-0) (no change) W: 51-3 vs Louisiana-Monroe (2-1) Next Week: vs Mississippi State (1-3) Projected Bowl: Sugar vs Ole Miss/Oregon
MoneyManeVick 1
monkeymatt1836 1
Mr_Brews 1
myghtymouse 1
nbingham196 1
nburt13 1
nemoran 1
nin478 1
No11223456 1
noahthearc 1
Noelthemexican 1
noodlethebear 1
NotSoSuperNerd 1 1.515 (10.6-1.4)
Noy_Telinu 1
oghawks18 1
OKgolfer 1
OldCoaly 1
olmsted 1
Our-Gardian-Angel 1
outthawazoo 1
Pablo49 1 3476
PalmettoFace 1
PHubbs 1
Pikachu1989 1
pileatedloon 1
plannedsickdays 1
Player_1_has_Joined 1
Polarbear1914 1
Pollaski 1
posiitively 1
practicallybert 1
PrimalCookie 1
ProbablyRickSantorum 1
PumpSmash 1
Pure_Protein_Machine 1
Pyroblockx 1
r0sco 1
rain_parkour 1
Rakarei 1
realclean 1 =
ReallyCreative 1
redrumsoxLoL 1 Texas has been the best team so far this season, they have looked dominant against quality opponents and have been the team to beat so far
RegionalBias 1 Hulk Smash Mode
RegulatorRWF 1
RJEP22 1
RobertNeyland 1
rocco2246 1
RollWarTideEagle 1
romulusjsp 1 (-)
royrules22 1
Ruhrgebietheld 1
ryseing 1
scronko 1
SCsprinter13 1
seaotter2 1
SearonTrejorek 1 0.86318
shadowwingnut 1
Shootit_Rockets 1
SlaminSammons 1
Sometimeswelose 1
soonerfreak 1
SpadeRyker 1
Sproded 1
spsellers 1
srs_house 1
Staind075 1
SteemieRayVaughn 1
stew_pac 1 -
Striker743 1
strikersteve60 1
stripes361 1
SwissArmyScythe 1 -- (Change from my ranking last week)
T-nawtical 1
T-Thugs 1 Texas is my top team with an impressive road win over Michigan. Looks even better this week after Michigan beat USC.
tallg8tor 1
tauzeta 1
tdeff19 1
TDenverFan 1
tdoger 1
Techwid 1
teddythe3rd 1
texas2089 1
ThaCarter 1
The_Good_Constable 1
the_neverdoctor 1
TheZachster 1
thomasosu 1
TimeBroken 1 Rank: #1
tjstanley 1
tks231 1
tmothy07 1
TopGoose 1
TossedRightOut 1
trumpet_23 1
udubdavid 1
UMeister 1
UNC_Samurai 1
velociraptorfarmer 1
w8w8 1
wameron 1
WarEagle9 1
Wescat 1
WillWorkForSugar 1
woakley 1
Xtremeloco 1
ya111101 1
zenverak 1
Zloggt 1
52hoova 2
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 2
Apep86 2
BenchRickyAguayo 2
Buckeyes2010 2
cfbguy 2
chweris 2
CommodoreN7 2
CptCheese 2
dan4223 2
darkra01 2
dasani3x 2
DisraeliEers 2
eSpiritCorpse 2 0.9812
Fmeson 2
fredmerc111 2 LW: 2
GeauxTri 2
HarbingerOfFun 2
Harpua99 2
HelioOne 2
justsaynotoreddit 2 1.007
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 2
luckroy 2
mellolizard 2
nw____ 2 Arch was a *little* more human last night but the team is still pretty incredible. Ewers will be back.
NyquillusDillwad20 2
one98d 2
owl_man 2
owlalwaysloveyew 2
placid_salad 2 LW #2
PlactusTX 2 (1) W Louisiana-Monroe
puffadda 2
Red261 2
retnuh101 2
RheagarTargaryen 2
ScarletFever333 2
skuhlke 2
spmartin1993 2
studio_sally 2
Texasagsman 2
theb52 2 76.750
TheNSAAgent777 2
titansfan174 2
ToeInDigDeep 2
TouchdownHeroes 2 LW: 2
ucieaters33 2
vanburen1845 2
VerySeriousBanana 2
YellowSkarmory 2
12panther 3
BosskOnASegway 3
CockADoodleBOOM 3
djowen68 3
goodnames679 3
HieloLuz 3 Points: 73.6 | Wins: 1 T4, 1 T5, 2 T6 | 1 WB |
jalexjsmithj 3
jthomas694 3 Texas absolutely handled Michigan on the road, which is not a particularly easy thing to do. Very good all around team, not just an offense.
