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2024 Week 2 Georgia Bulldogs Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
12panther 1
52hoova 1
_fastball 1
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 1
Acm0028 1
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 1
ALStark69 1 0 change from last week
arrowfan624 1
bakonydraco 1 79.439
BallSoHerd 1
BananaBouquet 1
bannista7 1
BearsAreGreat1 1
BenchRickyAguayo 1
Blazeth 1
Blooblod 1
BosskOnASegway 1
Branzilla91 1
bretticus33 1 Georgia with one of the most impressive wins of the weekend, although the talk was more about how awful Clemson’s offense is than anything Georgia did. Dawgs remain on top.
bties 1
buckeyes75 1
CambodianDrywall 1
captain_sasquatch 1
Cars-and-Coffee 1
Cassiyus 1
Cecil_Hardboner 1
CFBHurts 1
Ch-i-ef 1 Georgia can turn the ball over 10 times a game and win by 1 point in OT 10 straight games, they stay here until someone beats them
Charlemagne42 1 Let's reserve judgment until they get a real test.
ChaseTheFalcon 1
CockADoodleBOOM 1
coletheredditer 1 Obvious #1, no one really compares
colton_97 1
CommodoreN7 1
Conglossian 1
Corgi_Koala 1
cornholesurfer 1
Corporal_Hicks 1
corundum9 1
CptCheese 1
cvsprinter1 1
cyberchaox 1
D1N2Y 1
Daigotsu 1
dan4223 1
DarkLegend64 1
Darth_Ra 1
DarthYoda2594 1
diehardcubforever 1
DisraeliEers 1
dogwoodmaple 1
Doogitywoogity 1 They so thoroughly embarrassed Clemson. They made it so obvious that they’re the top team this year. Especially given how some of the other conferences’ top candidates looked this week.
Drexlore 1
DrKennethJNoisewater 1
Dropbackandpunt 1
eclectic_tastes 1
ehoefler 1 100.00
EpicSchwinn 1
ewolfy13 1 Yeah I think Georgia might be good
Extra_Excrement 1
fadingthought 1
falconlover79 1
Feral_Squirrel 1
fourpinz8 1
fredmerc111 1 LW: 1
frone 1
galacticdude7 1
GilBrandt 1
grjohnst 1
grtgbln 1
Hackasizlak 1
Harpua99 1
hascogrande 1
huskerfan4life520 1
hypercube42342 1
IceColdDrPepper_Here 1
icklebush 1
ikindalikelemons 1
jalexjsmithj 1 Clemson win most impressive win this year, truly blowing out a top 15 contender.
JamoRedhead 1
jaybigs 1
JBonkies 1
JeromesNiece 1
jimbobbypaul 1 Last year's ranking: 2. This year's ranking: 11
jrluhn 1
jthomas694 1
JustAManAndHisLaptop 1
JustinMSU21 1
kamiller2020 1
KirbyDumber88 1
Klaassy23 1 (LW Change: 0)
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 1
Lex_Ludorum 1
lillipup03 1
magnumweiner 1
MahjongDaily 1
Maladroit44 1
malowry0124 1
Meany_Vizzini 1 33.0, -, +3.3
Megalomanizac 1
MemeofMemeJTG999999 1 (1-0) (no change) W: 34-3 vs #19 Clemson (0-1) (in Atlanta) Next Week: vs Tennessee Tech (0-1) Projected Bowl: Sugar vs Notre Dame/Penn State
MoneyManeVick 1
monkeymatt1836 1
Mr_Brews 1
MrTheSpork 1
Muffinnnnnnn 1
nbingham196 1
nemoran 1
noahthearc 1
Noelthemexican 1
NotSoSuperNerd 1 1.305 (9.9-2.1)
nw____ 1
OldCoaly 1
one98d 1
outthawazoo 1
owl_man 1
owlalwaysloveyew 1
PHubbs 1
plannedsickdays 1
Player_1_has_Joined 1
Pollaski 1
practicallybert 1
PrimalCookie 1
PumpSmash 1
Pure_Protein_Machine 1
Rakarei 1
ReallyCreative 1
Red261 1
RegionalBias 1 Dawg deathstar mode on.
RegulatorRWF 1
RheagarTargaryen 1
RiffRamBahZoo 1
RJEP22 1 (1-0) - 90.389 pts
RobertNeyland 1
rocco2246 1
RollWarTideEagle 1
romulusjsp 1 (-) #1 until proven otherwise.
