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2023 Final James Madison Dukes Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
spasm01 10
A_Rolling_Baneling 12
grjohnst 12
tks231 12
Pablo49 13 -3
trumpet_23 13
fo13 14
placid_salad 14
ruwisc 15
skuhlke 15
Stoneador 15
Apep86 16
Maladroit44 16
udubdavid 16
velociraptorfarmer 16
YellowSkarmory 16
bretticus33 17 Maybe another controversial one, and JMU falls into the FSU category for me. They didn't have as many losses as FSU and a lot of key guys still played, but going into a game with the HC away from the team is a really tough situation to go into. James Madison was a top 25 team this season.
jalexjsmithj 17
owlalwaysloveyew 17
SearonTrejorek 17 0.74542
BlueSCar 18
bwburke94 18 +10.0623524 (LW: #17)
DampFrijoles 18
HieloLuz 18
Jakesnake42 18 67.09 Last Week: #17
JaxofAllTrades13 18
OKgolfer 18
SpadeRyker 18
studio_sally 18
ToeInDigDeep 18
CPiGuy2728 19
jimbobbypaul 19 21.35
practicallybert 19
thomasosu 19
AlphaH4wk 20
Bill3ffinMurray 20
cinciforthewin 20
D1N2Y 20 +3
hythloday1 20
Inkblot9 20
joebob431 20
Noy_Telinu 20
Terminal_BAS 20
confirmd_am_engineer 21
infinitempg 21 0.557
nbingham196 21
Red261 21
sirgippy 21
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 22
Arteza147 22
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 22
Hugefootballfan44 22 LW: 21
kflinderman 22
lillipup03 22
luckroy 22 Pot 10
Polarbear1914 22
posiitively 22
ShogunAshoka 22
Blazeth 23
Blooblod 23
CFBHurts 23
corundum9 23
ewolfy13 23 They lost a lot, not just players. Rebuilding a coaching staff is tough
G-Aardvark 23
GenialGiant 23
halldaylong 23
Hey_Its_Roomie 23
nburt13 23
RheagarTargaryen 23
TimeBroken 23 Rank: #21
BugsSuck 24
hascogrande 24
JonesUCF34 24
Knightro2011 24
r0sco 24
Ruhrgebietheld 24
TaylorLeprechaun 24 -1
The-Gothic-Castle 24
the_neverdoctor 24
BallSoHerd 25
boxbeat 25
boxman151515 25
creative_penguin 25
DataDrivenPirate 25
Dropbackandpunt 25
frumious88 25
fshi 25
Hackasizlak 25
huskerfan4life520 25
NyquillusDillwad20 25
olmsted 25
ReallyCreative 25
soonersthebetter 25
theb52 25 32.846
Wescat 25
wesman212 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
MemeLovingLoser 6
TadKosciuszko 10
ColombianInIowa24 13 Loses Armed Forces Bowl to Air Force (#39) Pseudo SBC Champ Notable Wins: #14 Troy (SBC-champ) Losses: App. St. (SBC Runner-Up), Air Force Bad end of season.
1Subject 14
DeerPrison 15 LW: 15
Noelthemexican 15
ThompsonCreekTiger 15
ChBass 16
PerfectZeroKnowledge 16
BenchRickyAguayo 17
dubscurry30 19
grahamca 19 T9ᵗʰ W/L, T12ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 21ˢᵗ Team Strength, 26ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
ManiacalBlazer 19 71.374
stew_pac 19 -4
TallBear69 19
BeyondLiesTheWub 20
PlactusTX 20 (16) L Air Force
RadiationRichard 20
Serenityy8 20
ehoefler 21 62.13 | -5
KansasChaser2021 21
Xy13 21
Fantastic-Calendar-9 22
mthompson2320 22
PattyKane16 22
readonlypdf 22
TheFalconGuy 22
WillWorkForSugar 22
JBonkies 23
RedBarracuda25 23 Asking a 272 year old president to defeat the largest Air Force in the world probably was never going to go well. Right as the Dukes finally are able to win a sun belt title... the whole team leaves. There's still a lot of talent left on the squad, and they got a great hc hire in my opinion. I think they'll have more fun in the fun belt then they expect
samuelbassett 23
Tornadohunter24 23
silfarion10 24
Underground_Bread 24
AdministrativeAnt683 25
RealignmentJunkie 25
rocco2246 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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