Longvols 3
Maladroit44 3
malowry0124 3
ruwisc 3
sasmith2015 3
ShogunAshoka 3
TaylorLeprechaun 3 +0
the_lost_carrot 3 2.6 | FPI @ 1 (BCS @ 3) (AUX @ 2.5555)
Tman450x 3
wesman212 3
fo13 4
GilBrandt 4
Hey_Its_Roomie 4
ndbroski 4
TadKosciuszko 4
Charlemagne42 5 Adjustment: 0.0%
ColombianInIowa24 5 Basically, the highest default score possible is 14. If a victory is impressive a team can get a few more. Texas, Ole Miss, Alabama, and tOSU all have the highest default, while those above have just a little more. Up next the joke that is MSST.
Darth_Ra 6
DataDrivenPirate 6
jrichardh 7
JustAManAndHisLaptop 7
hythloday1 8
spasm01 8
aggiebruin27 9
70stang 12 Texas is 4-0 with 1 P5 away win, 2 G5 wins, and 1 FCS win. Texas' strength of opponents played is 6th.

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
-Gnostic28 1
0010MK 1
70277027 1
7_evyn 1
_Junk_Rat_ 1
ActuallyJasonPrice 1
AdministrativeAnt683 1
Aggravating-Steak-69 1
Aidanj927 1
Airweldon 1
ALToidzz 1
alttabbins 1
AnAngryPanda1 1
andyjelliott 1
Arvandu 1
Beneficial_Present29 1
Bereft13 1 Power: 1, SoR: 1; LW: 1
BeyondLiesTheWub 1 no change
BG-WestyC 1
big_thunder_man 1
bigred91224 1
BoilerUp28 1
BoukenGreen 1
brihimia 1
bruhstevenson 1
BuckeyeForLife95 1
Burnsite 1
CallingUagoatUgoat 1 T-1. 1 SP+ T-25 win (Michigan).
camus69x 1
carsonivey72 1
charmingcharles2896 1
ChBass 1
Chipsahoy523 1
ckubi 1
cookie__monster___ 1
corona779 1
Crelc3 1
CriterionCrypt 1
DaewooLanosMFerr 1
Dan20698 1
daredassdude 1
dawgfan24348 1
Devintheroaster 1
DillyDillySzn 1
doctrhouse 1
DownshiftGD 1
drewscottt 1
dterp13 1
dubkent 1
dukemetoo 1
Effective-Lead-6657 1
ElyxUW 1
ESPbeN 1
Fantastic-Calendar-9 1 LW: 1
Fghjkdid911 1
FlashSpider-man 1
FoRtNiteizBAD 1
FsuNolezz 1
funt9rtle 1
gavinw24 1
GeyWeyner12 1
gonshpreds1 1
GoxxoG 1
grahamca 1 T1ˢᵗ W/L, T1ˢᵗ Predicted Wins, 1ˢᵗ Team Strength, 1ˢᵗ Quality of Wins
Hastronaut 1 Not much separation between 1-7 which I all consider top tier. All have looked mostly dominant and/or had high preseason expectations
HideNZeke 1
hoovereatscowpoop 1
HopefulReb76 1 Currently holding themselves as the best team until otherwise tested.
HoustonHorns 1
hurricaneatx 1 (4-0) - Texas's improvement at defense compared to last year is one of their main headlines. Texas played a very lackluster game against UL Monroe but managed to still managed to blow them out with Arch Manning under center. It was unclear to me whether Arch Manning's constant long throws downfield were from poor decision-making, lack of ability to layer and soften the ball in short/intermediate routes, or from the coaching staff treating this as a glorified scrimmage for evaluation, but it's obvious Quinn Ewers is the core of this team. Depth is also abundant and clear on both sides of the ball.
isrealball 1
JackWK_Gaming 1
Jacob_Sumner 1
Jay_Dubbbs 1
jibberishdhyukl 1
JJones927 1
JordanDean04 1
josh55134 1
Josh_historybuff 1 51-3 vs ULM
JoshuaMan024 1 262.27
journey1986 1
JustAGuy7915 1
jwrtf 1
KansasChaser2021 1
kcvtdc 1
kevinsdomain 1
Laschoni 1
leadbymight 1
Lefunnymaymays4lief 1 Quinn Ewers may be the best QB in the sport. Arch Manning might be the 2nd.