Ruhrgebietheld 1
sasmith2015 1
ScarletFever333 1
scronko 1
seaotter2 1
shadowwingnut 1 1 Seed - Plays winner Tennessee/Notre Dame
Shootit_Rockets 1
skuhlke 1
SlaminSammons 1
Sometimeswelose 1
SpadeRyker 1
spmartin1993 1
spsellers 1
srs_house 1
Staind075 1
SteemieRayVaughn 1
stew_pac 1
strikersteve60 1
SwissArmyScythe 1 +1 (Change from my ranking last week)
T-nawtical 1
T-Thugs 1 Georgia started off the season beating down Clemson in dominating fashion. Looked like a very good team.
tallg8tor 1
tauzeta 1
tdeff19 1
TDenverFan 1
Techwid 1
Terminal_BAS 1
the_lost_carrot 1
the_neverdoctor 1
TheNSAAgent777 1
tjstanley 1
tks231 1
Tman450x 1 Georgia looks like Georgia.
UNC_Samurai 1
vanburen1845 1
VerySeriousBanana 1
w8w8 1
wameron 1
washington_jefferson 1
wesman212 1
Xtremeloco 1
zenverak 1
Zloggt 1
Bank_Gothic 2
bwburke94 2
halldaylong 2
HarbingerOfFun 2
HelioOne 2
jjjoebox 2
Longvols 2
lookglen 2
manbeardawg 2
mellolizard 2
MemeLovingLoser 2 88.08
nburt13 2
NyquillusDillwad20 2
Pikachu1989 2
PlactusTX 2 (3) W 23 Clemson
TaylorLeprechaun 2 +0
TheZachster 2
titansfan174 2
ya111101 2
BUSean 3
ch1l1_ch33s3 3
djowen68 3
Helifino 3
ColombianInIowa24 4 Dominant performance means they will likely only rise.
HieloLuz 4 Points: 7 | Wins: 1 T6 |
Striker743 4
TouchdownHeroes 4 LW: 4
udubdavid 4
Hey_Its_Roomie 5
ToeInDigDeep 5
A_Rolling_Baneling 7
placid_salad 8 LW: #10
70stang 10 Tier 3 - 1-0 Teams with a P5 win either at home or a neutral site Neutral site wins are taking the edge over home wins here, which is why Vandy is last in this category. UGA won a neutral site game against Clemson.

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
70277027 1
_Junk_Rat_ 1
_JustinTheGreat_ 1
_TGT7 1 Beat Clemson soundly after a somewhat slow start, Georgia maintains expectations.
ActuallyJasonPrice 1
AdministrativeAnt683 1
Airweldon 1 Top team, beat ranked team handily.
ALToidzz 1
alttabbins 1
AnAngryPanda1 1
Arvandu 1
atlbluedevil 1
Bereft13 1 Power: 1, SoR: 1; LW: 2
BertGallagher 1
BoilerUp28 1
bolts_win_again 1
BoukenGreen 1
brihimia 1
brucewaynewins 1
bruhstevenson 1
Burnsite 1
CakeEaters 1
charmingcharles2896 1 Dominant as expected.
ChBass 1
chillmagic420 1
Chipsahoy523 1
ckubi 1
cnpeters 1
ConstantPause1239 1
cookie__monster___ 1
Coteup 1
Crelc3 1
CriterionCrypt 1
daa4th 1
DaewooLanosMFerr 1
Dan20698 1
daredassdude 1 Likely the best team in the nation
dawgfan24348 1
dheck2016 1
DillyDillySzn 1
divey043 1
doctrhouse 1
donbagert 1
DownshiftGD 1
dr_funk_13 1 Did nothing to disprove their top ranking
DragonFire101Gamer 1
drneilpretenamen 1
dterp13 1
dubkent 1
dubscurry30 1
EBuckhouse 1
Effective-Lead-6657 1
enneper4 1
ETHTrillionaire 1
Fantastic-Calendar-9 1 LW:1
Fghjkdid911 1
FlashSpider-man 1
FsuNolezz 1
ftskeebo 1 same
gavinw24 1
geauxsaints777 1
GeyWeyner12 1
GreenAndYellow12 1 +2
Greyson04 1
HideNZeke 1
hoovereatscowpoop 1 Tier - Elite
hurricaneatx 1 (1-0) -
ianmcmoney 1
iHasMagyk 1
ilikepie145 1
inconvenientpoop 1
irishGOP413 1
jackmc04 1 (-)
Jacob_Sumner 1
Jay_Dubbbs 1
jibberishdhyukl 1
JJones927 1
jonstark19 1 0
josh55134 1
Josh_historybuff 1 34-3 vs Clemson
journey1986 1
jwrtf 1
KansasChaser2021 1
kevinsdomain 1
Kirkwood641 1
Laschoni 1
leadbymight 1
Living_Human 1
loganisfresh 1 I don't believe they actually played as well as people are giving them credit for, and also don't believe that Clemson is a very good team, as they may as well have been 2023 Iowa with how anemic their offense looked at times. So safe to say I was not impressed with the first half, but I do recognize that Georgia's running back depth was not where it will be, and that could have been a contributor. Definitely turned the offense on the second half and looked like the #1 team once they wore down the Tiger defense.
