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2019 Week 4 Texas A&M Aggies Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
_Brazenhead_ 8 Blew out an inferior opponent. No reason to move up or down.
justsaynotoreddit 8
andrewthestudent 10
DarthYoda2594 10
GenialGiant 10 Texas A&M absolutely dominated this Saturday, but they don't have time to rest on their laurels with a huge game against their second Tigers team of the season.
Spiral-Pilot 10
ThaCarter 10
toocleverbyhalf 10
Charlemagne42 11 Another top team, another flavorless cupcake, another (+0)
eclectic_tastes 11
G-Aardvark 11
gbuntin 11
nbingham196 11 The most impressive thing they’ve done this season was only losing to Clemson by two touchdowns. Auburn game will reveal how good they really are
nickknx865 11
plannedsickdays 11
polydorr 11
stripes361 11
ThePUNisher96 11
uwbjb 11
CollegeGolf69 12
fireinvestigator113 12
jnoobs13 12
remwin 12
THECrew42 12
Ticklebump 12
tylerbc 12
buckeyes75 13
Conglossian 13
DrKennethJNoisewater 13
Fmeson 13
halldaylong 13
MoneyManeVick 13
OKgolfer 13
owl_man 13
pileatedloon 13
r0sco 13
sirgippy 13
Blazeth 14
BosskOnASegway 14
bties 14
Cecil_Hardboner 14
Disregardskarma 14
ExternalTangents 14
GilBrandt 14
Hobbes_121 14
Hoflax24 14
JeromesNiece 14
KobeOrNotKobe 14
ndhuskerpower 14
No11223456 14
roaddogg 14
Striker743 14
TheZachster 14
TopGoose 14
TopheryG8er 14
A-Stu-Ute 15
Acm0028 15
admiraltarkin 15
AGSattack 15
BallSoHerd 15
Blooblod 15
boxbeat 15
captain_sasquatch 15
deadtofall12 15
GatorAndrew 15
Hackasizlak 15
JonesUCF34 15
Keener1899 15
lk6 15
malowry0124 15
Mario_Speedwagon 15
Nathanael-Greene 15
nburt13 15
PalmettoFace 15
PaulWall31 15
SCsprinter13 15
Texasagsman 15
tjstanley 15
ttsci 15
Arsenal7X 16
BabyBladder 16
blahblehblahwhoru 16
CarbonCamaroZL1 16
cms186 16
CountryRoads8 16
crimsonlaw 16 This may be the last week we see A&M in my poll for a while. They catch Auburn at home, and while the Aggies have looked great against lesser opponents and did a respectable job against Clemson, Auburn will give them fits. Fisher won't get to hang up his national champ plaque this year.
d_mcc_x 16
DafoeFoSho 16
DavoinShower-handle 16
dicky_________seamus 16
f0gax 16
GeauxAllDay 16
hascogrande 16
kelctex 16
MammothMan34 16
mango_lion 16
mellolizard 16
Miami_da_U 16
mjacksongt 16
myghtymouse 16
Our-Gardian-Angel 16
Papalew32 16
peachios 16 Lost to the number 1 team in the nation that most feel is one of the best in general. We'll see if they indeed are top 10-15 material on their schedule and this weekend is the start. 
Pollaski 16
PureCFR 16
RatherBeYachting 16
scronko 16
SCRx 16
SPRX97 16
SSJRoshi 16
TanzaniaMagic 16
Techwid 16
TheFlyingBoat 16
thegreendalegelf 16
typicaliconoclast 16
ya111101 16
AaronRodgers16 17
ArtificialBadger 17
bakonydraco 17
Bill3ffinMurray 17
BorisNumber1 17
boxman151515 17
CambodianDrywall 17
cmdrcaboose2 17
crownebeach 17 The computer rankings all say I'm too low on A&M, but their offense hasn't shown me anything above fourth gear yet, so I'm reserving judgment. Nice prove-it game upcoming against a fabulous Auburn defense.