Living_Human 1
LoCh0_xX 1
loganisfresh 1
Luigiatl 1 Another good, strong performance. Sure, it's ULM, but ULM's not atrocious this year.
MainPeanut25 1
MajikSix 1
ManiacalBlazer 1
mauliknshah 1
Maxdarkfire 1
Mayonezee 1
mcdsmaster8824 1
McIntyre2K7 1
mfraga66 1
Middle_Wheel_5959 1
Midnight-Mustang 1
mikecsiy 1
Mossed26 1
mountain_troop86 1
msonar623 1
mthompson2320 1 LW: 1
munchermode 1
Mynameisdiehard 1 No change from last week
NA_Faker 1
NastyWideOuts 1 The undisputed best team in America right now
newSomberMan 1
Noahsince2002 1
notsaying123 1
ntny 1
OG_Felwinter 1
Omegaus492 1
patriots230 1
PattyKane16 1
PeteyNice 1
pianoprofiteer 1
Piptit 1
PSUMediaPA 1
PsychologicalFox8660 1
quantum_jedi 1 Sarkisian has assembled a team that appears to have very few weaknesses, even without their preseason starting RBs and QB this team is still looks better than ~130 other teams in FBS.
Rcfan0902 1 852.28
RealignmentJunkie 1
RipRaycom 1
RubbleHome 1
SaguaroCactus19 1
samtaylor92 1
saquad69 1
SaveTheCombees10 1
schneeplehoppen 1
sconbon 1
ScooterLeShooter 1
scsd4222 1
Sflabuckeye13 1
Shion314 1
silfarion10 1
sirvalkyerie 1
Slow_Leg1791 1
sly2bfox 1
SNjr 1
Somali-Pirate-Lvl100 1
SomerandomIDFBfan 1
soonertiger 1
Sp1cyRice 1 (0)
spaceblev11 1
Spazzatack 1
spencej98 1
sroach91 1
STL_12 1 Texas jumps Tennessee compared to computer
StripedSteel 1
tatteredgnome_23 1
tbutrie1916 1
tcomn 1 Group A
thatoneguyD13 1 Tier 1. Still dominant even with backup.
TheBeekman8 1
thehornedlamb 1
TheQuakinator 1
TheReformedBadger 1
TheSleaze22 1
throwaway_6786 1 Dominated all competition and Michigan beating USC makes Texas' win over them even better. A home game against a pretty bad Miss St. team and a bye week is followed by the RRS and a massive matchup against Georgia.
tisofold 1
tms42206 1
Tornadohunter24 1
twr96 1
Underground_Bread 1
UTTuba16 1
vindictivejazz 1
WBLwiffleball 1
WebfootTroll 1
willbill182 1
WRSpill 1 (1)
Wumbology724 1
Xy13 1
Yelich04 1 -
yesiambear 1
aredna 2
Astone1996 2
brucewaynewins 2
chillmagic420 2
ConstantPause1239 2
divey043 2
donbagert 2
drneilpretenamen 2
dubscurry30 2
forkedravioli 2
geauxsaints777 2
jonstark19 2 0
luciusetrur 2 LW: 2
maxwell6233 2
Milflover69cbb 2 Best orange team
mill1634 2
mr_longfellow_deeds 2
MuhMuhManRay 2
owl-bears 2
RedBarracuda25 2
Salmon-Dude 2
Serenityy8 2
supercon21 2
thefarsideinside 2
TKFT_ExTr3m3 2
True_Ad5324 2
trust_the_process__ 2
wittingtarsier 2
ziggysaysnada 2
CallMeTheKing 3 31-0-102
cbusalex 3
cfbpeoplespoll 3 172 pts. Prev rank 6.
GenuineBoss 3
johnjones55 3
kcspot 3
Menktenk 3
penix4heisman 3
RadiationRichard 3 LW - 1
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 3 Very good team overall, and the QB position is probably solved for the next 4 years at this point. Don't believe I can rank them higher right now, because their resume at this point in the season isn't strong enough to overpower the assumptions i've made about OSU/UGA. Could jump UGA if they lose to bama
1Subject 4
chief_sitass 4
boomersooner222 5
CakeEaters 5
DeerPrison 5
ianmcmoney 5
youngs2309 5
133112 10 Texas...come on. Schedule games I want to watch.
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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