LonghornInNebraska 1
LongjumpingState9635 1
luciusetrur 1 LW: #1
Luigiatl 1
MainPeanut25 1
MajikSix 1
ManiacalBlazer 1
mathmanhale 1
mauliknshah 1
maxwell6233 1
mcdsmaster8824 1
McIntyre2K7 1
Menktenk 1
Middle_Wheel_5959 1
Midnight-Mustang 1
mikecsiy 1
Milflover69cbb 1 Best team with the best win
mill1634 1
Minnesnowtaaa 1
Mossed26 1 Pure Dominance. Georgia is still the best team in college football and there is no reason to think otherwise.
mountain_troop86 1
mthompson2320 1 LW: 2
MuhMuhManRay 1
munchermode 1
NA_Faker 1 #1 until further notice; they get the benefit of the doubt due to how strong they’ve been recently.
NastyWideOuts 1
ndbfsu22 1
nebsA1 1
newSomberMan 1
notsaying123 1
OCD3ds 1
OG_Felwinter 1
Omegaus492 1
OSU_Shecter 1
OSUfan88 1
PeteyNice 1
Piptit 1
Protoco2 1
PsychologicalFox8660 1
quantum_jedi 1 Nothing new here. Dominant win over a good team.
RadiationRichard 1
RubbleHome 1
SaguaroCactus19 1
Salmon-Dude 1
sammyt21 1
samtaylor92 1
saquad69 1
sconbon 1
ScooterLeShooter 1
Scruggerboy 1
Serenityy8 1
Sflabuckeye13 1
Shion314 1
SignificanceFirm2398 1
sirvalkyerie 1
slashbopzing 1
slatibartifast3 1
SomerandomIDFBfan 1
soonertiger 1
Sp1cyRice 1 (0) Georgia pantses Clemson and safely secures the #1 spot. If it were a human poll, I'd rank them #1 too.
spaceblev11 1
Spazzatack 1
SpeddyDawg 1
spencej98 1
SpursUpSoundsGudToMe 1
SquadPoopy 1 As a gator fan, I am in hell, Georgia has shown no indication they're gonna stop being the top team in the country so far this year.
sroach91 1
STL_12 1
supercon21 1
tbutrie1916 1
tcomn 1 Group A
thatoneguyD13 1 Tier 1. Beat down of Clemson was very impressive.
The_Candler 1
The_Stratman 1
TheFalconGuy 1
TheGlassRemains 1
Thehomelessguy11 1
thehornedlamb 1
thejus10 1
TheQuakinator 1
TheReformedBadger 1
TheSleaze22 1
throwaway_6786 1 Pretty obvious choice.
tisofold 1
Tornadohunter24 1 [-] [1-0] JFC, Kirby. That team had a family and a NIL backed by God. At least the drive back isn't far...
True_Ad5324 1
trust_the_process__ 1
tumadrelover 1
twr96 1
Tylex123 1
tyy1117 1
Underground_Bread 1
usernamegoeshere763 1
vindictivejazz 1
WebfootTroll 1
willbill182 1
WRSpill 1
Wumbology724 1
Xy13 1
Yelich04 1 -
youngs2309 1
ziggysaysnada 1
666haha 2
big_thunder_man 2 Also had what would have been a top 5 impressive win this week over Clemson.
BuckeyeForLife95 2
camus69x 2
cfbpeoplespoll 2 125pts. Neutral win vs top 10 team
FigletPiglet 2 -1
PersianGuitarist 2
Prof_Pie 2 They kicked around a mediocre Clemson team, I don't see a good enough reason to push them past OSU just yet.
RealignmentJunkie 2
schneeplehoppen 2
ShefCrl 2
silfarion10 2
tatteredgnome_23 2
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 2 Jesus christ.
penix4heisman 3
BeyondLiesTheWub 4
CallingUagoatUgoat 4
chief_sitass 5
CallMeTheKing 6 1-0-132
wittingtarsier 8
grahamca 12 T1ˢᵗ W/L, T5ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 7ᵗʰ Team Strength, 35ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
Rcfan0902 18
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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