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2023 Week 11 Duke Blue Devils Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
tallg8tor 16
frumious88 20
SpadeRyker 20
Meany_Vizzini 21 11.6 (-0.4), -; SOR: 11.9 (24th, +1.0, +2), MOV: 11.2 (17th, -1.9, -1)
No11223456 21
theb52 21 32.889
bwburke94 22 +9.4408759 (LW: #30)
justsaynotoreddit 22
practicallybert 22
The_Good_Constable 22
ChaseTheFalcon 23
CPiGuy2728 23
jjjoebox 23
corundum9 24
soonersthebetter 24
e8odie 25
Fmeson 25
MarlinsGuy 25
T-nawtical 25 NC State, Miami, USC, Liberty, West Virginia, Fresno St., Air Force, Kansas St., Kentucky, UCLA,
Texasagsman 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
chief_sitass 18
donald_flap 18
redrhino777 19
Additional-Stick6374 20
CaptainScuttlebottom 20 Another team that I think is really good, but has weird inexplicable losses that throw off my perception. I think their QB is also hurt so that makes it harder too.
CallingUagoatUgoat 21 > T-21. 13.5 pts. > 0 SP+ T-10 wins. > 1 SP+ T-25 win (Clemson). > 2 SP+ T-10 losses (Notre Dame, Ohio State). > 1 SP+ T-25 loss (USC).
CarmenCiardiello 21
cbusalex 21
IDropFatLogs 21
UnkelEarl 21
aredna 22
DeerPrison 22 LW: #23
sebastianrasor 23 10.6 | 1.1
TheSunsNotYellow 23 .4925
drewscottt 24
losbullitt 24
Player_1_has_Joined 24
Weekly_Flatworm5707 24
0010MK 25 Duke has wins over #30 NC State, #42 Clemson, and #59 Northwestern, which earned them the #25 spot with a rating of 89.83
_TGT7 25 NEW, possibly a surprising choice to enter the top 25, when evaluating Duke’s resume they have no bad losses, and they have nice wins over Clemson and NC State, offense could be better (seems to be a theme this season with unbalanced top 25 teams), but still a great team.
Menktenk 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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