DarkLegend64 17 --
dasani3x 17
dupreesdiamond 17
G-manP 17
Ghost_of_Dude 17
Helifino 17
I_am_bot_beep_boop 17
icklebush 17
itsabearcannon 17
Jakesnake42 17
JCiLee 17
nin478 17
Omegaus492 17
PHubbs 17
puffadda 17
RegulatorRWF 17
royrules22 17
seaotter2 17
soonersthebetter 17 A&M has the best loss, but both of their wins are pretty weak. Looking forward to the match up against Auburn next week.
steelcitygator 17
taloncarde 17
tdeff19 17
theeguy 17
TheReformedBadger 17
tmothy07 17
ToLongDR 17
UNC_Samurai 17
vanburen1845 17
W_Is_For_Will 17
XSavageWalrusX 17
Zerosa 17
Andtheyrustledsoftly 18
BamaPride95 18
Brostradamus_ 18
BrutonGaster77 18
Buckeyes2010 18
buttforaface 18
Cassiyus 18
CertifiedSheep 18
CFSparta92 18
dan4223 18
darkra01 18
esoterik 18
Extra_Excrement 18
Foxmcbowser42 18
GoBlueScrewOSU7 18
HarbingerOfFun 18
HelioOne 18
hypercube42342 18 +2
iliketoupvotepuns 18
jmac_21 18
jshokie1 18
JustAManAndHisLaptop 18
kelling928 18
Longvols 18
mnmmatt 18
moistats_ 18 Texas A&M has the same case as Oregon.
orangeslash 18
Pikachu1989 18
Rakarei 18
ShogunAshoka 18
strikersteve60 18
teddythe3rd 18
tks231 18
ToeInDigDeep 18 Best loss in the country
Trogdor42069 18
ucieaters33 18
wesman212 18
52hoova 19
BobDeLaSponge 19
Cars-and-Coffee 19
ChemicalOle 19
e8odie 19
goblue10 19
hawkspur1 19
JaxofAllTrades13 19
LiptonCB 19
monkeymatt1836 19
MrTheSpork 19
nejaahalcyon 19
noahthearc 19
olmsted 19
orboth 19
PumpSmash 19
ReallyCreative 19
Red261 19
RiffRamBahZoo 19
tmart12 19
WarEagle9 19
xelphin 19
BlueFalcon89 20
BUSean 20
bwburke94 20
Chris-P-Creme 20
CockADoodleBOOM 20
fo13 20
Frognosticator 20
fshi 20
galacticdude7 20
huskerfan4life520 20
jlh2b 20
Lex_Ludorum 20
rmp0005 20
scotsworth 20
T-nawtical 20
TaylorLeprechaun 20 +1
thexraptor 20
topher3003 20
Wescat 20
zacheiny 20
311polo 21
beerslingerjay 21
DEP61 21
Dropbackandpunt 21
FellKnight 21
Harmbert_ 21
IAmAChemicalEngineer 21
Johnnycockseed 21
noodlethebear 21
pascha 21
Pieisgood186 21
ScarletFever333 21
spsellers 21
TDenverFan 21
WeenisWrinkle 21
Wurst_Law 21
bgr308 22
brobroma 22
ChickenTaco 22
diastereomer 22
fadingthought 22
Feral_Squirrel 22
lkeg56demn 22
MarlinsGuy 22
studio_sally 22
alextoyalex 23
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 23
cinciforthewin 23
igloo27 23
TheJeemTeam 23 1/7 in Tier H: Only loss was to #1 Clemson. Have otherwise dominated lesser competition.
conchobor 24
funtubs 24
kflinderman 24
BugsSuck 25
SearonTrejorek 25 0.53817
The-Gothic-Castle 25
twosheepforanore 25
VerySeriousBanana 25 Losing to the best team in America can't hurt too much.

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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